Thursday, April 30, 2009

Utopia//Emergency, "Social War" and the 'anarcho' liberal backlash, AKA: why we can't just all get along.

A new compilation zine just released, looks like an interesting synthesis of recent analysis from the RNC, the Greek Riots, the Oakland Rebellion and more....

Check it out here

There is also a backlash brewing against the new 'Social War' trend in the anarchist milieu. A recent (rather pathetic) critique can be read here.

While critique is necessary and should a positive thing for this developing trend, many of the critiques like the aforementioned one, just serve to make the differences between 'us' (pro revolutionaries) and 'them' (liberals masquerading as radicals) clearer. In "Social War Needs Social Skills" the anonymous author uses ridiculous platitudes and ignorant comparisons, attempting to use tired activist rhetoric, to shame those who dare try a new path into falling into line behind their liberal goals for 'true democracy' and the ubiquitous, mythical and fetishized "community".

Obviously there are valid critiques that could be made about this new trend which is still developing here in the US, but bullshit like 'Social War Needs Social Skills' will likely serve to do nothing else besides make it clear that some of us are definitely not on the same page.
What do you think?

Friday, April 17, 2009

Communique from Colombia: International Political Prisoners Day

April 16, 2009
From the CEA-LA (centro de estudios abolicionistas por la liberación animal) (center of abolitionist studies for animal liberation) and the “Red Libertaria Popular Mateo Kramer” (Libertarian people’s network Mateo Kramer) receive a warm salute full of affection and rebelliousness.

Tomorrow, April 17 we will celebrate the international day of political prisoners, with the aim to generate and ambient of solidarity with all the fighters and revolutionaries around the globe, unveiling all the injustices and estate’s crimes, that in the frame of the actual socio-economic system we all have witnessed.

Today there’s thousands of our comrades retain in the walls of prisons, locked up for defending social justice, others for their militancy on behalf of the Earth and some others for their fight against slavery of non-human animals.

In Colombia there’s more than 7000 woman and men imprisoned for political reasons, maintained in precarious physical and psychological conditions and exposed to bad treatments. With the objective of terrify all who defend Human Rights, the Colombian government in the head of president Uribe criminalized all people who decide to give their life for the oppressed.

At the same time we are in solidarity, with all political prisoners who have give their lives in defense of the Earth and the liberation of non-human animals. For us there’s no difference in the different movements, we believe that total liberation in ONE build it from our differences.

That’s why we have to unite all our efforts and support all resistance around the globe… so each and every heart burns and light up the hopes and dreams shared for FREEDOM

In the name of CEA-LA (center of abolitionist studies for animal liberation) and the “Libertarian people’s network Mateo Kramer” we are in solidarity with all political prisoners around the globe, and we invite you to participate and get active in all initiatives for the International Day of Political Prisoners.


In Solidarity:


El communicado en español

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Unstoppable: Protests continue at the New School.

A rally was held today on 13th Street outside one of the New School buildings. Students were speaking out against the police attacks that occurred Friday and Saturday of last week, and continuing the call for President Bob Kerrey to resign. The Students and their supporters took to the streets once again in an unpermitted march and went (once again) to Bob Kerrey's house.

Afterwards the march wound its way to 65 5th avenue site of Friday's occupation with protesters chanting "from NY to Greece Fuck the Police". A confrontation began after police began to force people out of the street. 3 protesters were arrested but released a few hours later with summonses. The crowd then marched over towards NYU where students there were encouraged to "Occupy Everything".

A solidarity message was received by the New School rebels from the insurgent students of La Sapienza University in Rome, Italy.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Another Wild Weekend in the Big Apple

Another wild one in the death center of capital!

(photos from 'catastrophe' from exquisit corps)

Friday a.m. :

A wild student occupation at the new school complete with balaclava-ed occupiers, police state tactics, and a mini-riot.

Friday night:
Solidarity march leaves Union Square throwing barricades in the street, and heads for scum bag New School president Bob Kerrey's house. March makes it to site of occupation, 65 5th Avenue, arrests and clashes ensue, more barricades in the street.

