Berlin’s burning!

September 1, 2011


Monday, 29 August 2011 Berlin’s burning! THE car-burning insurrection in Berlin is turning up the heat on the German authorities. “At night all over the city, cars are burning on the streets of the German capital,” reports The New York Times. “The federal police have been called in to help. Helicopters with infrared cameras can… [Read more…]

Silvia Guerini transferred to Zurich

September 1, 2011


Silvia Guerini transferred to Zurich From Viva la Anarquía (August 30, 2011) via Informa-Azione (August 29, 2011): Our comrade Silvia Guerini has been transferred from prison in Biel to prison in Zurich. Her new contact information is: Silvia Guerini Bezirksgefängnis Zürich Postfach 1266 CH-8026 Zürich Switzerland If Billy Bernasconi or Costa Ragusa are also transferred, we… [Read more…]

Moscow police station is bombed

September 1, 2011


Tuesday, 30 August 2011 Moscow police station is bombed <object width=”370″ height=”277″><param name=”movie” value=“”></param><embed src=”” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” allowfullscreen=”true” width=”370″ height=”277″ /></object> A BOMB has gone off at a Moscow police station, as Russian anarchists fight back against state brutality. Reports Russia Today: “The blast shattered windows in the department and damaged several cars allegedly belonging to… [Read more…]

Posted in: action, sabotaz, Tags, videos

New acts of social war in Russia and Ukraine

September 1, 2011



28.08.2011 from: BLACK BLOCG NEWS OF ANARCHY GUERILLA New acts of social war in Russia and Ukraine August 26, DIY-bomb exploded outside the Police Direction of North-West area of Moscow. About a 12 windows was broken by the blast wave. No group has been taken a responsibility for this action. Police believe, that it was… [Read more…]

Solidarity with UK antifascist prisoners – a report from the Netherlands

August 31, 2011



Posted on August 30, 2011 by leedsabc Saturday August 20 the Anarchist Group Amsterdam (AGA) organised an info evening for the imprisoned antifascists in the UK. It followed an event organised by AFA The Hague, who dedicated their monthly antifa café to writing the prisoners and informing people about their case. Despite a lot of… [Read more…]

At least 45 university departments occupied by their students in Greece, gearing up for another winter of discontent

August 31, 2011



At least 45 university departments occupied by their students in Greece, gearing up for another winter of discontent Tuesday, August 30, 2011 Only days after the new education bill was voted into law, bringing sweeping changes to Greece’s higher education system (immense funding cuts, abolition of the academic asylum etc), students on the ground have… [Read more…]

Posted in: action, solidarity, news, Tags


August 31, 2011


flea flyer

Barricades put on fire, a bank and the cops attacked Hamburg, the 20th of August 2011(germany)

August 29, 2011



Barricades put on fire, a bank and the cops attacked Hamburg, the 20th of August 2011 FROM: After a peaceful Schanzenfest (note: an illegal, self-organized neighborhood festivity taking place since more than 20 years) there have been again confrontations during the night to Sunday. Two cops got slightly injured and 30 rioters have been arrested.… [Read more…]

Posted in: news, solidarity, Tags

Letter bomb for Frank Henkel (CDU) Berlin the 20th of august 2011

August 29, 2011


Letter bomb for Frank Henkel (CDU) Berlin the 20th of august 2011 Note from directactionde: The communique was published some days before Frank Henkel received the “letter-bomb”. In the end the “letter bomb” was an envelope filled with a bit of black powder (that you can get from fireworks) and a mechanism that played the… [Read more…]


August 29, 2011


who have refused to give a DNA sample or would not give one were they asked to   Greece looks nothing like the advertisements of the Ministry of Tourism. We live in an era of subtle dictatorship. Organised assaults on protesters, joint para-State and police actions, racist pogroms, dozens of political prisoners, training the army… [Read more…]

