Election thoughts, two days to go.

The headlines in today’s press tell it all: CNN Poll – Large Advantage for GOP as election nears, which reports that on the generic ballot question, the Republicans have a 10 point advantage ( in 1994, the parties were tied ). The Washington Post: Virginians Share Lesson Learned: GOP in power not so bad, reportiing that a year after Virginia elected a Republican governor and put the Rs back in charge of the Legislature,  ” many say that they have few regrets and are generally pleased – if not ecstatic – about what Republicans have done.”. National Review Online : The GOP takeover of state legislatures, reporting that the Rs could take control of up to 18 more  state legislative chambers Tuesday night; Politico: Grim Dems Await Huge House Losses, enough said. Washington Post again:Voter Unrest Echoes that of 1994 Poll Shows; and, finally, from the New York Times: Thin Crowd for Cleveland Campaigh Rally, a description of the President’s big rally in Ohio on Sunday, in an arena that was ‘ little more than half full’.

The Republicans will gain somewhere north of 50 seats in the House ( I think a minimum of 60 ) and come close to winning the Senate. A lot of familiar names will not be in DC in January.  Here in Washington, I think they will gain at least two Congressional seats, six state Senate seats and ten state house seats. The Senate race is close, but the momentum this closing weekend is with Dino. All of you who have voted and phoned and waved signs and walked precincts and been candidates deserve great thanks and appreciation because it is your efforts which will allow us to reclaim America.

The real work begins November 3rd. The winners have to get to work to turn this country around. Their supporters have to help them do that. Every one of you who worked on this election will have to stay in the game. If you don’t, your election efforts will be in vain.

The left is angry – I’ll tell you about my mail sometime, the cards, letters and emails I receive  from the tolerant, educated, loving lunatics on that side of the spectrum. They are angry at us because we are going to win, because we are going to stop their  grand plans of transforming our country by the policies of theft, envy and power. They are angry at President Obama because they think he has been too conservative. It’s funny how they label the right angry and intolerant when most folks on the right just want to be left alone. The left wants to run your life. The message on Tuesday will be simple – NO! As one candidate in Virginia puts it, LESS WE CAN!

I am writing this on Halloween, as I wait for the first kids to come knocking on our door. For some, it’s a scary night. But for the left, the scariest night comes in two days. For most Americans, it will be a night of relief, of hope, of promise, a new dawn coming to our land, a night where we say enough and reject the radical left wing policies of the current administration and Congress. Enjoy, celebrate, laugh, cry tears of relief, party like it’s 1773. And, then, let’s wake up on Wednesday and get to work. We have our children’s future to fix, much work to do, a country to save and reclaim. It won’t be easy, but then, nothing worthwhile ever is. It will be difficult and hard, but then, we are Americans. Bring it on.

Election workers needed

KIng County GOP needs temp workers on Sunday, Noon-6PM, Monday 10 AM – 8 PM and Tuesday, 9 AM - 9 PM. $10/ hour and bonus opportunities. Call Lisa 425-990-0404 or stop by the office, 845 106 Avenue NE in Bellevue.

Election Picks and more…..

Let me repeat my choices on ballot measures: Yes on 1053, 1082, 1100 and 1107; No on 1098, 1105 and Referendum 52; Yes on 4220 and No on 8225. No on King County Prop 1 and yes on the three proposed county charter amendments. The only contested judicial races I know enough to recommend a choice is Richard Sanders on the State Supreme Court and Larry Mitchell, NE Distict Court position 7. I am voting a straight Republican ticket for all partisan races.

Don’t forget that I will be on KTTH 770 AM election night with David Boze and Michael Medved. Spread the word to friends, family and anyone interested in the election.

Eight days to go, but lots of work to do. Get involved.

I attended a campaign event for Dino Friday night at BoConcept, a furniture store at 901 Western, down near the waterfront. Great locale, great event, sponsored by Young Professionals for Dino Rossi. We were the old folks there, lots of young people ( 150-200 ), all supporting Dino. He was good, more animated and enthused than he has been. He can win, but he needs your help. Volunteer, contribute, spread the word. Judgment Day is near.

The Sunday Detroit News carried a story that shows how near, and how bad it will be for one of the two major political parties. Bill Clinton was speaking at an appearance in Detroit, at a rally for their gubernatorial candidate in Michgan, Virg Bernero,  on Sunday. Let me quote from the article: ” Clinton…is popular in Detroit and trying to fire up the party base in Michigan…But he began his speech just before 3 PM in a high school gym that was less than half full….Shortly before Clinton took the stage, the Rev. Wendell Anthony, president of the Detroit branch of the NAACP, urged attendees to leave bleacher seats along one side of the gym and try to fill the area in front of the podium before Clinton began his address…Clinton said Bernero should be far ahead of Snyder ( the Republican Bernero trails by 20 points in the polls ), but ‘ this is one of the most frustrating, perplexing elections in America’….” This is the time we need to be excited”, Bernero’s running mate, Brenda Lawrence, told the several hundred people drawn to the rally.” Think about what you just read.  Bill Clinton, wildly popular in Detroit, speaking to a half-full high school gym, several hundred people, talking about a frustrating and perplexing election.

Judgment Day is eight days away.

Election Recommendations…..

I know, I  know, it’s been a while, but folks, I have been in the trenches, crossing the state, doing election work. I have noticed one thing – THERE ARE NOT ENOUGH OF YOU OUT THERE. It’s not too late, to man a phone bank, doordrop a precinct, sign wave, whatever you can do. Americans for Prosperity has a great phone project which you can do from home – go to www.americansforprosperity.org and click on Freedom Phone project ( upper right corner ). You sign up there and BINGO!, you are plugged in and make the calls FROM HOME. They select the numbers, give you the script, everything you need. Now, I am biased because I am state director of AFP, but it can’t get any easier for you. Too much talking, not enough walking, so sign up today. We have one volunteer in Orting, Reid Simpson, who has made over 1700 phone calls so far.  He was on the Medved show today. Let’s give him some company. Sign up today.

Here are my recommendations for the initiatives and ballot measures: 1053, 1082, 1100, 1107 all yes. 1098, 1105, no. Ref 52, no. HJR 4220, yes. King County, no on Ref 1, yes on the charter amendments.

Don’t forget that I will be on KTTH 770 on election night, Tuesday, November 2, from 5 PM – 11 PM. Michael Medved, David Boze and I will bring you all of the breaking election results from around the country and right here at home, and the best analysis available on Seattle radio. Please tune in and spread the word too. Note: the other so-called ‘conservative’ talk station in town has no plans so far for any coverage, so you can hear delayed national shows over there.

The tsunami wave grows and Democrat losses will be staggering. National analysts are now predicting 55-65 losses in the House ( remember, I have been saying 60 since early summer ). And, you know the Rossi-Murray race is close by how many big guns the D’s are bringing in for her, and how often they are here. More to come soon.

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