Thursday, August 11, 2011

Who is Dirty Carl?

Hey gang, it's been a while, but that don't mean we can't still steal a car and hang out, right? Cool... I didn't think you were that lame. A lot has happened since we last spoke, but I'm still alive and that's what matters most.

How's Rock n' Roll these days, huh? As far as I can tell it ain't too good with all this electronical bleep and bloop going around lately. Then there's all that moany, gothy, bloop bleep. Jesus, does anyone still play guitar with purpose anymore?

I swear, it it wasn't for San Francisco garage rock would take that exit door it takes every couple of years. We don't want that. No sir.

Anyway, I've been busy sure, but I started doing a little radio show that I think some of you guys and gals will enjoy. It's called the Dirty Carl Show and I will be your host... Dirty Carl. I'm handsome, love dogs, and haven't had tail in a million years. Take me home to your momma!

Enjoy show # 9. Leave a comment.

Monday, February 28, 2011

So, that's where it went... shit!

I don't know about you, but I've had my share of bikes stolen from me. Now I know who did it. He's still likable and honestly, all he'd have to do is ask instead of walking around with those heavy bolt cutters.

Greg Cartwright and TGL.

Click here for more butter

Last year the ever prolific Greg Cartwright released a live album at a little bar in Milwaukee entitled Greg Cartwright live at the Circle A. While it didn't blow me away, it was still cool to hear him in such an intimate setting. The high point however is the crowd itself... he must have been pumped to have such a group of people sitting cross legged at his feet.

Anyway, this is the 7 inch that came with that album as a nice little bonus. It features three songs which are cool takes on early Compulsive Gamblers, Oblivians, and his solo tunes. He's backed by The Goodnight Loving who I am not a fan of, but can still admit that they did a fine job at backing a legend.

Brilliant... Colors
Click here for ladybug pecks.

It's the day after the Academy Awards and I'm tired. I worked security for the event and the whole day was full of self important bung holes who never cease to amaze you with their inflated sense of self. Oh, you are the assistant to Justin Timberlake? So? Ah, you do Suzanne Summers make up... I'm sorry for you for having such a shit job.

Anyway, the first thing I did when I woke up this morning was put this on and feel better about the world.

PS. This 7 inch was recorded by Ty Segall in San Francisco.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Well, well, well... there's a spark.

Hello loyal readers. I hope that everyone had a great Christmas and a safe and happy New Year! I can't say that I had either. In fact, my holidays were terrible and spent completely alone. Actually, I rang in the exact point it became 2011 in a women's restroom with two chicks who were passed out on the cold tile floor. One of them even had diarrhea! Good times, right? I didn't know them, but me and some other guys were kicking them out of the place. 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!!! *insert fart sound right abut here.

So, to update you all... my wife has officially separated from me. She will be taking my children across the country. My dogs will go too. I will end up living in a rented room above a strip club or something like that when she's through with me. How can I be so calm? Well, when I go to sleep at night I'll do it with a clear mind and an open heart. Or is that a broken heart? I'll get through it all because I didn't cause this, depression did.

That said, if you or someone you know suffers from it, the best thing you can do is get them help because you may lose them to it as I have.

Now, we're pretending to be be friends. It kills me every moment of the day because obviously we still live under the same roof. The silver lining of this is that I get to live with my children and I love them more than anything... except my wife, who is the top of the pyramid. I love her equally. I wish I had a genie or something that could help me out, but I don't. The sands are slipping through the hourglass and I can't stop it.

Am I single? Who knows, but I'm quite sure no lady is going to be interested in the wounded animal type, you know? I'm not really interested in seeing anyone anyway. I just want the wife back. Or do I really?

You all have been very patient with me while I've been sorting myself out so I'd like to do something nice for you, except I don't know exactly what. Let's just say I'm working on it.


Click this for an audio representation of how I feel about my life right now. Make sure your speakers are on for the proper effect.

Also, a good pal of mine named Tyler has started something up aimed at the reader types out there. Check it out right here you goddamned sissies!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

This may be the last time...

Hi everyone,

I'm sorry that I haven't been updating as much as I used to. I've been busy trying to repair a very broken life. Don't lose faith in me to return soon with some real rock n' roll, but for now I'm taking a break to sort some personal business out.

I'll let Greg Cartwright do the rest of the talking...

Friday, September 17, 2010

I feel like watchin' videos tonight

Vince Taylor - Shakin' all over

The Cramps - The way I walk

Misfits - Hybrid moments

The Damned - Love song

Two Star Tabernacle - Itchy

Flash & The Memphis Casuals - Uptight tonight


Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Hey guys, today's post isn't music, unless the sound of electric bolt guns, moaning, yelping, and things of that nature are considered music to your ears. As a reader of this blog, I should hope not, unless we're talking about awesome, racket making bands like The Coachwhips. I like to imagine you all as cool, artistic folks, that believe in love and shit like that.

(I couldn't embed this, so you'll have to follow the link)

I don't even know how I stumbled on this, as I hadn't even heard of it, but I thought that it might be good for everyone to watch. Of course, if you have a weak stomach I don't advise you to see this at all.

Because I fancy myself to be a good guy, this affected me a little, but was it enough for me to stop doing certain things that I do? Stop wearing certain things I wear? If it is going to happen, it's not going to be overnight.

This, much like my Last minutes with Odin video post a while back, did this weird, hypnotism thing where I was compelled, with no ability to stop, to hug my dogs so tightly that I might've made their eyes pop out. Animals. I. Love. You. and. I'm. Sorry.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Sonic Chicken 4

France... the birthplace of striped shirts, people who eat frog legs, and mimes. Well, what do you know? There's a garage rock scene too! Hoooo-rah!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Always the bridesmaid... a singles series.

Click here for less pee in yer knickers

I've been a fan of this hyper-literate Portland based band for a long time and while I wasn't thrilled with their last full length "The Hazards of love" I absolutely adore this batch of tunes that was released in a set of three vinyl albums. Buy them all because the cover art is well done and you will always be okay if you pull one out of the sleeve and place it on your turn table right before making love to a sweet lass who smells of apricot and sadness. Her eyes will be wetter than the sea for you... and the happiness you shower down upon her will nudge her toward her blossom.

Some people will not like this band simply because they either don't enjoy the singers vocal delivery or because they just can't understand lyrics like:

You had a charming air
All cheap and debonair
My widowed mother found so sweet
And so she took you in
Her sheets still warm with him
Now filled with filth and foul disease
As time wore on you proved
A debt-ridden drunken mess
Leaving my mother
A poor consumptive wretch
(oh, oh)