Posted in: action, solidarity, news

Panayiotis Argyrou: Political Statement to the Court july athens-greece

August 29, 2011


FROM@Culmine (July 13, 2011): translate by On November 1, 2010, Panayiotis Argyrou was arrested in Athens alongside Gerasimos Tsakalos during the wave of incendiary package mailings initiated by the Fire Cells Conspiracy. Both comrades willingly admitted to their participation in the organization. Argyrou had been named in an October 2009 arrest warrant charging him… [Read more…]

Thessaloniki: Delta squat threatened with eviction DELTA SQUAT WILL REMAIN IT’S NOT FOR RENT

August 29, 2011


  from  @ In late July the Alexandrio Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki publicly announced its intention to offer the building in 13, Egnatia Street for hire, a building which has been occupied for four years. After years of neglect, this space became through collective processes, from derelict and inaccessible building, a free and… [Read more…]

On the evening of Friday August 26th, a small demonstration of 50-60 anarchist students took place in the neighbourhood of Goudi, Athens, -greece

August 29, 2011


tudents target the house of University of Athens vice-chancellor for selling-out the academic asylum; departmental general assemblies across the country, as the student movement gears up for a warm winter Monday, August 29, 2011 On the evening of Friday August 26th, a small demonstration of 50-60 anarchist students took place in the neighbourhood of Goudi,… [Read more…]

Posted in: action, solidarity

I saw cops shoot my brother’(chile)

August 28, 2011


I saw cops shoot my brother’ IT’S THE same all over the world – cops will lie through their teeth to avoid paying the consequences of their state-endorsed thuggery.It has now emerged that the Chilean police are claiming they had nothing to do with the death of 14 year old Manuel Gutiérrez Reinoso (above) and… [Read more…]

Posted in: Uncategorized

48-hour general strike in Chile. Capitalism kills again!!!

August 27, 2011



from@ News – 26/08/2011 Major clashes and sporadic looting was reported during the two-day strike declared by the Central Union of Workers (CUT). The protesters demand constitutional changes, immediate reduction of taxation and free public education. This was the first 48-hour national strike in Chile’s history while the student struggles keep on for more… [Read more…]

Posted in: Uncategorized

Chilean teenager shot dead during protests-Chile

August 27, 2011



Anarchist Abroad | Boy, 16, dies in hospital after sustaining gunshot wound during mass demonstrations against Chile’s president, Sebastián Piñera A Chilean teenager has died after being shot in the chest during huge protests against the president, Sebastián Piñera, in the capital. Local media said the 16-year-old boy was shot near a security barricade as… [Read more…]

Posted in: Uncategorized

A Chilean teenager has died after being shot in the chest during huge protests against the president, Sebastián Piñera, in the capital.(CHILE)

August 27, 2011



Chile: Teenager shot dead during protests Posted on August 26, 2011 from the press: VIA A Chilean teenager has died after being shot in the chest during huge protests against the president, Sebastián Piñera, in the capital. Local media said the 16-year-old boy was shot near a security barricade as protesters fought police in… [Read more…]

Posted in: Uncategorized

Solidarity posters from greek anarchists to the rioters in uk and Chile

August 27, 2011



Poster from Veria: Breaking News: From the French suburbs of ’05 and December ’08 To the England of 2011… … Rage needs no translation! And we are on its side Autonomous social steki Baruti .         IN GREECE, CHILE AND ENGLAND THE ENEMY IS IN THE BANKS AND MINISTRIES   All summer,… [Read more…]

The Nottingham antifascist benefit gig last night was a great success.(uk)

August 27, 2011



Benefit gig for antifascist prisoners -The Sumac Centre, 245 Gladstone Street, Forest Fields, Nottingham. uk All proceeds will go towards supporting antifascists jailed after an altercation with fascists at Welling railway station in 2009. More than two years later 7 were convicted of conspiracy to commit violent disorder in May this year and 6 have… [Read more…]

solidarity action to squatters -bristol uk

August 26, 2011



solidarity to squatters a piece of the states apparatus was put out of action early thursday morning: an orbis/sitex van, used to secure voids (empty properties) with metal doors and shutters and installing alarms, wa gutted by flames.this was done as part of the ongoing struggle against the enclosures on our lives, where we are… [Read more…]

