Fianna Fail

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The vast majority of Irish citizens are suffering real hardship as a result of the catastrophe brought down upon them by our corrupt political system. The consequences of what has happened will be felt for generations to come.

Fianna Fail, the most corrupt political party in the county, is principally responsible for this betrayal of the Irish people.

Limerick City TD Willie O’Dea is a leading member of Fianna Fail.

O’Dea will not be sharing in the people’s suffering as this Irish Examiner report demonstrates.

Limerick City TD Willie O’Dea has taken €8,500 in “step-down” payments this year, on top of his Dáil salary of €92,000.

He claimed €54,000 in golden handshake payments in 2010 after being forced to resign as minister for defence in February 2010.

Under Oireachtas rules, he was entitled to 75% of his ministerial salary for six months after stepping down — up to August 2010.

He was entitled to half the salary up until this month and will be allowed to claim 25% of the salary between now and Christmas.

Here’s how the scumbag defended his greed:

I spend money my own way and I make donations to charity.

This pathetic response is on a par with that other low-life scumbag Bertie Ahern when he claimed he won his money on the horses.

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Rumours this morning that Mary Hanafin wants to run for president.

So, it’s confirmed then, Fianna Fail is opting out of the race.

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My brother mentioned to me the other day that Mary O’Rourke hosted last week’s Tonight with Vincent Browne while Browne was on holiday.

Yeah, right, said I, pull the other one.

But is was true and not only that but on the first night the nation was ‘treated’ to the ordeal of watching Bertie Ahern and Martin Mansergh waffle on about their involvement in something called the Peace Process connected to some long drawn out dirty war fought out on an obscure island somewhere on the remote edge of Europe.

Events in our pathetic banana republic become more surreal by the day.

Here we have O’Rourke, Ahern and Mansergh, three senior members of the most corrupt political party in the country, the party principally responsible for the destruction of our country, given open and unsupervised access to a television studio to waffle on about their so called great work on behalf of the nation.

But it seems that these obnoxious individuals are not without some support.

It appears that even now, after all that has happened, there are still some extremely stupid people out there who believe that scumbags like Bertie Ahern are men of honour.

One such idiot is some guy called John-Paul McCarthy.

Writing in today’s Sunday Independent this fool who, unbelievably, holds a doctorate in history from Oxford, thinks that Bertie Ahern will most likely be regarded as the most progressive Fianna Fail Taoiseach since Jack Lynch.

Here’s some of what the idiot had to say in defence of Bertie the scumbag.

Judge Mahon found easy prey when confronted by the chaotic private life of a man recovering from a traumatic separation. (And while his findings conjured up a media tsunami large enough to force a popular Taoiseach into retirement, Ahern’s eccentric personal book-keeping seems almost comically serene when compared to the endemic dishonesty in the banking world.)

After that, the Lehman Brothers collapse and the implosion of his handpicked successor finished off what was left of Ahern’s reputation.

The fact that McCarthy actually believes Ahern’s lies immediately confirms him as a first class moron.

Even the most ignorant, bog trotting, backwoodsmen members of the Fianna Fail party now take everything Ahern says with a large grain of salt.

McCarthy’s defence of Ahern can be summed up as follows.

Judge Mahon and his tribunal were out to get Ahern.

The media were out to get Ahern.

Ahern was confused (for years) because his marriage broke up.

The dishonesty of the banks was worse therefore Ahern is innocent.

Lehman Brothers were to blame. Fecking hell, is there no limit to this moron’s stupidity?

Brian Cowen’s failures were to blame.

There’s some truth in this in so far as the drunken buffoon who succeeded Ahern was so chronically incompetent, even by the extremely low standards of Fianna Fail.

McCarthy tells us that the programme was worth watching because of the genial, even playful, interaction between Bertie Ahern and David Trimble.

I could only manage the first ten minutes or so before beginning to retch.

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I see the son of former Fianna Fail TD John O’Donoghue is considering running in the next general election. Mike Pat O’Donoghue is a student at UCD but also has his own company – Cod Promotions.

Sounds like a great new name for Fianna Fail.

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Michael Martin, traitor and leader of the most corrupt political party in Ireland, a party that is principally responsible for the destruction of the country, a party that never, ever condemns its own corrupt members like, for example, the criminal Haughey.

So it should have been easy for even the most inexperienced greenhorn journalist to completely destroy the hypocritical arguments put forward by this low grade politician when he tries to occupy the high moral ground in respect of Michael Lowry and the Moriarty Tribunal Report.

On his radio show this morning Pat Kenny failed abjectly in this respect.

Martin easily waffled his way around the weak and mostly irrelevant challenges offered by Kenny, for example.

Kenny accused Martin of hypocrisy given that Fianna Fail, who are now condemning Lowry, were more than willing to do business with him while in government.

