Rue 89

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Rue89 is a French news website. It was officially launched on 6 May 2007, on the day of the second round of the French presidential election. Its news editor is Pascal Riché, former Op-ed editor of Libération, and its chief editor. The president of the society Rue 89 is Pierre Haski, the former deputy editor of Libération.


[edit] History

Rue89 was co-founded by Pierre Haski, Pascal Riché, Arnaud Aubron, Michel Lévy-Provençal, and Laurent Mauriac. Libération, which had been bought back by Édouard de Rothschild, was then in the turmoil of a crisis, which included a plan of downsizing and the voluntary resignation of a number of its long-standing employees. As soon as 14 May 2007, Rue 89 published its first scoop, taken up by the rest of the French press, which concerned the censorship of an article which was to be published by the Journal du dimanche, owned by Arnaud Lagardère, who is close to Sarkozy. The suppressed article spoke about the abstention of Cécilia Sarkozy, the wife of the new President Nicolas Sarkozy, at the second round of the Presidential election.

On 5 September 2007, Pascal Riché revealed that Alexis Debat, a collaborator of The National Interest and of ABC News, had signed a false interview of Barack Obama, published in Politique Internationale. The article underlined a number of incoherencies concerning Debat's alleged Curriculum Vitae [1]. Rue 89's scoop was taken up by The Washington Post, and Debat resigned from The National Interest [2].

In February 2008, Michel Lévy-Provençal, one of the founders, who left when the website was launched, sold his shares and criticized Rue89 for being a "marketing success" but a journalistic failure. Michel Lévy-Provençal, Pourquoi je veux (à nouveau) quitter Rue89

In June 2010, Rue89 launched a monthly paper.

[edit] Name

According to its editor, Pascal Riché, the name Rue89 has been chosen as a reference to freedom, through French Revolution (1789) and the fall of the Berlin wall (1989) as much as the symbolism of the street (in French: rue) as a place of meeting and discussion.

[edit] Founders

[edit] Team

[edit] See also

[edit] References

  1. ^ Pascal Riché, Une fausse interview d'Obama dans Politique internationale, Rue 89, 5 September 2007 (French)
  2. ^ Howard Kurtz, Consultant Probed in Bogus Interview, The Washington Post, September 13, 2007 (English)

[edit] External links

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