The Disappearing Honey Bees Beekeepers on What's Happening
From: GaiamSearch August 03, 2007 (less info) Colony Collapse Disorder is causing honey bees around the world to die without explanation. Backyard beekeepers and experts describe the relationship between humans and bees, how CCD is impacting colonies, and how everyone can help their recovery. More content like this at More content like this at -------------------- Monsanto and the pharmaceutical (one and the same) corporations are killing the bees, humans, and animals. My uncle who lives in a rural area told me today that he cannot see animals around anymore. Everything is dying where Monsanto puts "its hands". Many have used humanity to make themselves rich and powerful and now they are using the people's money to kill and sicken them? Sick people creates lots of jobs, taxes, and pharmaceuticals become richer and richer....IN THE MEAN TIME TO CONTROL world POPULATION... How much you do not care? Are we already zombies? How much do you hate yourself that you refuse to buy organic products? How little do you care about your children that you rather support the corporations poisoning them each time you go to the supermarket than the good farmers attacked by Monsanto? What is it going to take for you to make a few minutes of your time each day to make a difference? We are running out of time! No drama here. It is what it is. Poisons are changing people's DNA. Do not believe me. Look into. I really do not care anymore which soccer team won. I cannot care less <b>...</b>