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Astronomy & Astrophysics


An International Journal

Editor-in-Chief: C. Bertout
Letters Editor-in-Chief: M. Walmsley

Impact factor: 4.410

ISSN (Print Edition): 0004-6361
ISSN (Electronic Edition): 1432-0746
Frequency: 12 volumes per year
Published by: EDP Sciences

Mirror sites: CDS | EDP Sciences

© The European Southern Observatory (ESO)

Latest issues

Vol. 533 (September 2011) (current volume)

(1) X-ray solar flare sources and erupting filament in EUV (Battaglia, M. & Kontar, E., 533, L2)
(2) Buoyant rise of dynamo generated magnetic field (Guerrero, G., & Käpylä, P. J., 533, A40)
(3) Vela C: a filamentary high-mass star forming region (Hill, T., et al., 533, A94)
(4) Flows and vortex tubes near the solar surface (Moll, R., et al., 533, A126)

See the table of contents

Vol. 532 (August 2011)

(1) Thermal emission from a Super-Earth CO2 atmosphere (Selsis, F., et al., 532, A1)
(2) Sub-arcsecond study of the DG Tauri jet in [Fe II] (Agra-Amboage, V., et al. 532, A59)
(3) Magnetic spots tracing stellar differential rotation (Korhonen, H. & Elstner, D., 532, A106)
(4) UVES spectra of anti-phased emission lines in LTT 560 (Tappert, C., et al., 532, A129)

See the table of contents

Vol. 531 (July 2011)

(1) HD 100546 transitional disk as seen by AMBER/VLTI (Tatulli, E., et al., 531, A1)
(2) Numerical simulation of the convection in a cold giant star (Viallet, M., et al. 531, A86)
(3) Active region plage at Sun's disk center (Kobel, P., et al., 531, A112)
(4) The molecular and dusty envelopes of Betelgeuse (Kervella, P., et al., 531, A117)

See the table of contents

Prior to 2001, A&A was published as A&A Main Journal (Springer Verlag, 1969-2000) and A&A Supplement Series (EDP Sciences, 1980-2000).