
Content about events and workers' struggles in Greece.

Preliminary notes towards an account of the "movement of popular assemblies" - TPTG

No kettle, no snare: assault & battery, Syntagma Square.

The movement of the assemblies in the squares started completely unexpectedly on the 25th of May in Athens. It’s unclear which was the initial group of people that took the initiative to post a call for a rally in Syntagma square on Facebook to express their “indignation” and anger at the government’s austerity measures. It seems though that some people around a political group influenced by the later Castoriadis’ democratic ideology were involved among others in that initiative.

The call was publicized favourably by the mass media and during the first days there was a reference in the media to a banner that allegedly appeared in the Spanish mobilizations: “Shhh, do not shout, we will wake up the Greeks” or something like that. Of course, no one could expect what would follow.

Updates from the Greek Squares and People's Assemblies

Reports from the last week of struggle against austerity in Greece.

Republished from Mute

Saturday, 9 July 2011

The Mayor of Athens yesterday stated that he intends to remove the 'slums' from Syntagma square. At the moment policing in the square is still low key...

Greece: 2nd Day of General Strike 29/6 - Unprecedented Police Brutality at Syntagma Square

A timeline account of the day. Relentless riot police attacks with teargas, physical violence and even rocks. Hundreds of injured demonstrators. Square raided but not evacuated.

The second day of the General Strike in Greece was also the day the mid-term programme would be voted: A programme of austerity that everyone knows will bring even more impoverishment to the working class and proletarianised petty bourgeoisie, while ratifying the wholesale sell-off of public assets.

Updates from the Greek Squares and People's Assemblies

There is a virtual blackout in international media about what is an escalation of popular resistance in Greece since May 25th. In Athens and numerous other cities and towns, too many to mention, there have been square occupations and daily demonstrations of up to hundreds of thousands of people. These were inspired by the square occupations in Spain, but have taken a different direction, one that favours direct democracy against parliamentary democracy and representation

This is a daily blog with the latest developments from the popular assemblies, the streets, neighbourhoods and workplaces.

Dimitris Matsalis and individual terrorism - Liopetas-Agallopoulos case

Article on the use of individual terrorism by anarchists in 1890s Greece, focusing on the life of Dimitris Matsalis, a sandal-maker and anarchist who killed a banker and the Liopetas-Agallopoulos case.

On 3 November 1896, in Patras, sandal-maker Dimitris Matsalis (or Matsanis by some, originated from Argos, a town of Eastern Peloponnese), who had attended the theatre play "William the Porter" which was played on in Patras at the time by an Italian troupe, and in which the power of wealth revealed outweighing any feeling of justice, attacked by a knife at

Magkanaras, Giannis

Biography of Greek anarchist Giannis Magkanaras, who was active in the movement towards the end of the 19th and early 20th Centuries.

Despite we know today some of his writings, yet we have not been able to form an insufficient data on the life of Giannis Magkanaras. We know, however, that he and everyone else with the surname Magkanaras originate from Ioannis Magkanaros, who was a French, graduate of the French Military School of Paris, an officer of Napoleon and a philhellene.

Karampilias, Dimitris, 1872-1954

Biography of Greek anarchist Dimitris Karampilias, who was active in anarchist movements in Egypt and France as well as his native Greece.

Dimitris Karampilias born in the village of Mintilogli Achaia (outside of Patras) in 1872. He was one of the most active anarchists in “Epi Ta Proso” newspaper/collective and the anarchist movement of Patras during 1890's.

Anarchists and radicals in 1890s Patras

Brief chronology of revolutionary groups, movements, events and individuals in the Greek town of Patras.

In 1893 Socialistiki Adelfotita (Socialist Brotherhood) founded in Patras, which was not a coherent organisation, but a loose grouping of some socialists and progressives, many of whom were friends and followers of the famous Greek socialist of this time Plato Drakoulis. By some historians, Socialist Brotherhood was allegedly a continuation of the Democratic Club in 1870s.

Minoritarian attempts at insurrection in Greece

Mouvement Communiste on the insurrectionary scenes which followed the killing of 15 year old Alexis Grigoropoulos in December 2008.

It is not in the tradition of our group to polemicise with other groups close to us. We will not give in to that.

Speras, Constantinos, 1893-1943

Constantinos Speras

A short biography of Constantinos Speras (Κωνσταντίνος Σπέρας), a Greek anarcho-syndicalist, and one of the pioneers of the working class trade-union movement in Greece. He spent the biggest part of his life in prison and in exile, until his murder in 1943 by Communist-led Greek partisans during the Axis occupation of Greece during World War II.


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