
Latest green news

Tasmanian tiger's bark worse than its bite

Deborah Smith Tasmanian tigers had a bounty put on their heads and were hunted to death for allegedly being vicious sheep killers.

Dog caught after killing pug in Sydney

Pit Bull

10:47am Council officers have caught a dog that escaped from its owner and mauled to death a pug in a neighbouring yard in northwest Sydney.

Alaska woman punches bear in snout to save dog


10:44am An Alaskan woman says she knows it was stupid to punch a black bear in the snout to save her dog.

Hurricane Katia churns across Atlantic

5:54am Hurricane Katia is creeping westward in the deep Atlantic, threatening to swell into a major storm by the weekend, just one week after Irene caused massive flooding in the US northeast.

Cloud over future funding of solar power

Solar power

Graham Readfearn 8:13am They're one of the most recognisable symbols of climate-friendly lifestyles – rooftop solar electricity panels.

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Plane biofuel to be made from eucalypt

10:42am Australia's gums could hold the key to an environmentally friendly aviation sector.

Queensland live cattle export resumed

10:41am Queensland's first significant live cattle export to Indonesia since the industry was suspended will leave next week.

Solar power subsidy slashed

A worker checks solar panels at a solar power field in Kawasaki, near Tokyo July 6, 2011. Tokyo Electric Power Company, Inc. (TEPCO) and Kawasaki City are constructing the mega solar power field, consisting some 37,926 solar panels which will produce some 7.4 million kWh in a year. Commercial service will start on August, 2011.   REUTERS/Toru Hanai (JAPAN - Tags: BUSINESS ENERGY ENVIRONMENT)

Adam Morton 2:03pm The Victorian government will cut the subsidy paid to households for electricity fed into the grid from rooftop solar panels by more than half.

Hendra fear behind bat attacks

1:16pm Animal welfare groups suspect that fear of the potentially deadly Hendra virus is behind a recent spate of cruel attacks on flying foxes.

Tasmanian tiger's bark worse than its bite

thylacine skull

Deborah Smith Tasmanian tigers had a bounty put on their heads and were hunted to death for allegedly being vicious sheep killers.

Brisbane shivers through coldest winter in 10 years

Daniel Hurst Brisbane has just shivered through its coldest winter in a decade.

Comments 5

'What's the point?': tourism questions west Kimberley heritage listing

The West Kimberley.

Courtney Trenwith Proposed developments as insignificant as a toilet block may end up being dragged through expensive litigation while a $30 billion gas processing hub has escaped the additional red-tape attached to the west Kimberley yesterday.


Heritage listing for Kimberley wilderness, but gas precinct excluded

Chamberlain Gorge, in the Kimberley region of WA.

Tom Arup In a landmark decision, the pristine west Kimberley wilderness has been given national heritage protection, but the site of a controversial proposed $35 billion gas hub has been largely excluded.

Pit bull amnesty follows fatal attack

Pit bull.

Malcolm Brown Last month's fatal dog attack in Victoria, where a pit bull mastiff mauled a four-year-old girl to death and attacked others in her family, is starting to have repercussions.

Officials secretly complained to China about 'lack of ambition' in emissions target

China pollution.

Lenore Taylor The Gillard government has always publicly insisted China is taking significant steps to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions, but WikiLeaks cables reveal senior Australian bureaucrats complained privately to China about the ''lack of ambition'' in that country's targets.

Laser aims to make rain fall on demand

A generic white cloud.

Ever since ancient farmers called on the gods to send rain to save their harvests, humans have longed to have the weather at their command.

Hong Kong customs seizes African ivory

Hong Kong customs officers have seized a large shipment of African ivory hidden in a container that arrived by sea from Malaysia.

Here comes spring, without La Nina or El Nino


Stephanie Gardiner Sydneysiders can mark the first day of spring tomorrow by tiptoeing through the tulips, as the city shrugs off winter and bursts with colour.

What winter? Warm dry days give way to spring


Megan Levy Victorians have just enjoyed one of the mildest winters on record, with the average day-time temperature climbing almost two degrees higher than usual in some parts of the state.

Minister confirms west Kimberley heritage listing

The West Kimberley.

Courtney Trenwith Almost 20 million hectares of the west Kimberley will be heritage listed, but the area around the James Price Point gas processing hub has been excluded, in a controversial decision confirmed this morning.

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Cockatoo orphanages - for birds who outlive their owners

Glenda Kwek They're loud, hang around in gangs, rise late, pair up for life, can be a nuisance and an entertainment and often outlive their human owners when kept as pets

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Sydney's old crock of a cockie was a legend at 120


Glenda Kwek Cocky Bennett was one of Sydney's legendary characters.

