Monthly Archives: August 2009

#79 | In Mytilini, like everwhere else…

“I am not a racist, but…” Swerving through the curvy roads leading to the Lesvos NoBorders camp, the taxi driver delves into the only-too-familiar defense of, well, racists. “There’s not enough jobs” – but they take on the jobs Greeks would never want to do, plus most migrants only want to cross through the country [...]

#78 | Thodoros Iliopoulos is free!

On the eve of Thursday, 27.8, Thodoros Iliopoulos was ordered free by the Council of Misdemeanors. His detention has been replaced by restrictive orders including a ban on exiting the country and the obligation to appear to a local police station twice a month. Yesterday’s demonstration in Athens, demanding his release, took place as planned, [...]

#77 | Moscow, Hamburg, Vilnus, London, San Francisco, Belgrade and dozens of Greek cities say: Set Thodoros Iliopoulos free, NOW!

Monday, August 24 was the international day of solidarity with Thodoros Iliopoulos. With the fires raging across Greece, Thodoros had been seemingly unlucky in that those holding his life upon their hands, the very same people – and the State – that had imprisoned him, seemed as if they would get away with the slow [...]

#76 | At the dawn of the international solidarity day: Set Thodoros free!

On day 45 of his hunger strike, Thodoros Iliopoulos is finally finding himself in a hospital outside prison (he was transferred to the Sotiria Hospital in Athens on Friday, after a series of promised transfers out of prison that never materialised). Day 46 of his hunger strike (Mon, August 24) is the day when thousands [...]

#75 | Unbelievable: Thodoros Iliopoulos has just been transferred back to prison

According to his solidarity innitiative Thodoros Iliopoulos has just been transferred back to prison! Despite the reassurances of the prison hospital’s director this morning that Thodoros would be transfered to a proper hospital, the same police van that took him to hospital picked him up and drove him back. They are provoking and teasing a [...]

#74 | Thodoros Iliopoulos has been transferred to hospital; his lawyers submit new bail application; 4 days to the international solidarity day

Click here or scroll down for the call-out for the international day of action for Thodoris, on August 24 A few hours ago, Thodoros Iliopoulos was transferred from the Korydallos prison to the Attikon Hospital, in Athens. His lawyers have today submitted a fresh bail application. It is not yet known whether the application will [...]

#73 | August 19: Medical report for Thodoros Iliopoulos on day 41 of his hunger strike

Click here or scroll down for the call-out for the international day of action for Thodoris, on August 24 What follows is the medical report of the doctor who examined Thodoris in the Korydallos prison today, Wednesday August 19. Today I examined Mr. Thodoros Iliopoulos in the Hospital of the Korydallos Prison in Athens, on [...]

#72 | URGENT: Call-out for international day of action for Thodoris Iliopoulos, Monday August 24

If you are planning an action for the international solidarity day please comment on this post or e-mail us. The solidarity initiative for Thodoris Iliopoulos has released the following call-out. Please translate it and repost it in as many languages as you can. So far, the call-out has been translated in: DEUTSCH | POLSKIM | [...]