Monthly Archives: February 2009


(A text distributed on the streets of Athens these days. See this post for some background information on Konstantina’s case) The attack against Konstantina Kuneva wasn’t a murderous one. Her likely death as a result of this attack was a secondary issue for the pigs who conducted it. The sulfuric acid was used for her [...]

24.2: Haunt of Migrants in Exarcheia attacked with hand-grenade

On the night of February 24 the Haunt of Migrants on Tsamadou Street in Exarcheia was attacked while an assembly of the Association of Conscientious Objectors was taking place inside: A hand-grenade was thrown from outside. Luckily the building’s window was shut and double-glazed – the first layer of the window broke but the hand-grenade [...]

#41, 16:02. One hand-grenade and 41 days later: this blog is active again.

So, where were we? This blog stopped being updated in late January as the main contributors left Greece and things there seemed to be getting quiter. With so many developments in the country not covered in the least by national or international media, the need was felt for this blog to be reactivated… So here [...]

Konstantina Kuneva: Some background information

Here is an excellent background information piece on Konstantina, as sent out from the occupation of the Athens-Pireaus Railway (ISAP) in solidarity, a few days after the attack against her. On December 23, sulphuric acid was thrown at the face of Konstantina Kuneva as she was returning home from work. Konstantina is in the [...]

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