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Storm drops deluge - and it's not over yet


Bridie Jabour and Daniel Hurst Brisbane is bracing for a week of downpours after severe storms hit South East Queensland last night dumping almost 40mm of water in some areas.

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Disasters take toll on mental health


Graham Readfearn When the climate throws up extreme events like cyclones, floods and droughts, the most visible impacts tend to be twisted metal, splintered timber and cracked earth.


Vermont awash as storm travels far from coast

A car passes a section of Route 112 that was washed out during Hurricane Irene in Halifax, Vermont August 29, 2011.   REUTERS/Brian Snyder   (UNITED STATES - Tags: DISASTER ENVIRONMENT TRANSPORT)

Maeve Reston, Tina Susman In the New England state of Vermont, rippling creeks became deadly deluges. Bridges collapsed into roiling waves. Dry streets turned into fast-rising lakes, closing in around stunned towns that never knew they might be in the path of a tropical storm expected to drench the coast.

Hurricane Irene a message from God, says Bachmann

U.S. Republican presidential candidate and Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann waves to supporters as she arrives in the rain at Cafe Versailles in Miami's Little Havana in Miami, Florida August 29, 2011. REUTERS/Hans Deryk   (UNITED STATES - Tags: ELECTIONS POLITICS)

WASHINGTON: Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann told supporters God was sending a message to Washington politicians through the earthquake and hurricane that pummelled the US east coast this weekend, it was reported in the St Petersburg Times.

Orica problems widen as mercury clean-up at Botany site fails

NCH NEWS. Councillor Sharon Claydon and NSW MP Peter Primrose out front of the Orica plant at Kooragang Island. 17h August 2011. NCH. NEWCASTLE. PIC MAX MASON-HUBERS

Josephine Tovey The company responsible for the Newcastle chemical leak has admitted that an attempt to clean up toxic mercury from a site near Botany Bay, in Sydney, is not working.

US embassy believed ETS was a done deal

Shadow Minister for Communications and Broadband, Malcolm Turnbull, at his address to the National Press Club of Australia in Canberra on Wednesday 3 August 2011.Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Ben Cubby US DIPLOMATS confidently expected the government's emissions trading scheme to pass parliament, and the US embassy was caught off guard by the elevation of Tony Abbott to the opposition leadership, WikiLeaks cables say.

US embassy believed ETS was a done deal

Ben Cubby US DIPLOMATS confidently expected the government's emissions trading scheme to pass parliament, and the US embassy was caught off guard by the elevation of Tony Abbott to the opposition leadership, WikiLeaks cables say.

Councils to crack down on pit bulls

Jason Dowling and Miki Perkins Councils warn dangerous dogs such as pit bulls not registered by the end of September could be seized and destroyed.

Think tank rejects carbon compo

Coalminers and producers of liquefied natural gas (LNG) do not deserve to be compensated under Labor's carbon tax plan because the generous assistance on offer will effectively "embed a protectionist policy", a Melbourne-based think tank says.

Mornings warming up as spring draws nearer

Sydney's overnight temperature was 5 degrees above average at 14 degrees, the warmest in three and a half weeks.

West Kimberley heritage listing would create widespread uncertainty: Barnett

Courtney Trenwith The entire West Kimberley is expected to be heritage listed in a controversial decision today that could stifle future mining projects in the area.

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Friends and forewarning key in storm season

Tony Moore Almost 50,000 people have signed up to Brisbane City Council's free storm and flood warning system as the summer storm and fire season draws near.


Grizzly kills hiker at Yellowstone

A grizzly bear has killed a hiker in the second fatal bear attack at Yellowstone National Park since July.

Please don't kill my dog, confused owners beg

Pit bull

The RSPCA has received dozens of calls from frightened pet owners who fear their dogs will be mistakenly killed under the Victorian government’s new law.

Hendra claims 10th horse in NSW

A 10th horse has died from the Hendra virus in NSW, bringing the total number of nationwide deaths this year to 21.

UNESCO prepares for LNG reef mission

United Nations experts will visit Queensland later this year amid concerns the booming LNG industry could threaten the Great Barrier Reef.

Historic floods as US recovers from Irene


The state of Vermont yesterday battled historic flooding that swamped town centres as the United States limped back to normal from Hurricane Irene, blamed for at least 32 deaths.

Flash flood, hail warning for parts of Queensland

Bridie Jabour Severe storms are set to strike parts of Queensland tonight, with flash flood and large hailstones predicted.

