
NUJ Left is an inclusive coalition of activists in the NUJ who work together to improve conditions for members and advance socialist principles within the union, the labour movement and society at large.  We are not affiliated to any political party and membership is open to all members of the NUJ and its staff.

We recognise that a vibrant, progressive union, committed to fighting for quality journalism, social justice, peace and equality will only be achieved with a strong left wing membership base supported by a left leadership.

NUJ Left recognises that effective trade unionism is built from the grassroots up and that union membership is increased through militancy.  We encourage, educate and support NUJ members, activists and reps to recruit, organise and engage in struggle against their employers.

NUJ Left asserts that the wider union must adopt a combative and co-ordinated strategy to counter media monopolies and rogue employers, and to persuade potential members to join the union.

To these ends, NUJ Left provides a focus for broad left activity in the union by:

  • Supporting and encouraging grassroots activism, offering practical help and advice to members in dispute and during campaigns, focusing our work on organising media and editorial workers to fight and win
  • Identifying and developing new layers of activists and reps, for example through seminars and workshops based on the experiences of fighting chapels, and increasing the membership and influence of NUJ Left
  • Co-ordinating branch activity to propagate NUJ Left aims and objectives, and any agreed policies, across the union
  • Maintaining regular and effective communication among all levels of the NUJ, including liaison between NUJ Left and NEC Left members, to ensure senior lay and elected left officials are accountable to NUJ Left
  • Providing a strong, united voice for the left at annual conference, by co-ordinating motions and amendments in advance and, where possible, agreeing attitudes before and during conference
  • Identifying and targeting key elected posts and NEC seats, democratically agreeing slates for elections, and campaigning for NUJ Left candidates, to advance our influence and further develop equality representation on policy-making bodies and through other structures of the union
  • Actively participating in, and seeking to lead, national union campaigns in defence of quality journalism and public sector broadcasting
  • Working with other unions, left organisations and campaign groups, in the UK, Ireland and internationally, to advance rank and file trade unionism and socialism, and promote the NUJ as a progressive, democratic and fighting union.

Agreed at a meeting of NUJ Left on Sunday 16 November 2008 in London.

Contact: nuj.left@googlemail.com