08/24/2011 · 0 Comments

The march continues to Brussels

Western Europe drowns under political and economical crisis. In May 2011 in Spain hundreds thousands of people, describing them self as indignities, organise them self in to society, that demanding changes in political…

07/31/2011 · 0 Comments

A thanks to message from Israel to #spanishrevolution

In response to Solidarity Video from Spain to Israel מסר של תמיכה מספרד לישראל It’s a Global revolution!

07/27/2011 · 0 Comments

One World One Revolution

By the friends of the Media-center of Amesi-Dimokratia.org (Syntagma Square, Athens).

Follow livestream of the indignant marches arrival to Sol #mpi23J
07/23/2011 · 0 Comments

Follow livestream of the indignant marches arrival to Sol #mpi23J

Watch live streaming video from spanishrevolutionsol at livestream.com

07/07/2011 · 0 Comments

Join the #SpanishRevolution

and let’s make a #globalrEvolution  

07/07/2011 · 0 Comments

Support from Egypt

Words of wisdom and support from our friends in Egypt… Make it peaceful, make it right

  • aCAMPada Berlin – Come to Alexanderplatz!
  • The march continues to Brussels
  • March to Brussels: the city welcomes you all. #UnitedChange #Marchtobrussels
  • Berlin camps in Alexanderplatz!
  • #SpanishRevolution, documentary about the indignant 15M movement
  • A thanks to message from Israel to #spanishrevolution
  • One World One Revolution
  • A message to Italy from Madrid: Italia sveglia!
  • Follow livestream of the indignant marches arrival to Sol #mpi23J
  • It’s time to fly

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