String of arsons in Chile claimed by International Revolutionary Front [UPDATED with fourth arson]

9 08 2011

From Liberación Total (August 8, 2011):

Responsibility claim for arsons. Vindication for the actions of our comrade Luciano Pitronello. Our reflections.

We are the seed of a tenacious plant. And it’s because of the road we’ve traveled and the need to keep fighting that today, although bruised, we feel somewhat more mature than yesterday. We are thus undertaking, with all our hearts, to let loose some reflections and claim responsibility for our actions as well as those of our comrade-in-ideas Luciano Pitronello, so that they might spread and be discussed in any corner of the world.

These days, it seems that a negative idea has taken root: thinking that everyone involved in the struggle goes through periods of advance and retreat, ups and downs. And although we may think that way, feeling that times are dark for us right now, there still exists the need to regroup, ensure that the unpleasant experiences of the past aren’t repeated, learn lessons, and use every possible means to avoid the bottom of the pit.

We’ve now written something about this, through which we hope our point of view comes across as clearly as possible. We don’t want to overlook any comrade’s practice. This is only what we are thinking and doing, but we are always open to discussion because the struggle is nourished by diversity. It’s the different types and ways of understanding the war that allow us to pave our way.

Firstly, we recognize the existence of an inexplicable quality born within our hearts, that drives us even to risk our lives. It’s the need to be free that makes us hurl ourselves into the void, often without thinking of any consequences. That valiant warrior spirit keeps conflict alive in its most brilliant (but neither its only nor its principal) splendor: our violence against their violence.

Through this text, we mainly want to call for new methods, materials, and knowledge to be incorporated into the violent struggle against authority. We would never dare to judge or oppose comrades who launch themselves into attack without better knowledge or infrastructure. We’re not interested in becoming professional at anything, but we are motivated by the need to intensify the war while preserving our lives and the lives of our comrades. So even if actions always involve the possibility of accidents like Mauri’s death or Luciano’s situation (which are clearly indicative of heightened conflict against authority), to us those accidents also represent a giant step backward because each attacking individuality is in itself an act of liberation, and we must use every means to avoid losses in the course of antiauthoritarian action. It’s not good to treat those tragedies as normal, even though fighters have to learn to live with them.

Secondly, it thus follows that when an individual decides to get organized and make the shift toward violent action—whether that organization takes collective or individual form—the more deeply one gets involved in the battle, the more one needs a certain minimum knowledge of methods and materials to allow for increased, sustained impact. We must be clear that said infrastructure is constructed in relation to the goals of autonomy and liberation, and it never should be considered an end in itself. Building up infrastructure is crucial to our safety, which allows us to perpetuate our actions as much as possible, thereby advancing the struggle.

We need a cushion to land on when situations get complicated, and we need to appropriate methods and knowledge that will improve our mobility, but both needs shouldn’t for any reason nullify our present. The struggle continues, and part of this war involves advancing with regard to materials. While we can’t obsess over it, we also shouldn’t overlook what we still lack.

We will continue to attack authority, maximizing our safety measures and choosing from among the enormous range of existing possibilities for attack, always increasing the diversity and breadth of our actions. Right now we choose to use fire. What will you choose?

We claim responsibility for the following actions carried out just last week:

  • Leaving a homemade incendiary device, quick and easy to prepare, at the entrance to the Local Police Courthouse in La Cisterna on the chilly evening of Wednesday, August 3 (we don’t know how much damage was caused).
  • Torching a Banco de Chile near the Plaza de Armas in downtown Santiago on the blazing evening of Thursday, August 4 (damaging the facade).
  • Setting fire to a Banco Santander in the same area on the same evening of August 4 (damaging the interior, which the press said had been looted).
  • Carrying out an arson at the Olavarría Ltd. luxury car dealership in La Reina during the early hours of August 9.



 —International Revolutionary Front (Southern Fire Columns)

P.S. We send warm greetings of solidarity to our comrades around the world, especially those being charged, tried, or sentenced by the authorities, like our brothers and sisters in Greece and Switzerland and the Chilean comrades involved in the “Bombings Case.” We won’t forget them.

