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    Mute Vol 3 #1 - Double Negative Feedback Editorial content | Vol III
    Submitted by mute on Friday, 10 June, 2011 - 16:28

    'Double Negative Feedback' expresses the hope that the chaos unleashed by the cybernetic loops of financialisation, post-Fordist production and networked life might not only be entropic and exploitative. The noise generated by 'positive feedback' also takes the form of the explosions we are seeing in the Arab world, the anti-disciplinary uses of cybernetic control systems, the 'shared precarity' of compositional improvising, and the ripples of a political organising that no longer assumes a common identity but instead acknowledges our common vulnerability.

    Anxious Resilience Editorial content | Articles
    Submitted by admin on Thursday, 18 August, 2011 - 17:21
    Mark Neocleous

    Anxious subjects are also docile and self-absorbed subjects. The neoliberal state's production of generalised anxiety through non-stop risk preemption and contingency planning produces subjects that fit perfectly with the needs of capital – writes Mark Neocleous. This is the concluding article to Mute's short series on surveillance, national security and logistics-driven production



    What the RFID is That? Editorial content | Articles
    Submitted by admin on Wednesday, 17 August, 2011 - 15:00
    Brian Ashton

    In the second contribution to a group of articles on logistics, workplace surveillance and national security, Brian Ashton zooms in on the microscopic technologies surveilling and shaping working lives


    You already have zero privacy. Get over it. – Scott McNally, Chief Executive of Sun Microsystems1

    Logistics and Opposition Editorial content | Articles
    Submitted by admin on Tuesday, 9 August, 2011 - 15:10
    Alberto Toscano

    'Sabotage the social machine'. 'Incinerate the documents!'. In the first contribution to a group of articles on logistics, workplace surveillance and national security, Alberto Toscano examines the anti-urbanist presuppositions of insurrectionary anarchism, speculating on how the catastrophic destiny of certain technological innovations might instead be turned to different ends



    Salvagepunk in the Birthgrave - Video documentation Editorial content | Articles
    Submitted by admin on Sunday, 7 August, 2011 - 14:06
    Evan Calder Williams and China Miéville

    Is salvagepunk sci-fi with left politics? Laptops with brass trimmings? Anything that looks kind of like Mad Max? At a recent event in London China Miéville and Evan Calder Williams discussed the term, its long pasts, its cursed present, and its uncertain future.  Camera by Hamish Heartnell. Sound by Rachel Baker and video Hamish Hartnell.


    Murdoch Phone-Hack Shocker: Capitalism Eats Itself Editorial content | Articles
    Submitted by admin on Wednesday, 27 July, 2011 - 11:32
    James Heartfield

    The phone-hacking scandal hasn't only revealed the true sleaziness of Britain's establishment, but also the resounding hollowness of a post-ideological elite held together by little more than self-interest - writes James Heartfield



    • 60 Metropolitan Police officers have widened their investigation of News International to take in the rest of the national press.

    Will China Save Global Capitalism? Editorial content | Articles
    Submitted by admin on Wednesday, 27 July, 2011 - 10:16

    All over the world, the capitalist states are taking austerity measures to slow the growth of their debts. It is obvious that this policy, since it slows consumption, can't in itself sustain the growth required for capital accumulation. Where, then, can the necessary economic stimulus come from? For lack of alternatives, eyes are turning eastward. It seems that history, the supreme ironist, has chosen ‘communist' China as global capitalism's saviour



    What Crisis?


    The Importance of Being Earnest, or Not Editorial content | Articles
    Submitted by admin on Monday, 25 July, 2011 - 10:04
    Christopher Collier

    Two recent books focusing on the Situationist International, Expect Anything Fear Nothing and The Beach Beneath the Street, salvage the plurality of the group's activities, laying an emphasis on art, friendship and life praxis, rather than the usual theory and splits. Review by Christopher Collier


    subject: Activism | Art | Situationist

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