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Year in Review

Politics & Society

  • Hoover urges congressional leaders to examine possible public works program
  • New York City police raid Communist rally
  • Feb. 10: In Chicago, 186 indicted in huge rum-running plot; business valued at $50,000,000
  • Feb 24: Hoover tells Congress to economize or face 40% tax hike
Who is responsible for the Saloon?--Frank Beard in The Ram's Horn
  • President Hoover says the worst effects of the Depression will be over within 90 days: "Prosperity is just around the corner"
  • 513 individuals file as milionaires on their tax returns
  • Republican Club votes for Dry Law repeal
  • NY Police Commissioner gives employers black list of Communists
  • Al Capone released from jail
  • March 8: William Howard Taft dies
  • April 3: Telephone Service from the United States to South America is
    available for the first time
  • April 7: Hoover signs "Old Ironsides" legislation, appropriating
    $300,000 for restoration efforts
  • April 21: Ohio Fire kills 355 out of 4,300 convicts held in prison designed to hold 1500
  • April 28: Troops drop bombs as prisoners revolt a week after the fire
  • May 24:Poll shows majority of Americans in favor of repeal of Prohibition
  • Economists warn that Smoot-Hawley legislation will adversely affect international trade
  • June 1: Gangsters raid Chicago hotel, killing three in gang war
  • June 13: Al Capone arrested on perjury charge
  • June 17: Hoover signs Smoot-Hawley Tariff Bill, placing the largest tariffs ever on American goods, especially significant for minerals, chemicals, textiles and farm goods
Al Capone
  • July 3: Veteran Administration Act signed combining all federal agencies dealing with benefits for former statesmen in the Veteran's Administration
  • July 4: Detroit. Nation of Islam is founded
  • July 27: U.S. Labor leaders move to ban all Soviet products
  • July 29: Hoover opposes barring Soviet trade
  • Aug 1: NY Police battle Communists in Union Square Riot
  • Aug 5: Douglas MacArthur named U.S. Army Chief of Staff
  • Aug 16: U.S. allocates $121.9 million for drought relief
  • Aug 23: Four Long Island clubs raided; 19 arrested for gambling
  • Aug 28: New York Labor Union leaders demand legal beer to create jobs
  • Sept 9: U.S. State Department restricts immigration of foreign laborers to combat unemployment
  • Sept 10: Franklin Roosevelt takes stand for Dry Law repeal
  • Sept 19: New Jersey Gangsters raid dry agents in seized brewery; one killed
  • Oct 8: U.S. Navy scraps 49 ships, 4800 men under Naval Treaty
  • Oct 17: Hoover establishes Committee for Unemployment Relief
  • Roosevelt re-elected Governor of NY; starts work on Presidential Campaign the next day
  • Nov 4: Democrats win majority in the House in midterm elections
  • Nov 30: Mother Jones, labor leader, dies at 100
  • End of Nov: 6,000 apple sellers in NYC alone
  • Dec 1: 500 Communist protesters dispersed from the Capitol with tear gas
  • Dec 9: Secretary of Labor Doak begins plans to address U.S. Labor void by deporting Mexican-Americans
  • Dec 11: U.S. Bank goes under; 60 branches in New York and more than 1300 close nationwide by year's end
  • Dec 31: Hoover urges Congress to provide up to $150 million for public works to create jobs. Emphasizes U.S. is better than rest of the world
Science and Technology
  • January 6: The first diesel automobile trip is completed
  • Lindbergh arrives in NY, setting cross-country flying record of 14.75 hrs
  • NYC starts installing traffic lights; uses yellow instead of amber light to signal drivers to slow down
  • Arizona: Scientists report discovery of ninth planet (Pluto) at Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, AZ
  • First transcontinental glider flight begins; towed by a biplane on a 500-ft line
  • April 4: Congress votes $300 million for road construction
  • April 11: New York Scientist predicts main will reach moon by 2050
  • May 11: Adler Planetarium, the first in the U.S., opened in Chicago
  • In Arizona, a newly discovered planet is named Pluto
  • June 6: Frozen food (processed by Clarence Birdseye) hits commercial market for the first time
  • June 15: Plans submitted for Rockefeller Center
  • July-August: Arkansas receives only 35% of rainfall from 1929
  • July 1: Northland Transportation Co. extends bU.S. service across nation, changes name to Greyhound Company
  • July 3: Auto plants reopen in Detroit, sending 150,000 back to work
  • July 7: Construction begins on Boulder Dam
  • Aug 11: Drought has cut U.S. corn output 690 million bushels
Precursor to Dust Bowl
  • Sept 1: Aviation milestone: first East-West crossing of the Atlantic
  • Sept 1: Edison tests 1st U.S. electric passenger train between Hoboken and Montclair, NJ
  • Oct 10: TWA formed through merger of 3 airlines
  • Nov 13: Yale scientist estimates earth's age: 1.825 billion years
  • Dec 12: Karl Landsteiner wins Nobel Prize for Medicine for identifying A, B, AB positive, and O blood types.
1930 January 1930 February 1930 March 1930 April 1930 May 1930 June 1930 July 1930 AugU.S.t 1930 September 1930 October 1930 November 1930 December 1930
Arts and Culture
Early Sunday Morning--Edward Hopper Early Sunday Morning by Edward Hopper