Saturday a.m.:
The 3rd annual NYC Anarchist Book fair sets up shop selling anarchist commodities of all shapes and sizes workshops and other events are held as well.

Saturday night:
Following the Bookfair a gathering called "Catastrophe" takes place, meeting once again in Union Square. The cats move into the subway where a brief scuffle happens as police attempt to arrest a party goer who is unarrested and escapes. The cats exit the train at 1st ave and 14th street where chaos ensues and the party somehow becomes a bizarre march/ happening that confuses many including police. Windows of Mcdonalds, Washington Mutual, and Whole Foods are reportedly smashed as the unruly and scattered mob winds its way around the east village and moves towards the New School, which is quickly surrounded by police.

Reportedly there where 30 arrests made in these various events, and two police were apparently injured.

And the warm weather isn't even here yet!!!!

Friday, April 10, 2009

New School Re-Occupied , and then evicted by massive police operation

The New School building that was occupied in December by students was reoccupied, this time in its entirety, in the early morning of April 10th. A banner reading "Occupy" and a red and black flag were hung from the roof. By 11am a massive police operation involving, a helicopter, hundreds of police, emergency service and Fire Department units shut down a big chunk of the neighborhood. A clash broke out on 14th street and 5th ave as people outside attempted to help students escape from the building which police had begun to raid. Police attacked demonstrators arresting several. A police car was allegedly attacked as supporter purportedly threw metal barricades at baton wielding police. Shortly after the building was stormed by police wearing full riot gear. 19 occupiers are reported to have been arrested.

Timeline of events

corporate media video

independent media:

Later in the night a rally to protest the police eviction of New School students from 65 5th avenue and the brutality handed out by the NYPD was held in Union Square. An impromptu march was held taking up all 4 lanes of traffic on 14th street, barricades were thrown into the street as police began to follow. Eventually the rowdy crowd made its way to 21 West 11th street, the residence of New School president Bob Kerrey. Police moved in with metal barricades and after taunting Kerrey for a while the protest moved back towards 6th ave and then up towards 65 5th avenue. More barricades were thrown into the street and a group of three undercover officers made arrests. There was at least one unarrest made before police cruisers started swarming from all over. The march made it back to union square where it dispersed. There are unconfirmed reports of 4 arrests being made.

Solidarity with all arrestees, keep up the fight!

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Summer of rage in europe: Riots in Strasbourg, France-Rabia en Strasbourg por la junta de la OTAN

Video from Day 1 of anti nato protests in France.
More Video:

Cobertura en español

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Chaos in the streets of London as G-20 meets/ Caos en las calles de Londres durante la junta del G-20

The G-20 meets in London this week and with it thousands have mobilized to express their hatred of capitalism.

April 1st saw throngs of protesters swarming the financial district of london. Hooded protesters smashed their way into a Royal Bank of Scotland building where they ransacked the interior:

Police kettled (surrounded) segments of the crowd further enraging protesters who broke through police lines and clashed with cops. Injuries were reported on both sides and one man has died after collapsing inside of police lines.
Newswire from Indymedia London
Ayer se produjeron serios enfrentamientos y la muerte de una manifestante

Miles de manifestantes se lanzaron ayer a las calles de Londres con el fin de mostrar el rechazo al sistema. Ya el sábado se adelantaron más de trescientas mil personas en un pasacalles organizado por asociaciones de todo tipo bajo el lema ‘Pon a la gente primero’. El día de ayer, adelantándose al comienzo de la cumbre del G-20+ (G20 + España + Holanda + representantes máximos de las Naciones Unidas, el Fondo Monetario Internacional y el Banco Mundial. )para hoy jueves, las protestas se extendieron por toda la ciudad. Una manifestación que ha partido de la embajada de Estados Unidos ha protestado contra la guerra y ha pedido que el gasto militar pase a gastos sociales y a ayudar a las familias a salir de la crisis.
Mas de las protestas de ayer, por la haine
some photos from the 1st/ fotos del primero de Abril:


Today clashes also broke out between protesters and police in Strasbourg during a NATO summit.