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Things you can do whether you're on "the Better Way Bus" or not...!

Bob Sexton, Director, Region 14 (Jackson & Josephine Counties), SEIU #503, 18-05-2011 - 23:17

Vogel Plaza, Medford, OR 2-26-11 Hello, fellow Southern Oregon SEIU/Labor/Social Justice activist!

If you're like me, you may be very frustrated that - much as you'd like to - you won't be able to attend SEIU's "Better Way Rally" in Salem this Friday. (Or maybe you ARE going? If so, please share this info anyway!) I'm MIGHTY glad to hear that SEIU is fielding TWO busses from the Southern Oregon area, but unfortunately, I won't be on them. However, I'm NOT going to let this opportunity pass me by without doing SOMETHING! I hope you'll spread this message to other coworkers, labor activists, and Oregon citizens who rely on the continuation of our services...


Benitron, 28-03-2011 - 20:55

Collaborative peer to peer object donation website under Free License

Wisconsin Solidarity Rallies in Southern Oregon

STANDING UP & SPEAKING OUT, 24-02-2011 - 04:48

Southern Oregon in Solidarity with Wisconsin Southern Oregon Jobs with Justice announces Wisconsin Solidarity Rallies at Noon this Saturday in Medford and Ashland

Wisconsin Solidarity Rallies - Southern Oregon Day of Action - Save the American Dream
Noon, Saturday, Feb. 26
Medford: Vogel Plaza, Central Ave. in downtown Medford next to Craterian Theater
Ashland: Downtown Plaza

NEWS FROM MADISON, a report comes from Rogue Valley nurse Ann Carlson who is an activist with the National Federation of Nurses. Ann has been inside the state house. Keep reading for Ann's report....

Photos by Matt Witt show Oregon-Wisconsin solidarity signs in Salem this week, click for larger view-

Eugene Wobs greet the train with free speech


"free speech" - artist Ellen Gabehart EUGENE, OR 2/16/11--Local artist Ellen Gabehart debuts her painting "free speech" at the Amtrak train station as the Industrial Workers of the World--Lane County Branch greet the train with song, art and soapbox speeches.


Keep reading to see Ellen Gabehart's "artist statement" prepared for this historic occasion.
(click photo to see a larger version of the painting titled "free speech")

Obama's Tax Cut Deal Absolutely Unacceptable

TAX FAIRNESS OREGON, 07-12-2010 - 04:40

WARNING: COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE DEAL Guaranteeing the continued downward slide towards third world banana republic status... Obama and all his "liberal supporters" are greasing the skids for continued long term poverty rates for a growing population. Did too many people drink the kool-aid?--scared to death in southern oregon...

READ THE WARNING from "TAX FAIRNESS OREGON"  http://www.taxfairnessoregon.org

12/6/10 from Tax Fairness Oregon--As of today, the Obama administration and congressional Republicans are close to striking a deal on tax cuts  http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/12/06/obama-tax-cut-compromise_n_792776.html Obama is conceding extension of the Bush-era tax cuts in their entirety for two years, in exchange for extending unemployment insurance for 13 months. In addition, the package would include a 2% reduction in payroll taxes on the employee side, tax breaks for families and students, allowing businesses to write off 100% of the cost of equipment purchases and setting the estate tax at 35% with a $5 million exemption.

Campaign to Create a State Bank in Oregon

* S T A T E * B A N K * O F * O R E G O N *, 29-11-2010 - 21:56

State of Oregon Bank There will be a bill in the 2011 legislative session to create a state bank in Oregon as is described by Dan in this report. If you would like to follow the campaign check out (and sign up at) the Oregonians for a State Bank website:



Steve Hughes
Oregon Working Families Party
503-841-7161 (office)
503-412-8041 (cell)
7095 SW Sandburg Street
Tigard, OR 97223

Good news on the Korea FTA!

P E O P L E * O V E R * P R O F I T !, 12-11-2010 - 02:25

* NO KOREAN FTA * Hell yeah! You did it, everyone. President Obama stepped back from the edge of the cliff in South Korea, at least for the moment. Nice work! If we're able to hold him off through the summer, we may just have put the final nail in the coffin of the NAFTA model. Let's keep it up -- and THANK YOU!... Arthur Stamoulis

Keep reading for the latest on the Korea Free Trade Agreement
Statement follows by Arthur Stamoulis, Director, Citizens Trade Campaign

Mount Ashland Ski Area expansion revived

Marty Pennanti, 13-03-2010 - 04:03

Middle Fork of East Fork of Ashland Creek, site of proposed ski area expansion After two years of delay caused by federal court injunction, a new round of analysis and comment is scheduled for April.

New Orleans Still Needs Help

Jon Dowd, 26-01-2010 - 01:38

Sakura Kone' inspired hundreds to come help New Orleans 4 years ago, and needs our help again.

Government Policy Textbook Warns Nordic Countries Heading Toward Innovation Policy Crisis

SPNW NewsWire, 21-01-2010 - 15:53

Technological Revoluition as Political Coup D'etat ISBN13 9789529950843 National Stagnation, Cultural Insularism and a Limited Culture of Public Participation Could be Driving Forces behind an Approaching Innovation Crisis, New Textbook Warns.

Proclamation: INDEPENDENT MEDIA WEEK - 2009

VOICES*FOR*THE*VOICELESS, 22-04-2009 - 17:28

NON-COMMERCIAL!!! NOW, THEREFORE, I, John Stromberg, Mayor of Ashland, do hereby proclaim the week of April 19 - 25, 2009 as INDEPENDENT MEDIA WEEK and encourage all citizens to seek out and explore the rich diversity of independent media available within, and to our community.


Independent Media Week April 19 - 25, 2009

$ $ INDEPENDENT MEDIA IS NON-COMMERCIAL $ $, 17-04-2009 - 21:35

INDYMEDIA WEEK Apr 19 - 25 Ashland, Oregon’s 5th annual Independent Media Week will showcase a coalition of independent media producers, local activists and community groups organized around the theme “A well-informed citizenry is a cornerstone of democracy.”

In April 2005, the City of Ashland officially proclaimed its first Independent Media Week during the time when local activists were encouraging Jefferson Public Radio to broadcast Amy Goodman's “Democracy Now!” Activists at the time were also working to launch KSKQ, our local low-power FM community radio station. The keynote speaker at the headline event in 2005 was Amy Goodman.

Every year since the City of Ashland has proclaimed a week in April to highlight independent media. This year at the April 7th council meeting the City of Ashland proclaimed April 19-25, 2009 “Independent Media Week.” This year's keynote speaker at the Friday, April 24 main event is Peter Phillips from "Project Censored"  http://www.projectcensored.org

BTW, to update that 2005 campaign: Jefferson Public Radio refused to broadcast Democracy Now!, but it is heard daily on community radio KSKQ!

Independent Media Week 2009 website:  http://www.kskq.org/imw

Keep reading for the whole week of events...

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