  The 30s Jukebox
  • Henry Luce publishes the first edition of Fortune Magazine
  • Mickey Mouse appears in first comic strip
  • January 13: The first Mickey Mouse comic strip is published in the New York Mirror
  • Feb. 5: Figure skater Sonja Henie performs in Madison Square Garden; wins world's amateur singles for the fourth time
  • Feb. 13: John Wexley's play The Last Mile, an impassioned protest against capital punishment, opens in New York
  • Greta Garbo's first talkie (Anna Christie) opens; she asks for a shot of whisky
  • The Motion Picture Production Code of 1930 is adopted by the film industry; the Code affirms that films will not "lower the moral standards" of the viewing public
  • March 16: WEAF in New York City carries first opera broadcast
    directly from a stage in Europe
  • April 28: The first three Nancy Drew mysteries are introduced to the public; the books are an immediate success
  Amos 'n' Andy: Cartoons
  • The Rasslin Match
  • The Lion Tamer
  • Songs Released in 1930
    • "Ain't Misbehavin" by Fats Waller
    • "I Got Rhythm" and "Embraceable You" by George Gershwin
    • "On the Sunny Side of the Street" by Dorothy Fields and Jimmy McHugh
    • May 12: Laughing Boy by Oliver La Farge and Selected Poems by Conrad Aiken win Pulitzer Prizes
    • May 28: The Chrysler Building officially opens to the public
    • June 12: Germany's Max Schmeling declared world heavyweight
      champion after Jack Sharkey throws a low blow
    • June 18: The National Park Service designates Appomattox Court House Monument, Virginia
    • July 12: Bobby Jones wins U.S. Open
    • July 20: Consumption of cigarettes up by 1 billion in the last year
    • Gallant Fox becomes the second triple-crown winner
    • Grant Wood's sister and dentist serve as models for American Gothic

    • American Gothic--Grant Wood
    • Washington head dedicated at Mt. Rushmore by Gutzon Borglum
    • July 31: The first broadcast of the radio show The Shadow
    • "Blondie" comic strip begins
    • Department of Commerce reports that there are 30,000 miniature golf courses in operation, many of which earn a 300 percent return each month
    Books Released in 1930
    • As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner
    • Civilization and its Discontents by Sigmund Freud
    • The Bridge by Hart Crane
    • John Maynard Keynes, Treatise on Money
    • Oct. 5: CBS begins live Sunday radio broadcasts of the NY Philharmonic with Toscanini as conductor
    • Oct. 8: Athletics (then in Philly) take World Series, beating St. Louis 7-1 in 6th game
    • Nov. 5: All Quiet on the Western Front wins Academy Award for Outstanding Motion
      Picture, 1929-30; George Arliss win for Best Actor in Disraeli; Norma Shearer win for Best Actress in The Divorce
    • Nineteen killed in Oklahoma tornado
    Films Released in 1930
    • All Quiet on the Western Front directed by Lewis Milestone
    • The Big House directed by George Hill
    • Morocco starring Marlene Dietrich and Gary Cooper
    • Little Caesar starring Edward G. Robinson
    • The Big Trail starring John Wayne
    • Moby Dick starring John Barrymore
    • Dec 10: Sinclair Lewis wins Nobel Prize for Literature for Babbitt, becoming the first American to do so
    • Dec 31:Adolphus Busch, heir to brewery fortune, kidnapped
    • Jan. 3: Second conference on war reparations begins
    • Jan. 5: Stalin formally collectivizes Russian farms
      and creates farm cooperatives
    • World population: 2 billion
    • March 1: Thousands of Russians report fleeing to Poland to
      avoid collective work
    • Riot at Union Square--Peter HopkinsMarch 6: International Day for Struggle Against World-Wide Unemployment; inspires Peter Hopkins' Riot at Union Square (right)
    • March 12: Gandhi and small group of followers begin the Salt March, a march to the sea where he intends to manufacture salt in defiance of the British government monopoly on salt production
    • March 28: Turkish nationalists change Greek name of Constantinople to Istanbul
    • April 21: U.S., Britain, and Japan agree to limits on warships and battleships; France
      and Italy refuse to sign; remained in effect until Dec. 31, 1936
    • April 23: Internal unrest continues in China; Communists wait as nationalist government is challenged by rivals in North
    • May 4: Gandhi arrested by British; followers mob Bombay to protest four days later
    • May 19: White women enfranchised in South Africa
    • June 26: Stalin defends purges of opponents, especially Trotskyites
    • June 30: British promise independence to Iraq
    • June 30: French troops evacuate Rhineland five years earlier than date set by the Versailles treaty
    • Aug 12: Persian troops, in collaboration with Turkey, launch
      offensive against Kurdish rebels
    • August 13: A giant meteorite lands deep in the Amazon rain forest; the explosion is the equivalent of 10 Hiroshima bombs
    • Sept. 2: In China, rebels form a Peking government under General Yen Hsi-Chan
    • Sept. 14: Nazis become second-largest party in Germany over communists; Hitler claims he would scrap Versailles treaty if in charge
    • Sept. 24: Soviet authorities execute 48 planning for revolt
    • Oct. 1: Irish delgates ask freedom from Britain
    • Oct. 13: Nazi deputies scandalize Reichstag by attending in uniform as Hitlerites stone Jewish shops in Berlin
    • Oct. 14: Fascist coup fails in Finland
    • Oct. 20: British publish Passfield White Paper on Palestine, asking for halt in Jewish immigration to curb Arab unemployment
    • Oct. 27: Mussolini demands revisions in Versailles treaty
    • Oct. 30: Greece and Turkey sign treaty of friendship at Ankara
    • Nov. 2: Haile Selassie becomes emperor of Ethiopia
    • Nov. 5: Prominant Italians seized for alleged plot to overthrow Mussolini
    • Nov. 20: Indians ask for immediate dominion status at conference with British leaders in London
    • Nov. 28: Geneva Economic Conference, called to discuss spreading depression, ends
    • Dec. 11: Germany bans All Quiet on the Western Front
    • Dec. 12: Hanz Fisher wins the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for synthesizing chlorophyll and hemoglobin
    • Dec. 20: Revolution begins in Spain
    • Dec. 22: Soviets take control of all food supplies