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Indian Betel Farmers Battle South Korean Steel Giant
Moushumi Basu with Pratap Chatterjee
August 30th, 2011

Farmers in Odisha are challenging POSCO, a South Korean steel giant. The confrontation is yet another David versus Goliath battle pitting “progress” against traditional agriculturists in a struggle to define development in India.

Sukhdev Sahoo mourns the loss of his betel farm. Photo: Basant Sahoo

War Profiteers

Spies for Hire

Natural Resources

Burmese Crossroads: Oil & Gas Rush Stokes Civil War
Matthew F Smith
July 26th, 2011

Chinese and South Korean companies are leading an investor rush to Burma to build lucrative cross-country pipelines to deliver Saudi oil and Burmese natural gas to China. Poor communities have been displaced and allegations of human rights abuses are rife in the pipeline's route.
Photo: Earth Rights International. Collage: CorpWatch


Toxic Pop: How Tar Sands Fuel Disposable Cans
Geoff Dembicki
July 11th, 2011

One in six of the 100 billion soda, beer, and juice cans cracked open by North Americans each year owe their existence to an industrial product manufactured from Alberta’s tar sands. The result is an environmental disaster for Canada as well as a major contributor to global warming.
Photo by Dustin Hicks

War & Disaster Profiteering

Subcontracting Substandard Services
David Isenberg
June 27th, 2011

Najlaa International Catering Services of Kuwait faces numerous complaints and court actions for non-payment of bills and alleged fraud for work conducted on U.S. military bases in Iraq. The allegations show that the Pentagon is still unable to manage subcontractors eight years after the invasion.

Natural Resources

Killing Clean Energy Laws
Geoff Dembicki
May 5th, 2011

Tar sands from Alberta have enabled Canada to become the largest supplier of crude oil to the U.S. Tom Corcoran, a Washington lobbyist, is paid to promote this rapidly growing industry that produces some of the most emissions-heavy gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel on the planet.
Syncrude Tar Sands Mining Operations
Syncrude Tar Sands Mining Operations. Photo by David Dodge, The Pembina Institute


Indian Roads Endanger Ways of Life
Nityanand Jayaraman
January 18th, 2011

A U.S.-based company is planning a system of elevated highways in Chennai, India, that will despoil natural resources that humans and wildlife have shared for millennia, environmentalists and villagers claim. Wilbur Smith Associates has won approval for the projects, they further charge, through deceptive practices and corporate sleight of hand.
More than 5,000 Chennai citizens and fisherfolk formed a human chain in protest against the proposed elevated highway along the Elliots beach

Money & Politics

Citizens United v. America's Citizens
Charlie Cray
October 22nd, 2010

The midterm elections are days away, but the winners are virtually certain: the corporations and conservative operatives like Karl Rove who have taken advantage of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling to establish a well-heeled “shadow party” of networked trade associations and G.O.P. front groups.

Retail & Mega-Stores

Dollar Stores: Top Link in the Sweatshop Chain
Kent Paterson
October 6th, 2010

A growing group of chain-store corporations that cater to America's poor with cheap goods are classifying workers as managers. By categorizing employees as salaried managers these dollar stores avoid paying overtime wages that the Fair Labor Standards Act mandates for hourly workers.
Photo credit: Terry J. Allen


Global Horizons Indicted for Human Trafficking
Pratap Chatterjee
September 15th, 2010

Mordechai Orian, president of Global Horizons, a Los Angeles-based labor recruiter, was indicted by the U.S. Department of Justice for "engaging in a conspiracy to commit forced labor and document servitude" of some 400 Thai citizens who were brought to work on farms in the U.S.