
National Contact Point

Question | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Monday 8th August 2011, 3:29pm

Question No. 684

Senator Ludlam: To ask the Minister representing the Treasurer-Given the imminent release of the updated Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development [OECD] Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises which provides the Government with a timely opportunity to make a significant investment in promoting the guidelines among Australian businesses that operate overseas, and to consider the institutional arrangements, independence of and resources available
to the Australian National Contact Point.
(1) What additional resources will be made available to the National Contact Point to promote the updated guidelines among Australian businesses operating overseas and among other stakeholders.
(2) Will the Government commit to understanding the institutional arrangements of other national contact points and commit to a public process that seeks to strengthen the institutional arrangements of the Australian National Contact Point; if not, why not.

Muckaty Land Trust petition

Question | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Friday 22nd July 2011, 3:53pm


Senator Ludlam asked the Minister representing the Minister for Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, upon notice, on 16 June 2011:

In regard to the petition dated 14 April 2010 from traditional owners of the Muckaty Land Trust regarding the boundary between the Northern Land Council (NLC) and the Central Land Council (CLC):
(1) Can the Minister confirm receipt of the petition.
(2) Did the NLC respond directly to the traditional owners that signed the
(3) Was the NLC contacted by the Minister or the department regarding this matter.
(4) Was there any correspondence between the NLC and the CLC about this matter; if so, what was the content of those discussions.

WA CHOGM law reforms

Estimates Transcripts | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Friday 15th July 2011, 1:13pm

Senate Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee
Prime Minister and Cabinet Portfolio
Question reference number: 55

Senator LUDLAM: The Western Australian government is proposing some fairly severe law reforms, if you could call them that, some of which I understand will be temporary and will be in force only for the duration of the event. Some of them might last a bit longer, as the ones around APEC did in New South Wales. Has the Commonwealth advised the state of Western Australia or has there been contact between the Prime Minister's office and the Premier on the nature of the laws that they are proposing to pass?
Mr Lewis: I will have to take that on notice. I am sure that the answer is no. What laws are passed in Western Australia is a matter for the Western Australian Government. If they were of the view that laws needed to be adjusted for some reason or other to meet the security needs of this event then that would be a decision for them.

CHOGM staffing

Estimates Transcripts | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Friday 15th July 2011, 1:08pm

Senate Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee
Prime Minister and Cabinet Portfolio
Question reference number: 54

Senator LUDLAM: It is in my home town. Have you started shifting PM&C staff across to Perth?
Mr Sterland: Yes. I believe a small leading contingent has gone-the ones involved with facilities, as I understand it. And then they will progressively transfer there.
Senator LUDLAM: Okay. Can you give us an idea of how many are already there?
Mr Sterland: It is changing as we speak. Now is the time when the move is underway. I have not got precise numbers on me. I would say that it is around 10 or under at the moment out of the numbers that I mentioned earlier.
Senator LUDLAM: Could you on notice confirm for us whether that is accurate-the number of staff from PM&C that you have there now relative to the numbers that you will have in Perth when the thing actually kicks off.
Mr Sterland: When the financial year kicks off-
Senator LUDLAM: Sorry, the event.

Wikileaks government policy

Estimates Transcripts | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Friday 15th July 2011, 12:59pm

Senate Finance and Public Administration Legislation Committee
Prime Minister and Cabinet Portfolio
Question reference number: 30

Senator LUDLAM: Is it Australian government policy to seek the closure of the WikiLeaks website?
Dr McCarthy: Not that I am aware of, no.
Senator LUDLAM: Minister, do you want to address that? It is probably not fair to ask the department.
Senator Chris Evans: I have no knowledge of any such policy, but I am happy to take it on notice.
Dr McCarthy: I am as sure as I can be, Senator, that there is no such policy.
Senator Chris Evans: That would have been my first reaction but, rather than give you evidence that I was not sure was absolutely correct, I thought I should take it on notice.
Senator LUDLAM: Thanks.

Infrastructure Australia fund balance

Estimates Transcripts | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Friday 13th May 2011, 5:00pm

Rural Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee
Additional Estimates February 2011
Infrastructure and Transport
Question no.: 7

Senator Ludlam asked:
Senator LUDLAM-Mr Deegan, thank you for coming back in. When Infrastructure Australia was announced, or a short time after it was announced, it was announced as a $20 billion Infrastructure Australia fund. About a quarter of that was quarantined for version 1 of the NBN project. Open source reporting is indicating that there is about $800 million left in the fund. I am trying to work this out. Are you only dealing with that amount of money, or are you just setting up your pipeline of projects and letting government take care of funding decisions?

ANSTO and Comcare report

Question | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Friday 13th May 2011, 3:10pm


SENATOR LUDLAM asked the Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research in writing, on 4 April 2011:

With reference to the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) and the recommendations of the Comcare report: Subsequent to investigating the case of Mr David Reid, Comcare recommended that ANSTO engage a competent person to undertake systematic monitoring of all workplaces that undertake radiopharmaceutical operations to ensure ongoing compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act 1991 and Safety Arrangements Regulations, therefore, have the following actions been implemented, and in respect of each action: (a) if so, to what extent; and (b) if not, why not.
(1) Engage or direct a qualified person who has specialist knowledge of hazardous substances and demonstrated competency in managing risks associated with hazardous substances, to oversee an ongoing system of auditing to ensure that radiopharmaceutical operations maintain appropriate systems of work to ensure the future health and safety of radiopharmaceutical employees is appropriately managed.
(2) Provide ongoing documented evidence to Comcare that systematic monitoring is occurring as outlined above.
(3) Audit its consultative protocols with persons involved in radiopharmaceutical operations from time to time to ensure its policies and procedures are effectively carried out buy its employees to ensure ongoing compliance with the Act and regulations and ANSTO health and safety requirements.
(4) Audit its record-keeping procedures to ensure that appropriate information is recoded, maintained and retained in relation to the health and safety of employees engaged in radiopharmaceutical operations.
(5) Ensure that notifiable incidents are reported to Comcare in accordance with the relevant legislation (section 68 of the Act and regulations 37A and 37B of the Safety Arrangements Regulations).

EFIC Environment Policy and Reporting Procedures

Question | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Friday 15th April 2011, 2:52pm

Question No. 351

Senator Ludlam asked the Minister representing the Minister for Trade, upon notice, on 13 December 2010:

With reference to the current environment policy and reporting procedures of the Export Finance and Insurance Corporation (EFIC), and drawing on examples of the export credit agencies operating in Canada, the United States of America (US) and Japan:
(1) In terms of establishing international benchmarks for the practice of export credit agencies and their environment policies, is it fair to compare EFIC to other export credit agencies such as Export Development Canada (EDC), Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex Im Bank) and the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC); if not, why not.

EFIC Environment and Social Policy Review

Question | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Friday 15th April 2011, 2:35pm

Question No. 350

Senator Ludlam asked the Minister representing the Minister for Foreign Affairs, upon notice, on 13 December 2010:

With reference to the 5 year environment and social policy review conducted by the Export Finance and Insurance Corporation (EFIC):
(1) What steps have been taken by EFIC to promote the current review.

Asia Pacific Space Centre - Christmas Island

Question | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Friday 25th March 2011, 6:11pm

Question No. 375

Senator Ludlam asked the Minister for Regional Australia, Regional Development and Local Government on 24 January 2011:

With reference to the failed construction of the Russian Asia Pacific Space Centre (APSC) near South Point on Christmas Island that was to be primarily located in former mined areas:
(1) How many areas were cleared for this facility.
(2) What is the tenure of the land cleared.