08.30.2011 — 05:46 PM

In a Poof Of Smoke

Christine O'Donnell booted from speakers list at Palin Iowa Tea Party event, as Tea Party leaders struggle to come up with reason for her defenestration.

— Josh Marshall

08.30.2011 — 05:37 PM

Tea-Leaf Reading

A glimpse of where the deficit-reduction supercommittee may be headed.

— David Kurtz

08.30.2011 — 03:43 PM

Cool, Sign Me Up

DARPA, the Pentagon's advanced R&D; shop that invented various cool things like the Internet, will soon make a grant of $500,000 for research into building interstellar starships.

I'm hoping they do it before Eric Cantor finds out.

— Josh Marshall

08.30.2011 — 03:39 PM

Missing the Good Old Days.

Glenn Beck: Is the term "colored" really such a bad thing?

— Josh Marshall

08.30.2011 — 12:47 PM

Heckuva Seal of Approval

Disgraced ex-FEMA Director 'Brownie' backs Rep. Eric Cantor's (R-VA) 'no disaster aid without spending cuts' plan.

— Josh Marshall

08.30.2011 — 11:40 AM


New polling data from South Carolina suggests Rick Perry is not just costing Mitt Romney support from the right, but from the middle of the GOP ranks as well.

— David Kurtz

08.30.2011 — 10:55 AM

'You're Confusing Our Viewers!'

Fox Business Network bozo tries to argue climate change with Bill Nye, the Science Guy. Watch.

— David Kurtz

08.30.2011 — 10:15 AM

Worth Watching Closely

How's his attack on Social Security working for Rick Perry?

— David Kurtz

08.30.2011 — 10:12 AM

Is President Obama Dumb?

That was the jumping off point for a panel discussion on Sean Hannity's show. Watch.

— David Kurtz

08.30.2011 — 09:34 AM

New Hope for Newspapers?

Scientists discover microbes that turn newspaper into biofuel.

— Josh Marshall

08.30.2011 — 09:26 AM

Down The Drain

Sarah Palin's worst enemy: herself.

— David Kurtz

08.30.2011 — 09:22 AM


Government panel: Researchers in the 1940s knew that their experiments infecting prisoners, prostitutes and mental patients in Guatemala with sexually transmitted diseases were unethical.

— David Kurtz

08.29.2011 — 08:32 PM

Introducing the Suitcase Nuke

Launching a colony on the Moon, Mars or somewhere further afield? NASA is designing a suitcase sized nuclear power generator just for you.

— Josh Marshall

08.29.2011 — 07:29 PM

Irene Crashes Through the Telecom Net

To date Irene knocked 6500 cell phone towers out of commission during her dash up the East Coast. 44% are currently off line in Vermont; 31% in Connecticut.

— Josh Marshall

08.29.2011 — 05:14 PM

Int'l Space Station, Catchya Later

The International Space Station may need to be temporarily abandoned after the crash of a Russian Soyuz last week.

— Josh Marshall

08.29.2011 — 04:45 PM

Up Against the Wall, Whitey (Tape)

Turns out news of the Michele Bachmann 'white people' tape was greatly exaggerated.

— Josh Marshall

08.29.2011 — 03:53 PM

Becoming One of the Bigs

Twitter hires veteran telecom policy hand and net neutrality advocate as its first lobbyist in DC.

— Josh Marshall

08.29.2011 — 02:02 PM

Good News/Bad News

China became a net importer of US solar technology and hardware last year. But in part that's because they're doing so much in solar that their own dominant manufacturers can't keep up with domestic demand.

— Josh Marshall

08.29.2011 — 01:22 PM

Perry: Soc Security a "Monstrous Lie"

Gov. Perry: Social Security is a Ponzi Scheme and a "monstrous lie."

— Josh Marshall

08.29.2011 — 12:13 PM

Rained Out

Until Irene crashed the party, DC was gearing up for the unveiling of the new Martin Luther King, Jr., Memorial on the National Mall. Photos from some of the pre-unveiling events that went on last week before the unveiling itself was postponed.

— David Kurtz