Tuesday, May 05, 2009

"The urge to destroy is also a destructive urge": More Mayday Madness in the US

Reports keep trickling in and we are beginning to see that this mayday was one of the wildest in years! There is a report back from an action in Asheville, North Carolina of an occupation turned street party turned riot:

"On the night of May first a down town building in Asheville North Carolina was occupied for a dance party in honor of May Day

A banner hung from the roof read "Reclaiming space to reclaim our lives. Occupy everything!" and by the time the police arrived there was about 150-200 people doing just that. As pre-determined nobody fought for the space but instead took the party to the street.

Once the police realized their mistake they seized the sound system but it was too late. Masks were on and the chants began. "Wu-tang Clan ain't nothing to fuck with!", "May Day is our day. Can't forget peoples history!", "Swine-Flu! Swine-Flu!" and A... Anti...Anti-Capitalista!"

The rowdy party snaked through the city dragging things into the street and throwing shit at stuff we hate (banks, development firms and yes, even those fucking bourgeois-ass "local businesses"). Cry about it liberal.

By the time there was enough police to disperse us, we were already gone.
Next step, making every day May Day! "

A pretty amazing communique has also been released from a crew allegedly involved in the Mayday action in san francisco: Read it here
And another one: Here