Creatures: "Walking with Beasts"
Creatures: "Walking with Beasts"
Walking with Beasts is a 2001 television documentary produced by the BBC. In North America it has been retitled Walking with Prehistoric Beasts. It recreates life in the Cenozoic by using a combination of both Computer-generated imagery and...
Woolly Rhino Fossil w/ Xiaoming Wang
Woolly Rhino Fossil w/ Xiaoming Wang
6:12 August 28, 2011 --A paper to be published on September 2, 2011 in the authoritative magazine Science reveals the discovery of a primitive woolly rhino fossil in the Himalayas, which suggests some giant mammals first evolved in p...
6:02 Lions in love (mating lions).Afternoon of 1st April 1998 in the Massai Mara, Kenya: A middle-aged lion runs to a battlefield of lions. However, the fight is over. The winner is seriously hurt. Nevertheless, the female lion arriv...
Pleistocene Epoch - Florida Museum Hall of Florida Fossils: Evolution of Life and Land
Pleistocene Epoch - Florida Museum Hall of Florida Fossils: Evolution of Life and Land
This video from the Museum's Fossil Hall exhibit describes the Pleistocene Epoch, 2 million to 10000 years ago. The Ice Ages of the Pleistocene wreaked climatic havoc on the northern continents, but Florida was buffered from the worst e...
King of The Beasts, The Lion
King of The Beasts, The Lion
The lion (Panthera leo) is one of the four big cats in the genus Panthera, and a member of the family Felidae. With some males exceeding 250 kg (550 lb) in weight, it is the second-largest living cat after the tiger. Wild lions currently ex...
Paul S. Martin, Pleistocene ecologist, 1928 - 2010
Paul S. Martin, Pleistocene ecologist, 1928 - 2010
Paul S. Martin was interviewed by Connie Barlow in 1997. In this short extract, Martin muses on "Pleistocene Rewilding," which entails re-populating select habitats in western USA with living proxies for extinct Ice Age mammals. P...
Monsters We Met - The Burning pt. 1
Monsters We Met - The Burning pt. 1
When our early ancestors entered new lands they encountered a variety of strange new creatures, monsters that no longer exist. What were they like and where are they now? What are the real answers to the mystery of the missing megafauna? 10...
Megafauna Extinction: Did Humans or Climate Kill Off the Mammoths?
Megafauna Extinction: Did Humans or Climate Kill Off the Mammoths?
Complete video at: Stanford biologist Elizabeth Hadly recaps a debate among biologists over whether prehistoric megafauna like mammoths, giant sloths and saber-toothed cats became extinct due to overhunting by humans, or by a combin...
Patagonia's "Pleistocene Park"
Patagonia's "Pleistocene Park"
Conservation biologist Stuart Pimm reports for National Geographic News from Patagonia near the tip of South America. In this video he talks to Kris Tompkins, who With her husband Doug, has protected more land than any other private individ...
Lascaux cave art rhino explained in real life
Lascaux cave art rhino explained in real life
Baz Edmeades, author of Megafauna - First Victims of the Human-Caused Extinction shares his discovery of the explanation for the 6 black dots that were painted to the back of a cave art rhino in Lascaux, South of France, some 15000 to 13000...
Facing the Sixth Extinction
Facing the Sixth Extinction
***What is the Sixth Extinction?*** We can divide the Sixth Extinction into two discrete phases: *Phase One began when the first modern humans began to disperse to different parts of the world about 100000 years ago. *Phase Two began about ...
Lesser traveled Skidaway Island Part 1
Lesser traveled Skidaway Island Part 1
Skidaway Island [Fig. 6] Skidaway Island, an interior barrier island fronted by Wassaw Island, is home to Skidaway Island State Park, the world-renowned Skidaway Institute of Oceanography and the University of Georgia's Marine Extension...