Rubina Alis family drama
Following a sting operation by a British tabloid, nine-year-old angel-faced Rubina Ali, who starred in Slumdog Millionaire, has been caught in the midst of a tug-of-war. Since the news broke that Rubinas father Rafique Qureshi was allegedly trying to sell his daughter to a Saudi Sheikh for a whopping Rs 1.8 crore, every relative, no matter how distant, entered the fray. Direct fallout is that the girls biological mother, Khurshid, who separated from her husband eight years ago, laid fresh claim to the girl. Khurshid even arrived at Bandras Gharib Nagar slums where Rubina lives, and abused everyone. She tried to attack Rubinas step-mum Munni, but others intervened. She then approached the Nirmal Nagar police to lodge a complaint and take custody of Rubina. The drama unfolded when News of the World reported that as Slumdog Millionaire did not fetch Rubinas family a fortune, her father was even prepared to sell her for a tidy sum. Catch all the dramaonly in this video