European Parliament election, 1984 (France)

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France, European Parliament election, 1984
1984 ←
14–17 June 1984
→ 1989
81 seats to the European Parliament

In 1984 the second direct elections to the European Parliament were held in France. Four parties were able to win seats: an alliance of the centre right Union for French Democracy and the Gaullist Rally for the Republic, the Socialist Party and the French Communist Party, and the Front National. 56.7% of the French population turned out on election day.

The result was the first time the far-right Front National obtained important results- this time 10.8% and close to the declining French Communist Party.

[edit] Results

e • d Summary of the 1984 European Parliament election results in France
Parties and coalitions Top Candidate % Seats
Union for French Democracy (Union pour la démocratie Française) - Rally for the Republic (Rassemblement pour la République) Simone Veil 43.02 41
Socialist Party (Parti socialiste) Lionel Jospin 20.75 20
French Communist Party (Parti communiste français) Georges Marchais 11.20 10
National Front (Front National) Jean-Marie Le Pen 10.95 10
The Greens (Les Verts) Didier Anger 3.36 0
Others 10.67 0
Total 100 81
Abstention: 43.3% (1st round)

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