London on riot alert as yobs hurl petrol bombs at police van days before Notting Hill Carnival (uk)

August 26, 2011



London was on riot alert today after petrol bombs were hurled at a marked police van days before the Notting Hill Carnival. The officers in the vehicle escaped injury following the attack in Edmonton, north London.Extra officers were sent to the scene in Fore Street, Enfield, after the petrol bombs were thrown at 11.30pm last… [Read more…]

Breaking the banks action solidarity -bristol -uk

August 26, 2011


Last night the windows of Lloyds TSB in Fishponds were smashed, to let some air in to the filthy place and to show we will not keep quiet in the face of the relentless attacks of capital and the state. A broken window helps to shatter the illusion that our enemies are invincible. True, it… [Read more…]

Update info :Urgent call for money for those arrested at the general strike of June 28th–29th athens… greece

August 26, 2011



we receive and publish: Anarchist Manolis Liolios (arrestee on June 29th) was officially asked to produce a bail of 70,000 Euros. After appealing, the bail amount was lowered to 15,000 Euros; on August 25th his collective, the Anarchist Archives Group of Athens announced that this sum has been collected and that the judicial authorities only… [Read more…]

Posted in: news, solidarity, Tags

Solidarity from Poland:with greek anarchists! and conspiracy of cells of fire!

August 26, 2011


Obraz 049

  Solidarity from Poland: conspiracy of cells of fire solidarity with greek anarchists   - today greece, tomorrow all world – solidarity with CCF   System just burning – let’s put more fire against them!     (ccf logo) – you can break the one finger – but 5 finger make a fist!    … [Read more…]

Chile: Protests and clashes against Piñera’s visit to Chillán Viejo

August 26, 2011



  from, translated by war on society: At around 10am on Saturday several manifestations were called for against the visit of the chief and head of the State, Piñera, who came to commemorate the birth of the first dictator of $hile (as fatherland*), Bernardo O’Higgins, in the town of Chillán Viejo, where those attending… [Read more…]

Posted in: action, solidarity, Tags

Chile: Looting and clashes in Santiago during second day of strike

August 26, 2011



  via      from the press: SANTIAGO (Reuters) – Protesters scuffled with police in the Chilean capital on Thursday, the second of a two-day strike against unpopular President Sebastian Pinera marked by sporadic looting, though the linchpin mining sector was not affected. Youths set fire to piles of trash at some intersections in Santiago… [Read more…]

Posted in: action, news, solidarity, Tags

Fraternal Order of Police building attacked with Molotov and brick — Philadelphia, PA (usa)

August 25, 2011


Fraternal Order of Police building attacked with Molotov and brick — Philadelphia, PA Someone threw a brick and a makeshift Molotov cocktail through a glass front door at Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 5 headquarters early Wednesday, authorities said. The flaming device – a lit wick or cloth in a Corona beer bottle – burned… [Read more…]

Posted in: action, news, sabotaz, Tags

Direct Action to Protect Holy Peaks Continues-Arizona usa

August 25, 2011


Direct Action to Protect Holy Peaks Continues August – 14 – 2011 By Klee Benally – On Saturday, August 13th 2011, after a prayerful gathering on the Holy San Francisco Peaks, my friends Mary Sojourner, Rudy Preston and I were arrested by “law-enforcement” agents for standing against desecration and eco-cide caused by Arizona Snowbowl… [Read more…]

Posted in: action, solidarity, Tags

Greece: The ‘Metapolitefsi’ has legally ended

August 25, 2011


  FROM: On Wednesday noon, August 24th, Container squat in the University campus in Zografou, Ilissia district, has been invaded and evicted. The occupied container was smashed, and all items were removed and confiscated. Students from the occupied Refectory building at the Propylaea in downtown Athens called for a discussion–briefing at 9 pm regarding… [Read more…]

Posted in: news, solidarity, Tags

$hile: Cops raided squats in Valparaiso and Santiago

August 25, 2011


  FROM : On Tuesday afternoon, August 23rd, heavy police forces raided TIAO squat (Independent Arts and Crafts Workshop) located at Yungay Street in Valparaiso. TIAO squat has been a hub for autonomous and self-organized projects for the last five years. Cops fully armed broke the metal door and the windows and invaded the building… [Read more…]

