Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Tuesday Poem: Scirocco

The day opens
like an oven mouth
and the heat
eats up the hours

as cherry leaves crisp
to brown locusts
and the day lilies shrivel
before breakfast.

On the hill above us after dark ,
the wildfires leap
like desperate angels
winging from tree to tree

their acrid breath
across the moon.

© Kathleen Jones

A very quick bit of description I wrote the other night, watching the wildfires blazing on the hills above us.    The Scirocco has mercifully given up and the weather is cooler now the wind direction has turned to the north.


  1. I love 'the day opens//like an oven mouth" and "smoking//across the moon"--and everything in between!:)

  2. lovely delicate images for such a ferocious and dangerous event, beautifully done, Kathleen.

  3. Thank you both. Still working on it - think it needs another line to keep the final stanza at four lines to match the rest and 'acrid breath' seems a bit of a jolt - maybe doesn't fit the rest?
    Thought still needed!

  4. A lovely poem.

    Sounds like our weather come Jan/Feb.

  5. I liked the leaping flames Kathleen....especially the last two verses....
