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Gravity Lens

Twelve Years Ago Today

by Jeff Patterson on 09/13/11

On September 13, 1999, a nuclear explosion hurled the moon out of orbit. It took with it a lunar base and a handful of really neat ships. In the years that followed the inhabitants met Joan Collins, Christopher Lee, Brain Blessed, and whip-wielding chicks in catsuits.

The Future!

by Jeff Patterson on 09/11/11

Mercedes has sponsored a young man's bionic hand. Architects design house that goes underground to dodge tornadoes (or, I assume aquatic attacks). Airships could ferry supplies to the Arctic. We may soon have an abandoned space station in orbit (which is never a good thing). Your $100,000 jetpack will be available next year.

On The Air

by Jeff Patterson on 09/06/11

In the latest installment of the SF Signal Podcast, the irregulars discuss the role of novellas in genre fiction.

It is September

by Jeff Patterson on 09/01/11

The Goddess of the Month is Oya, Wind & Change.

The Molecule of the Month is Doxycycline.

Your humble blogger turns 49 today, a thoroughly unacceptable condition I intend to ignore. I shall celebrate by listening to some metal, watching anime, and breaking in my new whiskey stones.

Assorted Items

by Jeff Patterson on 08/31/11

Centauri Dreams gives us a primer on colonizing the galaxy using world-ships, although Cosmos tells us chunks of Earth blown off my asteroid strikes might already be spreading life. Neatorama shows us the world's first airport exclusively for unmanned aircraft. Dark Roasted Blend updates its gallery of futuristic urban mega-structures. And finally a quiz: Star Trek Character or Over-the-Counter Erectile Dysfunction Pill? (I got 50%)


by Jeff Patterson on 08/28/11

Irene is past us. My town's a mess like so many others. Hope to blog regularly soon.

Eve of Destruction

by Jeff Patterson on 08/23/11

Felt the east coast earthquake pretty strongly at work, and came home to find a few action figures had been flung from their shelves. This weekends looks to bring the effects of Hurrican Irene through my neck of the woods.

All of this puts me in the mood for this: Thomas Rogers of the Globe & Mail claims that for Canada to be a cultural force, it needs to be destroyed on film.

I'm Baaaack!

by Jeff Patterson on 08/20/11

I was tooling around South Carolina this past week, seeing family and friends, eating seafood, kite flying, being pounded by brutal waves while boogie-boarding, and otherwise trying to enjoy myself. While down there I learned of the existence of Christian Taekwondo and chocolate wine, both of which I find kinda creepy.

While I was gone, George Dvorsky wrote of the Pernicious De-radicalization of the Radical Future, Doug Messier at Space Review reported on Brazil's planned Spaceport, and friend and coworker Steve Eifert was guest blogging at's Noir Week, and posted an excellent list of Five Classic Science Fiction Films Steeped in Noir.

The SF Signal Podcast is on hiatus for a couple weeks while some of the irregulars attend Worldcon.

On The Air

by Jeff Patterson on 08/08/11

On the latest SF Signal Podcast we discuss the under-explored themes in Science Fiction and Fantasy.