Text by the political prisoner A.Kossyvas concerning further prosecution against him-athens-greece

August 24, 2011


Text by the political prisoner A.Kossyvas concerning further prosecution against him August 12th, 2011 Experiencing a pre-trial detention for eleven months now — which is inconsistent even in the ‘reasonable’ framework of the bourgeois justice — and with the trial set for October 18th, 2011, based on a flimsy indictment ready to collapse, the… [Read more…]

Posted in: action, solidarity

Confirmed: Twitter will meet with the UK government for riot talks

August 24, 2011


  Twitter has confirmed that it will meet with the UK Home Secretary on Thursday, after being called in for discussions over the role it played in the recent riots that blighted many parts of the country. We reported last Friday that the UK government had finally set a date for the meeting with the… [Read more…]

Latest actions of Moscow insurgents-Russia: Incendiary attacks on police station and vehicle

August 24, 2011


23.08.2011 Latest actions of Moscow insurgents Click to download in FLV format (1.38MB)   August 21, 2011 at the 3 a. m. individual fighter of resistance have burned down a local police station №35 placed on Lenskaya street, 28, Moscow. Action was succesful and struggle against «criminals with shoulder straps» will be continued. Greetings… [Read more…]

Chile: Update on the health of comrade Luciano Tortuga

August 24, 2011



Chile: Update on the health of comrade Luciano Tortuga from vivalaanarquia, translated by war on society: As we published a few days ago, comrade Luciano was released last weekend, now it remains to be seen how the (in)justice goes because they wanted to charge him in the same building of the trials of $hilean (in)justice.… [Read more…]

Molotov cocktail attack on Public Security Police station in Lisbon- portogal

August 23, 2011



23 08 2011 From Viva la Anarquía (August 22, 2011): According to Portuguese mass media, the Public Security Police (PSP) station in the Bela Vista area of Lisbon was attacked with two Molotov cocktails in the early morning of August 20. Neither injuries nor material damages were reported, and the police have opened an investigation.… [Read more…]

Posted in: action, sabotaz, Tags

Truck fire outside Hoveton police station-Norwich U.K

August 23, 2011


Truck fire outside Hoveton police station Firefighters were called to a truck on fire outside Hoveton police station today. The vehicle was a Broads Authority truck and firefighters were called to the scene at Stalham Road at about 4.30am. The fire was put out by 4.45am. A Norfolk Police spokesperson confirmed that the fire was… [Read more…]

Tubize – CPAS (social money office) set on fire, president got threats

August 22, 2011

0 Thursday morning, around 8 AM, the technical department, in the basement, of the CPAS was set on fire. The smoke invaded several parts of the building. One person got slightly intoxicated. Keys, furniture, desks were damaged. The public prosecutor believes it was an act of arson. The president of the social money office had… [Read more…]

Posted in: action, sabotaz

Solidarity slogans on the walls in barcelona- spain

August 22, 2011


Read the communique here: in spanish Anarquistas. solidarity to the comrades of the bombs case in chile And to comrades ccf and carlo juliani

Posted in: action, solidarity, Tags

Greek poster and English translation in solidarity with English insurrection

August 22, 2011


Greek poster in solidarity with English insurrection Solidarity to the English insurrection! Especially to those comrades in bristol and Nottingham who took the fire of rage to the medias and murderers front doors! Anarchist Abroad

Solidarity with Christos Kolentinis who is held under pretrial detention in Koridallos prisons(athens-greece)

August 22, 2011



Solidarity with Christos Kolentinis who is held under pretrial detention in Koridallos prisons A solidarity banner in Exarchia square for Christos Kolentinis and all imprisoned comrades. On Friday night, July 8th, C.K. was arrested, tortured by the bastards of MAT (riot police) and hospitalized with severe wounds. A solidarity poster by the Self-organized Hangout… [Read more…]

Posted in: action, news, solidarity, Tags