The Nation

Obama Backs Off Social Security, Medicare Reform

Obama Backs Off Social Security, Medicare Reform

The Democrats’ loss in New York's 9th District was an ominous rebuke to the president. Good thing he won’t be suggesting entitlement reform next week.

Posted September 15, 2011

It's Not Just About Food

It's Not Just About Food

Food is a good place to start to make change—but it’s only a start.

Posted September 14, 2011

Alaskans Knew Truth About Sarah Palin Long Before Joe McGinnis's Book

Alaskans Knew Truth About Sarah Palin Long Before Joe McGinnis's Book

Journalists continue to hope that unflattering revelations about Palin will finally make her unpopular in her home state. In fact, her popularity in Alaska has been on the decline for years.

Posted September 16, 2011

Books and the Arts

Christopher Lasch and his quest for the moral resources of the next New Deal.

Why does John Ikenberry think the sorrows of liberal internationalism are temporary?

Steven Soderbergh’s Contagion, Göran Hugo Olsson’s Black Power Mixtape 1967–1975, Tate Taylor’s The Help

News and Analysis

Farm workers in Florida

As the food movement has discovered, winning over the media, or even the president, is not enough.

The Food Movement: Its Power and Possibilities

Forty years after food activism took off around the globe, corporatism is stronger than ever.  But so is the grassroots push for control over our work, land, and seeds.

Duane Buck

Texas jurors were told that convicted murderer Duane Buck posed “future dangerousness” because of his race. He is scheduled to die on September 15.

A farmers' market in California

As Congress gears up to reauthorize the farm bill next year, the stakes are high.

In the Gaza seaport

The PA’s bid has met with hysteria from Washington and Israel. Perhaps that’s because it could mark a definitive break from the failed Oslo paradigm, which has brought Palestinians neither peace nor a state.

President Barack Obama

With a record 46.2 million Americans living in poverty, it’s getting too late to give President Obama a pass on the economy.

Riot police in London

Whatever the spark, social unrest is the predictable result of conditions like poverty, discrimination and police brutality.

A worker at Walmart

Can the retailer known for its poverty wages solve the problem of urban “food deserts”?