
Topic: Telecomm

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Could the Times Paywall Actually Work?

The New York Times paywall haters are wrong.That at least is the word from Scout Analytics, a Seattle-based firm which specializes in helping Web publishers maximize revenue per user. The…

April 07 2011

In First, NLRB Goes After Thomson Reuters Over Twitter

In an apparent first, Thomson Reuters could face federal penalties for allegedly disciplining an employee over her use of Twitter, according to the Newspaper Guild of New York.The Guild, which…

April 06 2011

Is the Engadget Meltdown a Preview of AOL's Future?

Could Michael Arrington, or even worse, Arianna Huffington, pull a Josh Topolsky? And if they did, what exactly did Tim Armstrong spend upwards of $365 million to put together? And…

April 05 2011

Staff of AOL's Engadget Leaving en Masse

A large group of Engadget’s prominent editorial and technology staff members—led by the site’s former editor Joshua Topolsky—are leaving AOL to start a new gadget Web venue with sports site…

April 04 2011

Was Journalism Online Just Another of Steve Brill’s Failures?

Has Steve Brill finally broken his losing streak? Journalism Online, his 2-year-old scheme to save journalism, didn’t get as big as he surely hoped it would. Only a couple dozen…

March 25 2011

Hulu Video Gets Original

Hulu is planning a major push into original content. The video hub—long a destination for TV and movie content on the Web—is looking to expand beyond its present…

March 14 2011

Watching the Watchers

Personal privacy isn’t what it used to be. Just ask Mark Zuckerberg, the co-founder of Facebook, who called privacy on the Internet a “gray area.” He should know—Zuckerberg’s…

March 14 2011

Axe Falls at AOL: Almost One-Fifth of Staff to Be Laid Off

Layoffs are starting at AOL today, the latest step in the company effort’s to reposition itself as a premium content company. When all is said and done, AOL will shed…

March 10 2011

CBS Interactive Installs Clicker's Lanzone as President

CBS has named former CEO Jim Lanzone the new president of CBS Interactive. And in conjunction with that announcement, CBS has acquired Lanzone’s startup firm Clicker Media, which includes…

March 04 2011

Axe Falls at Allbritton's

Allbritton Communications has had some big success with Politico, but has its latest Web experiment already fallen on its face? In a major turnabout for, the site Allbritton launched just…

February 23 2011
