Milovan Djilas
Milovan Djilas
RTS: Intervju sa Milovanom Đilasom
Milovan Djilas priznaje da je licno ubio dvoje ljudi
Crnogorski komunista Milovan Đilas o Kosovu
Don't trust headlines; trust history....remembering Milovan Djilas
Milovan Đilas: Zgadio mi se grabež komunista 1945.
A. Miletic: Milovan Djilas i Josip Broz Tito - od saradnje do sukoba
Jugoslavija u ratu 1941-1945 - Epizoda 10 - Preventivne likvidacije
Milovan Djilas: Tito. Eine kritische Biographie (Leseprobe)
Djilas vs Sloba (1991)
„Milovan Đilas"
Milovan Djilas reliable Comrade
Milovan Djilas Quotes
Milovan Djilas
Milovan Djilas
RTS: Intervju sa Milovanom Đilasom
Milovan Djilas priznaje da je licno ubio dvoje ljudi
Crnogorski komunista Milovan Đilas o Kosovu
Don't trust headlines; trust history....remembering Milovan Djilas
Milovan Đilas: Zgadio mi se grabež komunista 1945.
A. Miletic: Milovan Djilas i Josip Broz Tito - od saradnje do sukoba
Jugoslavija u ratu 1941-1945 - Epizoda 10 - Preventivne likvidacije
Milovan Djilas: Tito. Eine kritische Biographie (Leseprobe)
Djilas vs Sloba (1991)
„Milovan Đilas"
Milovan Djilas reliable Comrade
Milovan Djilas Quotes
MILOVAN DJILAS - cetnici i italijani
Politics Book Review: Conversations with Stalin by Milovan Djilas
Aleksa Djilas o Crnogorcima.wmv
Milovan Djilas: Gespräche mit Stalin (Leseprobe)
Mića Ilić Đilas - Kolo
Milovan Ilic-Mica Djilas - Sreckovo kolo 2013
Milovan Ilic-Mica Djilas - Sandrina Igra 2013
Djilas: Metro postaje stvarnost
Kažiprst - 24.04.2013.
Interview with Borka Pavicevic
Croatian-German bilingual Speaking English
Stop Watching TV: Hamza Yusuf
Tose Proeski - Interview Zajecar 5/6
Free speech trumps racial tolerance
Gerald Celente Nearly Air Quotes "The White Shoe Boys"
Genocide in Yugoslavia, Dr. Smilja Avramov (1/8)
Mayors' roundtable
Invisible Empire (6/9) (Serbian subtitle)
Zoran Živković, predsednik Nove stranke: o organizovanom kriminalu
Vule Vučko Vučković - Vučko sa tromedje - Dokumentarni film
Ratko Božović u emisiji "Čitam i pitam" u TV Feljtonu na RTS 2.
Jugoslavija u ratu 1941-1945 - Epizoda 1 - 27.mart 1941.
Jugoslavija u ratu 1941-1945 - Epizoda 18 - Britanska završnica
Jugoslavija u ratu 1941-1945 - Epizoda 7 - 13. Jul 1941.
Jugoslavija u ratu 1941-1945 - Epizoda 4 - Srbija proleće 1941,
Djilas prisvaja splavove.Vlasnici splavova - restorana i marina na Dunavu i Savi u Beogradu.flv
Utisak nedelje 02.03.2014. Dragan Djilas, Marko Blagojevic, Dragoljub Petrovic
Predsednik Demokratske stranke Dragan Djilas gost utiska nedelje Tv B92
Milovan Zeljić, July 3, 2012, Mrakovica
Dejan Andjus KCN Sport (Gosti: Milovan Jovanovic, Dragan Jakovljevic i Goran Grbovic) 10.12.2013
Dejan Andjus - Sport Plus [ Gosti: Milan Živadinović i Milovan Jovanović ] 11.02.2014
Dragan Đilas u emisiji Beogradska hronika na RTS 1
Dragan Đilas u emisiji ''Utisak nedelje'' na TV B92
Bitka na Košarama(ceo film Milovana Drecuna).wmv
Milovan Jovanović :: Info Arena - Dusan Petrovic
Mica djilas,Misula cavic...
Milovan Đilas (pronounced [mîlɔʋan dʑîlaːs], Serbian Cyrillic: Милован Ђилас; June 4, 1911, Podbišće (Mojkovac) – April 20, 1995, Belgrade) was a YugoslavCommunist politician, theorist and author from Montenegro. He was a key figure in the Partisan movement during World War II, as in the post-war government. A self-identified Democratic Socialist, Đilas became one of the best-known and prominent dissidents in Yugoslavia and the whole Eastern Bloc.
Born in Polje village (Kolašin municipality) in the Kingdom of Montenegro, he joined the Communist Party of Yugoslavia as a Belgrade University student in 1932. He was a political prisoner from 1933 to 1936. In 1938 he was elected to the Central Committee of the Communist Party and became a member of its Politburo in 1940.
In April 1941, as Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and their allies defeated the Royal Yugoslav army and dismembered the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, Đilas helped Josip Broz Tito found the Partisan resistance, and was a guerilla commander during the war. Following Germany's attack on the Soviet Union on June 22 (Operation Barbarossa), the Communist Party of Yugoslavia's (KPJ) Central Committee decided that conditions had been created for armed struggle and on July 4 passed the resolution to begin the uprising.
Marshal Josip Broz Tito (Serbo-Croatian pronunciation: [jɔ̂sip brɔ̂ːz tîtɔ]; born Josip Broz; Cyrillic: Јосип Броз Тито; 7 May 1892 – 4 May 1980) was a Yugoslav revolutionary and statesman, serving in various roles from 1945 until his death in 1980. While his presidency has been criticized as authoritarian, due to his successful economic and diplomatic policies, Tito was seen by most as a benevolent dictator, and was a popular public figure both in Yugoslavia and abroad. Viewed as a unifying symbol, his internal policies successfully maintained the peaceful coexistence of the nations of the Yugoslav federation. He gained international attention as the chief leader of the Non-Aligned Movement, working with Jawaharlal Nehru of India and Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt.
Josip was born as the seventh child of Franjo and Marija Broz in the village of Kumrovec within Austria-Hungary (modern-day Croatia). Drafted into the army, he distinguished himself, becoming the youngest Sergeant Major in the Austro-Hungarian Army. After being seriously wounded and captured by the Russians, Josip was sent to a work camp in the Ural Mountains. He participated in the October Revolution, and later joined a Red Guard unit in Omsk. Upon his return home, Broz found himself in the newly established Kingdom of Yugoslavia, where he joined the Communist Party of Yugoslavia.