Martin responded by saying that those dealings took place before the publication of the Moriarty Tribunal Report:

Every person before any tribunal is accorded the right to have their case heard by the tribunal and one does not sit on judgement on that until the tribunal reports.

The delivery of this cynical and dishonest argument was the cue for any greenhorn journalist to close the trap by simply putting it to Martin that Lowry’s reputation had been utterly destroyed years ago after the publication of the McCracken Report.

Kenny, apparently completely unaware of Lowry’s shady past involving tax evasion, lying and planning irregularities, let Martin off the hook by accepting his ridiculous argument.

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Pat Kenny

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Letter in today’s Irish Times.


It is frankly sickening that the caretaker Taoiseach, a man who did not even offer himself to the electorate and is not now a member of the Oireachtas, should dare to appoint a failed Fianna Fáil election candidate to the Senate (“FF’s Darragh O’Brien appointed to Seanad”, Breaking News, March 3rd). To the bitter end and beyond, they have learned nothing at all.

Yours, etc,

Hugo Brady Brown,

Stratford on Slaney,

Co Wicklow.

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I think newly elected TD Luke ‘Ming’ Flanagan is going to add some welcome colour and straight talk in the new Dail.

Here’s what he had to say about Fianna Fail (Nine News, 02.30).

I wouldn’t talk to them at all. The election went very bad for them, it’s a shame it didn’t go a little bit worse.

It’s a bit like going out to your back garden and pulling up a dandelion, there’s always a bit of a root left, it’s a shame the Irish people didn’t dig a little deeper.

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Our corrupt political system bears full responsibility for the destruction of our country.

Bankers could not have operated their Wild West business operations without the full cooperation of our corrupt political system.

Property developers could not have borrowed billions in unsecured loans without the full cooperation of our corrupt political system.

Regulators could not have ignored what was going on right before their eyes if our political system was not corrupt.

It is our corrupt political system that is directly responsible for the immense suffering and misery inflicted on the Irish people, for the return of mass immigration, for the imposition of severe poverty on this and many generations to come, for the shaming of the nation on the world stage and not least for the many, who in absolute despair, could not deal with the catastrophe and decided to end it all.

Listening to the largely captured Irish media, however, a stranger could be forgiven for thinking that the political system and in particular the Fianna Fail party played no part whatsoever in the destruction of our country and indeed deserves an equality of sympathy for the ‘mysterious’ disease that has been inflicted on the nation.

Veteran journalist Olivia O’Leary.

And there are individual stories, there’s going to be an awful lot of grief in an awful lot of homes today and I suppose you have to feel a bit sorry for that.

No, she’s not talking about the victims of our corrupt political system; she’s talking about the politicians who lost their seats in the election, the guys and girls heading off into happy retirenemt with big fat pensions.

Brendan O’Connor (Sunday Independent).

There is almost something pathetic about the end of the party (Fianna Fail) that was thought to be hardwired into our DNA. For some reason there seems to be little joy in it.

Wrong O’Connor, there’s immense joy in seeing these traitors suffer at least a minimum of inconvenience. If Ireland was a real democracy Fianna Fail would be banned as a political party and its leaders would be on trial for treason.

Terry Prone (Irish Examiner)

Toughest of all, of course, is the situation, today, of those who lost their seats, their livelihood, and in some cases, their self-respect. We have become so furious and cruel a society that the general reaction to their loss is “serves them right”.

It is deeply insulting to the millions of Irish people who are victims of our corrupt political system to witness self-righteous journalists like Prone accuse them of being cruel because they are furious and want justice.

Marian Finucane:

This must be a terrible personal tragedy for him (Brian Cowen’s fall). I mean to see the party he loves so much, to be at the head of Government of a party that you’re so proud of that brings in the IMF, I mean on a personal level that has to be very difficult.

Isn’t it amazing that a politician who has led a privileged life, who has never wanted for anything, who was among the best paid politicians in the world, who is retiring with a fortune at the expense of the people he betrayed can be described as a tragic figure?

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I see the scumbag traitor Bertie Ahern has yet again been exposed as a liar.

An independent review of the performance of the Department of Finance over the past decade has found that the Department did warn the Government about the dangers of the economic policy it was following, but that its advice was overruled by the Cabinet.

The scumbag has been telling everybody that if only somebody had told him what was going on he could have taken action.

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There will be much analysis and the fallout will continue for some time but just for the moment I’m savouring the elimination of some of the more notorious traitors.

Andrews Barry - Gone
Carey - Gone
Coughlan - Gone
Haughey - Gone
Lenihan Conor - Gone
Marsergh - Gone
O’Donoghue - Gone
O’Rourke - Gone

Ah yes, savouring for just a day or so – It’s such a rare event.

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