Parihaka says 'no' to oil and gas exploration


Letter of Position from Parihaka, Hongongoi 2011

To the United Nations, the New Zealand Ministry of Economic Development and the Crown Minerals Department, the Department of Labour, the Energy Minister, the Taranaki Regional Council, and all Companies wishing to operate or buy into Petroleum works in our environment.

Nga mihi,

“…the best ravioli I’ve ever eaten”: Genoa 10 years on


G8 GenoaThe 27th G8 summit took place in Genoa, Italy, in the hot summer of 2001. While the 'world leaders' met on a luxury cruise ship in the port guarded by thousands of police, huge protests took place across the city (and the world) and attempts were made to storm the 'red zone'.

On July 20, a 23-year-old activist Carlo Giuliani of Genoa, was shot dead by Mario Placanica, a Carabinieri officer, during clashes with police. Later that night, police raided the Diaz School where sixty people were hospitalised and these and 30-odd others taken into custody.

One of the people arrested was Wellington anarchist Sam Buchanan. Below is an interview with Sam, looking back at the events of 2001.

Links: Gipfelsoli | wikipedia | Carlo Giuliani | Genova 2011 | People's Global Action

The Exclusivity of Facebook


The dangers of primarily organising protests through the social network that is facebook have been highlighted recently in Wellington. On Saturday the 25th June a protest against the Nats proposed re-introduction of youth rates was to be held at the bucket fountain in Cuba Mall from 12 to 1.30pm. See

About a week before the event, e-mails went out telling people about it, for example on the UnionsWellington email list and the Wellington Workers' Solidarity Network email list.

This was part of a national day of action against youth rates.

But it looks like the organisers had a last minute change of mind - I am not sure exactly when, but a post only went out on Indymedia at 11.30am that they had changed venue, and none by email. I assume an earlier notice went out on facebook telling people of the change? Instead, the organisers held the protest outside the National Party office on Willis St.

New Zealand troops in the firing line again


Details of SAS involvement in an operation in Kabul were scarcely very clear before another story about NZ troops in Afghanistan appears in the news today.

This time it is an improvised explosive device (IED) attack on the Provincial Reconstruction Team in Bamiyan. There were no injuries, and it seems that the device missed its intended target.

This attack comes just days after a highly secretive hand-over of the PRT mission by New Zealand (acting under NATO) to local Afghan forces in Bamiyan.

Ministry of fear now hiring!


The front page of Saturday’s Dominion Post renamed government employment as the ‘Ministry of fear and job insecurity’ and notes that ‘Thousands of state servants wait for axe.’ Indeed, with budget cuts to the public sector close to $1 billion dollars, there are many people who will be getting the proverbial pink slip in the next few months from government departments and agencies.

But one agency who doesn’t seem hard hit by budget cuts is the Government Communications and Security Bureau (GCSB), the country’s electronic spy agency that operates the ECHELON listening post at Waihopai and the signals interception station at Tangimoana.

Book Launch: 'Remains to be Seen' - Joe Hill, censorship & the NZ IWW during WW1


Remains to be Seen: Tracing Joe Hill's ashes in New Zealand—an easy-to-read account of censorship and radical labour during the First World War—will be launched in Christchurch on Thursday June 30 at Beat Street Cafe (Corner Barbadoes and Armagh), at 5.30pm.

Jared Davidson, author and designer of Remains to be Seen, will share a few thoughts on his research, and copies of the book will also be available for purchase. It is also available to purchase from Rebel Press:

A Facebook page has been created for the event here:

Queer the night! Hundreds march in Wellington


Between 600-800 people were on the Queer the Night march in Wellington on Thursday night. The march was a response to recent violent attacks on members of the queer community.

Attacks based on an individual’s perceived sexuality or gender are an attack on us all. The intention is to rein in our various identities and orientations, to keep us off the streets and in the closets. Its intent is to make queer and trans-people live in fear. We do not intend to help maintain this order. The only real way to battle community violence is through community action.

Links: Dominion Post | The Hand Mirror | Video | Queer the Night

Obscene Pay Rises For Bosses, Pay Cuts For Us


The bosses of New Zealand’s biggest companies (including state-owned enterprises) received a massive average pay rise of 14% in the 2010 financial year. This has bumped up their already whopping salaries – some earn as much as $5 million per year – earned by profiting off our labour.

At the same time, the average wage rise for all wage-labouring New Zealanders for the year up to March 2011 has been a paltry 2%. This is actually a pay cut, because the rate of inflation for the year up to March 2011 has been 4.5%. For the million of us who are beneficiaries, our paltry benefits are also being effectively cut, as benefits increased by only 1.96% in April 2010.

Links: Aotearoa Workers Solidarity Movement

Opposition at oil and gas conference


Around 25 people gathered outside the ENEX oil and gas conference in New Plymouth yesterday afternoon to show opposition to the massive expansion of petroleum exploration across Aotearoa/New Zealand.

“We are concerned about our kaimoana and whether our great-great-grandchildren will still be able to gather seafood” said Maata Wharehoka, kaitiaki of Te Niho o Te Ati Awa at Parihaka.

“We are against the mass expansion of petroleum exploration in our area because of the damages of oil spills, toxic drill wastes and climate change” said Climate Justice Taranaki spokesperson Emily Bailey.

Protests across Aotearoa mark anniversary of the BP Gulf Oil spill


New Zealanders from Dunedin to Auckland led globalised protests to commemorate the one-year anniversary of BP's Gulf Oil Disaster by demanding an end to the environmental destruction and climate destabilization created by fossil fuel and other extractive industries. Communities of Aotearoa stood alongside environmental, climate, and social justice groups all over the world in an International Day of Direct Action Against Extraction.

New Zealanders in Taranaki, Wellington, Dunedin, Whanganui, Nelson, Auckland, the East Cape and more were joined by Gulf Coast residents fighting offshore drilling, Appalachians resisting mountaintop removal coal mining, Pennsylvania and New York residents opposing natural gas hydrofracking, Canadians fighting tar sands mining in Alberta and more across the globe.

Reports of global activities are being compiled by Rising Tide North America at the website.

Looks like we've got a movement on our hands...

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