Last Weekend’s Caption Contest™ Winners

Juding for last week’s Weekend Caption Contest™ was delayed due to a family vacation on the part of your judge. I know I let you down, but I’m back to make it up to you early this morning. The entries last week were very strong and we’re back to normal participation levels after the holiday. [...]

Sep 16, 2011 / 4 Comments / Read More

Sgt (then Cpl) Dakota Meyer, USMC, Medal of Honor

The first living Marine to be so honored in 38 years.

Sep 15, 2011 / 3 Comments / Read More

Rick Perry – “spiritual” or “anti-intellectual?”

Drudge linked to an article about Rick Perry’s faith in this morning’s Washington Post: “Perry casts himself as spiritual, forsaking talk of jobs for a day” But before I talk about the article and the role of faith in today’s politics, I want to point out that both the web title and URL of the [...]

Sep 15, 2011 / 16 Comments / Read More

Jay Tea, Peacemaker

Well, Joe McGinniss’ smear book on Sarah Palin is out (the one that he researched by, in part, moving in next door to the Palins’ home, overlooking their children’s bedrooms), and it has several conservative bloggers expressing their contempt for Joe The Peeper. And two of them are bloggers I consider… well, blog-friends, who are [...]

Sep 15, 2011 / 10 Comments / Read More

Todd Palin addresses the smears, the innuendo, the latest falsehoods about his wife

It’s a wonder the guy hasn’t punched somebody out yet: Sarah Palin’s husband jumped to her defense Thursday after an upcoming book claimed the Republican politician snorted cocaine off an oil drum and had a premarital fling with an African-American basketball star. “The Rogue: Searching for the Real Sarah Palin” by Joe McGinniss — who [...]

Sep 15, 2011 / 38 Comments / Read More

Let’s Give Them What They Want!

As we draw closer to the time when the Palestinians say they’re going to petition the UN for official statehood, they’re showing the world more and more what that state will look like. And I’m slowly creeping away from my instinctive “hell, no!” response to thinking that it just might be the best thing for [...]

Sep 15, 2011 / 19 Comments / Read More

So… you think Jon Stewart is a butt-munch?

At times, the man may very well be… but not here…  not on this segment… watch it till the end… the very end: H/T to Mr. Shea… once again.

Sep 14, 2011 / 18 Comments / Read More

Oops! Philadelphia aviation school has a “Johnny” moment.

Johnny was the looney air traffic controller in the movie “Airplane!” Apparently the Aviation Institute of Maintenance in Philadelphia has its own Johnny.   Claudia Rendon was fired from her job at the school after she took a leave of absence in order to donate one of her kidneys to her ailing son. Philadelphia TV [...]

Sep 14, 2011 / 6 Comments / Read More

Obama jobs plan to be trumpeted at company that outsources half its workforce

Smart move there Mr. President: President Obama today is visiting a small North Carolina manufacturing company that has outsourced half its workforce to Costa Rica and whose president is a Democratic politician who has contributed $2,000 to Obama. WestStar Precision, a machine manufacturing firm headquartered in the Raleigh-Durham area, has a second plant located in [...]

Sep 14, 2011 / 13 Comments / Read More

Obama Scandals Update: Death By A Thousand Cuts

It’s long overdue (as in, “I haven’t mentioned it in at least 72 hours”) for another round of Obama Scandals Updates!   First up, the bad news. No silver bullets here. No smoking guns. Nothing that is guaranteed to bring down at least several major figures, just more piling on. But just because it ain’t [...]

Sep 14, 2011 / 46 Comments / Read More

“All this for a flag” (UPDATED)

A number of folks, to include Bookworm and NoisyRoom, are covering the First Lady’s alleged dissing of a flag ceremony at the 9/11 memorial event held this past Sunday.  If what is seen below is what it appears to be, then can there be any doubt as to the radicalism of the first couple? Lip [...]

Sep 14, 2011 / 95 Comments / Read More

“The national mood has darkened”

That’s the AP’s spin on yesterday’s “surprising” election results in New York and Nevada.  I’d say that genuine hope and change has arrived… with a vengeance: It sounded improbable on the surface that a New York City congressional district where Democrats have a 3-1 registration edge and have held office for nearly a century could [...]

Sep 14, 2011 / 14 Comments / Read More