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Landfall 220

Open House

* Announces the winner of The Kathleen Grattan Award for Poetry 2010, Judged by Vincent O'Sullivan

* Announces and publishes the winner of the Landfall Essay Competition 2010, Judged by Cilla McQueen

* Photographic portfolios by Max Oettli and Andrew Ross Back page by Kathryn Madill

What's Inside

Landfall open house makes for an exhilarating read. There's new voices, an eclectic range of poetry, a whole bunch of 'first-person' fictions, reviews of dozens of recent New Zealand books, and terrific artwork. The mailbox (electronic and snail-mail) has delivered some treats for this issue: be charmed by Terence Rissetto's Son of Sam, Francis Cooke's Satisfaction, or Andrew Ross's take on Southland: for playful poetry, try Anna Jackson or Bernard Cadogan; and sit back and savour serious reviews of books by Patricia Grace, Francis Pound, Kerry Popplewell, Judith Dell Panny and Penelope Todd (that's just the Ps). Cilla McQueen presents the winner and a runner-up of the Landfall Essay Competition 2010 and Vincent O'Sullivan announces his pick from the Kathleen Grattan Award entries.


Poetry: Nick Ascroft, Miro Bilbrough, Zarah Butcher McGunnigle, Bernard Cadogan, David Eggleton, Rhian Gallagher, Anna Jackson, Koenraad Kuiper, Brent Kininmont, F.S. Mika, Harvey Molloy, Hannah Newport Watson, Kerry Popplewell, Tom Weston, Keith Westwater Fiction/Auto-Fiction: Pip Adam, Francis Cooke, Tony O'Brien, Dan Preston, Terence Rissetto, Latika Vasil, Kirsten Warner Essays/Commentary: Lynn Davidson Photographs: Max Oettli, Andrew Ross The Landfall Review: Kate Duignan, David Eggleton, Denis Harold, Siobhan Harvey, Jeffrey Paparoa Holman, Jan Kemp, Robert McLean, Georgina McWhirter, Cy Mathews, Andrew Paul Wood, Nicholas Reid, Anna Rogers, Elspeth Sandys Cover: Max Oettli Back page: Kathryn Madill


Landfall 220 prose editor David Eggleton is a performance poet and writer who grew up between Fiji and New Zealand. His many awards include six times Book Reviewer of the Year in the Montana New Zealand Book Awards, PEN Best First Book of Poetry in 1987, the Robert Burns Fellowship and, uniquely among New Zealand poets, he was London Time Out's Street Entertainer of the Year in 1985. He has written or contributed to many books on the arts in New Zealand, and has produced several documentaries, CDs and short films. He also edited Landfall 218 Islands.

Landfall 220 poetry editor Richard Reeve is the author of four books of poetry, Dialect of Mud (AUP 2001), The Life and the Dark (AUP 2004), In Continents (AUP 2008) and The Among (Maungatua Press 2008). A fifth collection, Generation Kitchen, is forthcoming. He is also the current featured poet for Poetry New Zealand, and has had work published widely in New Zealand and internationally including four poems in the annual Best New Zealand Poems series. He holds a doctorate on 'poetic reality' from the University of Otago, and until 2009 was House editor for Otago University Press. Reeve is now a full-time Law student, though with Dr Mick Abbott he recently edited a forthcoming anthology of essays on 'the possibility of wilderness' in Aotearoa New Zealand. Reeve has also organised live poetry in Dunedin from 1995 to the present, with readings at the Robert Burns, The Temple Gallery, Fuel Cafe, Arc, the Crown and Circadian Rhythm.

ISBN 978 1 877372 99 5, paperback, 215 x 165 mm, 208 pp, $29.95