GameLoop Boston 2011: We’re Coming For You

GameSpy Technology is proud to sponsor and present at the 2011 GameLoop un- conference in Boston, Mass. on August 13. Join us there! 

Indie Open House: Class #2 Open for Applications!

Indie game developers: Need office space? How about free online tech? Maybe some demo space at GDC? You’re in luck. We’re now accepting apps for the second round of our indie residency program. Apply now!  

FREE Online Services for Games Across Every Platform

GameSpy Technology has opened all of its cross-platform online services to independent developers for free. Developers on every platform – from Android to iOS to PC — can now use the same tools that power games like Red Dead Redemption and the Crysis franchise.  

We Like to Score: Bulletstorm on the PS3

People Can Fly uses GameSpy Technology’s Player Metrics & Rankings services to power Bulletstorm‘s score tracking and leaderboards on the Playstation 3.  

Dungeon Defenders: Cross-Platform FTW

Trendy Entertainment’s indie hit Dungeon Defenders finds success using GameSpy Technology to power cross-platform multiplayer on PC, PS3, iOS and Android.  

  • User-Generated Content
  • Data, Statistics & Reporting
  • In-Game Commerce
  • Screenshot Galleries
  • Social Media Integration
  • Competition & Leaderboards
  • Matchmaking Services
  • Cloud Data Storage
  • In-Game Video Replays
  • Microtransactions

Learn About GameSpy Tech

We eat, sleep and breathe online games -- and we're passionate about helping developers find ways to connect every game to the open Internet.

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You’re moments away from supercharging your game with amazing online feature. Are you psyched? Access to our full suite of services is just a simple webform away.

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We believe that sharing experiences makes games more fun