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With the cost of raising a child from birth to university now at £200 000, don’t you think you could use a little help ?

Life Neutral™ families receive substantial rewards from our partners to redress the unfortunate consequences of international disputes. Our truly innovative programme covers everything from health care to education and so much more. Can you afford not to take part ?

The Sustainable Solution

You’ve heard of the importance of being carbon neutral? Well, being Life Neutral is the same - but with people. For every* life lost as a result of the use of products from our member organisations, we make sure that a new life flourishes. Join today and your next child could be a Life Neutral™ child.

Life Neutral Solutions works with the defence industry to provide solutions for balancing the unfortunate side effects of weapons use. Through sponsoring the birth and care of children in North America, the United Kingdom and Europe, Life Neutral™ is committed to offsetting the collateral effects of defence operations in third-world conflict zones.
Life Neutral Solutions is interested in working with you. We are seeking potential parents who are committed to an ethical approach to weapons use and are excited by the possibility of an integrated package that would support you in bringing new life into our world.

Just a few Life Neutral Benefits

*Private Education
*Private Health Care
*Nappies and Formula
*Access to top universities



More information coming soon...
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If you are currently pregnant, or hope to be by Jan 1st 2012 please sign up to our mailing list to find out about corporate weapons sponsorship for your child.
Unfortunately the general public are not allowed into DSEi due to security restrictions.
All applicants for the programme will be genetically and psychometrically assessed on an equal opportunities basis. Our sponsors reserve the right to disqualify applications according to internal guidelines. Life Neutral is a consortium of military industrial and consumer brands. By applying for the programme you consent to the sharing of your data within The Consortium.
Life Neutral partners accept no responsibility for any life lost as a result of the use of their products.
*GDP used to calculate exact offset value