form·Z is a computer-aided (CAD) design tool developed by AutoDesSys for all design fields that deal with the articulation of 3D spaces and forms and which is used for 3D modeling, drafting, animation and rendering.
form·Z is a general-purpose solid and surface modeler with an extensive set of 2D/3D form manipulating and sculpting capabilities. It is a design tool for architects, landscape architects, urban designers, engineers, animators, illustrators and movie makers, industrial and interior designers and all other design areas. form·Z can be used on Windows as well as on Macintosh computers and in addition to English it is also available in German, Italian, Spanish, French, Greek, Korean and Japanese.
In general, form·Z allows design in 3D or in 2D, using numeric or interactive graphic input through either line or smooth shaded drawings (OpenGL) among drafting, modeling, rendering, and animation platforms.
Key modeling features include Boolean solids to generate complex composite objects; the ability to create curved surfacesfrom a variety of splines, including NURBS and Bézier/Coons patches; mechanical and organic forms using the previous as well as metaforms, patches, subdivisions, displacements, or skinning, plus specialty tools such as Terrain models, Platonic solids, geodesic spheres, double line/wall objects, staircases, helixes, screws, and bolts. In addition, form·Z supports transforming and morphing of 3D shapes, and their animated capture therein.