1. Contents

    1. Introduction
    2. Themes
    3. Experiments (Plugins)
    4. Miscellaneous
    5. License
    6. Terms of use
  1. Introduction

    Once upon a time, I was an actively developing themes and plugins for WordPress. No more. No, I have since moved on to other projects. And while this site is no longer updated, I want it to remain because when I was developing for WordPress, I found referencing other themes and plugins useful, even necessary.

    But with the inclusion of the three functions that were the heart and soul of the Sandbox now in the WordPress core, my mark has been made, and there are new directions to go. Those functions, sandbox_body_class(), sandbox_post_class(), and sandbox_comment_class(), can be found in your recent WordPress download, simply renamed as body_class(), post_class(), and comment_class(), respectively. Mission accomplished.

    So I hope what I did contribute once upon a time will continue to be of some use to the community. Plaintxt.org has become a single-page archive of what it was. Enjoy.

    Original Welcome

    Make yourself comfortable. Welcome to my personal experiment in combining minimalism with blog design. I offer themes that showcase your content and not my design skills, which are meager enough. Blogging shouldn’t be about filling a template.

    That’s how plaintxt.org came to be: a home for minimalism in blog design. The designs here are solutions to problems that I encountered. These are WordPress themes that addressed my needs and tastes. I hope you find them useful too.

    These themes include “premium” features, e.g., theme option menus that allow almost complete personalization as well as total Widgets compatibility, in addition to style sheets (including print styles) that demonstrate the highest attention to detail.

    Each theme is free (as in speech) and licensed with the GNU General Public License, compatible with WordPress, a free semantic publishing platform, and include neither sponsored links nor deceitful code.

    Sandbox Designs Competition

    Perhaps you were redirected here from sndbx.org. Well, back in 2007, I held a design competition for theme templates based on the Sandbox. This was the first such design competition in the WordPress community, and it went off without a hitch. Sponsors included Press Harbor, WordPress for Dummies, Matt, and others. Cash awards were given. It was awesome.

    Oddly, the most frequent request I have regarding the Sandbox Designs Competition is for the example content I provided so contestants could see exactly how their theme would look with the very content used in judging (the file, sndbx.2007-06-06.xml, is still available).

    If you are interested in any of the particulars of the Sandbox Designs Competition, I archive the sndbx.org content (now offline) in a PDF, Sandbox Designs Competition (Revision 5). Enjoy.

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  2. Themes

    These free themes are designed for use with WordPress, a free semantic publishing platform, and are licensed with the GNU General Public License. These themes contain no sponsored links or any malicious code, are Widgets compatible, and include theme options submenus.

    By downloading content, you agree to the Terms of use.

    • Barthelme

      Barthelme for WordPress

      My favorite theme: Two columns with an unique approach to the fluid layout and typographically rich. An excellent choice for a photoblog, vlog, or any other content-centered blog. Features include customizable theme options from within the dashboard.

      Download Barthelme from WordPress Extend View the Barthelme README
    • blog.txt

      Blog.txt for WordPress

      An elastic layout that is minimal: Less than 300 lines of CSS for screen and print. Robust theme options provide two- or three-column layouts for nine possible combinations. Named a top WordPress theme in Blogging for Dummies. A quintessential WordPress theme.

      Download blog.txt from WordPress Extend View the blog.txt README
    • plaintxtBlog

      PlaintxtBlog for WordPress

      The original minimalist three-column theme for WordPress. Its uncluttered layout make it deal for customization, with a wide content area to ensure your content is what visitors notice, the theme itself transparent. Sidebars are intentionally narrow to discourage clutter.

      Download plaintxtBlog from WordPress Extend View the plaintxtBlog README
    • Sandbox

      Sandbox for WordPress

      One of the most influential blog themes, the Sandbox is a starting point for designers and developers—the original and best blank slate theme. The Sandbox is rich with semantic classes powered by dynamic functions and Microformats. A collaboration between Scott (that’s me) and Andy.

      Download Sandbox from WordPress Extend View the Sandbox README
    • Simplr

      Simplr for WordPress

      The original minimalist one-column theme for WordPress. It provides a unique format for highlighting the latest content. This is the theme I always wanted: one to reduce clutter and to provide focus. Features built-in recent comments and breadcrumb navigation. Excellent for photoblogs.

      Download Simplr from WordPress Extend View the Simplr README
    • veryplaintxt

      Veryplaintxt for WordPress

      The original minimalist two-column theme for WordPress. A fluid layout with a newspaper-ish feel, its solid layout, thoughtful design elements, and numerous theme options make this theme much more than simply “plain.” This is the minimal classic WordPress theme.

      Download veryplaintxt from WordPress Extend View the veryplaintxt README
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  3. Experiments (Plugins)

    I have produced a number of plugins to modify and enhance WordPress to fit the needs I have required of it at times. In the spirit of sharing, I offer these plugins as experiments for general consumption, each licensed with the GNU General Public License.

    By downloading content, you agree to the Terms of use.

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  4. Miscellaneous

    Maybe you have questions. And maybe I have answers.


    If you are interested in looking back at the development of these themes and plugins, then you are in luck. The experiments (i.e., plugins) are hosted in a Google Code repository called wp-plugin-dev. For themes, each has its own repository (see list below). You can also browse a folder here of downloads, too.


    If you have a question about any of the legacy WordPress software provided here, ask someone else. I no longer provide support. Sorry. However, the WordPress Support Forums are a great resource of information. Please go there. But if you really need to contact me for some non-support–related topic, you can do so via one of the sites mentioned below.


    As I mentioned, I am doing other things nowadays. You can find me on Twitter or perhaps my infrequently updated blog or, even better, check out some of my photography.

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  5. License

    The plaintxt.org themes and plugins, © 2004–2010 Scott Allan Wallick, are licensed under the GNU General Public License:

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

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  6. Terms of use

    By accessing and downloading content, you agree to these Terms of use.

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