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Cr Paul Tully standing at the site in the Ipswich cemetery where Dan Kelly, Ned’s brother, is thought to be buried.

DNA test may solve mystery

THE TRUTH about whether bushranger Dan Kelly, brother of Ned, is truly buried in the Ipswich Cemetery is now one step closer to being revealed.

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Future of offshore deals unclear

"It is far from clear whether the court's ruling would, practically speaking, permit the operation of offshore processing in other locations," Prime Minister Julia Gillard says.PRIME Minister Julia Gillard says it is unclear whether the High Court decision on the Malaysian asylum seeker swap deal rules out any future offshore plans.
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Rangers wary of Boar skills

Ipswich Rangers Barber and Pegg cup teams hope for a dry track for their Subdistricts grand finals tomorrow. If not, they can’t say they weren’t prepared after Tuesday night’s training session.FORGET the past, none of it matters. That is the message from Ipswich Rangers captain Cade Hill as his team prepares for the Barber Cup grand final.

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Students have the music

Schools from the Toormina/Sawtell area gather to sing We’ve Got the Music with special guest Shekinah Moye who wrote last year’s song.

AT 11.30am on Thursday, more than 1900 schools from across Australia took part in the Music: Count Us In event which celebrates the value of music education.
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You may be extremely sensitive during the next few days and rejection of any kind can create a difficult ego problem. This is not the time to push career matters or... More Horoscopes »

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