Irene ran out of puff, but the damage was already done


Henry Fountain NEW YORK: It began as something far off and dangerous - a monster storm, a category 3 hurricane that packed winds of 185km/h as it buzz-sawed through the Caribbean last week, causing more than $1 billion of destruction in the Bahamas alone.

Major flooding still to come as Irene death toll climbs

Billy Stinson, his wife Sandra and daughter Erin sit on the steps where their cottage once stood in Nags Head, North Carolina.

Peter Applebome, New York Tropical storms's legacy in rural hamlets in the mountains of upstate New York is likely to be an extraordinary onslaught of flooding .

Each steel job saved to cost $36,000


Tom Arup The government will spend up to $36,000 a year to protect the jobs of each steel worker in Australia through carbon tax industry compensation, prompting claims of a new form of protectionism by an independent think tank, the Grattan Institute.

Buyers not told of proposal to drill for coal seam gas


Sean Nicholls The state government developer, Landcom, is under fire for not disclosing to potential buyers of its land in south-west Sydney that AGL proposes to drill coal seam gas wells throughout the area.

Palmer clarifies his CSG concerns

Mining magnate Clive Palmer has clarified his recent comments about coal seam gas (CSG), saying he does support its development, in a safe and responsible way.

CSG chemical screening is working: Bligh

The detection of cancer-causing chemicals at one of Arrow Energy's coal seam gas (CSG) fields shows the screening process is working, Premier Anna Bligh says.

Dogs and owners aim to find inner peace

Doga instructor Suzi Teitelman and dog Roxy

When yoga goes to the dogs, they call it doga.

Super typhoon leaves at least 13 dead


Super-typhoon Nanmadol hits the Philippines, and the death toll is expected to rise as hopes of finding those missing fade, the civil defence chief said today.

Irene charges into New England as New York escapes the worst


Hurricane Irene raced across a shuttered New York City and charged into the northern New England region on Sunday as it weakened to a tropical storm.

Irene whips up sewage sampler

Reporter Tucker Barnes

A TV reporter got a taste - literally - of one of the more stomach-churning results of Hurricane Irene crashing against the US east coast.

Aussies party as Irene maintains the rage


Gray Bright was not going to miss Hurricane Irene for the world.

Irene damage could be 'tens of billions'

The damage from Hurricane Irene to the already battered US economy could reach tens of billions of dollars, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie warned Sunday.

14 dead as New York escapes worst of Irene


Sebastian Smith Tropical storm Irene has lashed New York, shutting down America's largest city but sparing it serious damage after killing 14 people on the US east coast.

Inland NSW a tinder box, say bushfire experts


Nicky Phillips A THICK blanket of grass spanning the width of Australia will pose a significant bushfire threat this season, experts say.

Mental illness rise linked to climate

Climate change

Erik Jensen Health RATES of mental illnesses including depression and post-traumatic stress will increase as a result of climate change, a report to be released today says.

New York drenched as Irene roars into the city


Kim Severson Weakened but unbowed, hurricane Irene tore into New York, hammering Manhattan's skyscrapers with fierce winds and flooding parts of the financial district after killing at least 10 people along the US east coast.

Water to fill carbon tax hole in state coffers


Brian Robins The NSW government is planning to siphon hundreds of millions of dollars out of Sydney Water over the next few years, as it moves to replace falls in money received from state-owned electricity generators as a result of the federal government's planned introduction of a carbon tax.

Government's climate future report in distant future


Tom Arup The Gillard government has failed to produce a review of efforts to prepare Australia for climate change effects.

Labor pushes rules to thwart alpine grazing

Cattle grazing on the Drago High Plains.

Tom Arup Labor will push for federal oversight powers of national parks to head off a controversial Victorian cattle trial.

New York cops a battering from violent nature


James Barron, New York Weakened Hurricane Irene has torn into New York, hammering Manhattan's skyscrapers with fierce winds and threatening to flood the financial district after killing at least nine people along the US east coast.

New Zealand farewells Happy Feet

Happy feet

About 1700 people have turned up at Wellington Zoo to farewell Happy Feet, the emperor penguin who captured the country's heart after being washed up sick and starving on a New Zealand beach 3000km from his Antarctic home.


Live cattle trade

Animals Australia has uncovered terrible cruelty in Indonesian abattoirs. Here is our record of events.

weather special index

Too hot? Or too cold?

And what lies ahead on the horizon? Visit our special index for the pick of the weather stories.

BP Gulf of Mexico oil spill

Gulf of Mexico oil spill

An oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico threatens an environmental disaster. See our special index.

puppy puff

Dogs too cute for their own good

What to do with unwanted pets is a major issue. See our special index.

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