Two Citizen Safety guard posts torched in Santiago, Chile

31 07 2011

From Liberación Total (July 29, 2011) via mass media:

During the evening of Thursday, July 28, two Santiago Municipality Citizen Safety guard posts were attacked.

The first attack happened at around 10 p.m., when masked perpetrators threw Molotov cocktails at a guard post located at the intersection of Calle Erasmo Escala and Calle Maipú. The resulting fire partially damaged the exterior, and the municipal guard stationed there sustained minor injuries after cutting himself while exiting through the window.

The second attack took place 20 minutes later, just meters from the first, at another Citizen Safety guard post located at the intersection of Calle Martínez de Rosas and Calle Maturana. There, the masked perpetrators forcibly removed the municipal guard before dousing the guard post with gasoline and pelting it with Molotov cocktails. The resulting fire completely destroyed the guard post.

Carabineros and Investigative Police (PDI) “intelligence” agents arrived at the scene of both incidents to investigate in an attempt to determine the perpetrators’ identities. Prosecutor Humberto Vásquez is leading the investigation, and he used the press to call on citizens to collaborate with the authorities’ information gathering, especially if any video recordings of the attacks exist.

Also present was Santiago mayor Pablo Zalaquett. The extreme rightist classified the incidents as anarchist attacks, adding that “those responsible will rot in prison” as an example to anyone else who dares to subvert authority.

The following text was found on leaflets at the sites of both attacks:


We condemn and avenge the beating of an unnamed comrade by Citizen Safety during the June 23 march.

We have witnessed how Citizen Safety, in complicity with the Carabineros, harasses and persecutes street vendors.

These municipal functionaries have been transformed into Zalaquett’s police, and since they are police, we will attack them as such.

No aggression will go unanswered.

Carabineros precinct torched in Concepción, Chile

13 06 2011

From Liberación Total (June 13, 2011) via mass media:

At around 4:30 a.m. on Monday, unknown perpetrators started a fire at the Carabineros Fourth Precinct in Curanilahue, Concepción, seriously damaging a number of buildings.

Several people tried to quell the flames with fire extinguishers, while two companies of firefighters converged on the scene in an attempt to get the fire under control. A police officer in charge confirmed that the fire affected buildings that housed police archives, and that valuable police and institutional records were lost to the flames.

LABOCAR personnel arrived on the scene to investigate the cause of the fire, and the Concepción military prosecutor is making inquiries into the case.

“Bombings Case” prisoners end hunger strike

27 04 2011

Today, the comrades framed for the “Bombings Case” in Chile ended their 65-day hunger strike, which began on February 21. We wish them all a speedy recovery, as well as a quick release from prison.

Police bus attacked outside University of Santiago campus in Chile

23 04 2011

From Hommodolars Contrainformación (April 22, 2011):

Note: The following communiqués were sent via e-mail, and both refer to the same action—a direct attack on those who constitute the apparatus of the prison system, against the backdrop of the week of agitation and solidarity with the A14 compas. We are publishing both as reflections on the action.

Communiqué 1: USACH Street Solidarity

The three cop buses stationed at different points around the University of Santiago, Chile (USACH) campus neither intimidated nor deterred the longing for solidarity and fire that compelled various individuals to take the streets on Thursday, April 21 as part of the week of agitation and propaganda for the political prisoners framed in the “bombings case.”

In the middle of a silent morning, while capital’s dogs were fattening themselves and sleeping in their opulent buses, people in solidarity took to the streets and set one of those buses on fire, with the surprised pigs only managing to flee, as usual.

What’s the point of this whole apparatus, with its buses and patrols? The streets are surely ours, and that has been demonstrated once again. There is no room for intimidation in our freedom-hungry hearts, and we will use our weapons to clash with anyone who tries to take that freedom away from us.

The confrontation lasted just over an hour, during which at least three of Hinzpeter’s loyal dogs took direct hits from our enraged fire. The demonstration ended with all the comrades free and the cops hidden behind their machines.

Resist, cabros. Solidarity is becoming action, and you are not alone. Subversion, insurrection, and revolt are spreading everywhere.

IMMEDIATE RELEASE for the Prisoners framed in the “Bombings Case”!

Fire to the prisons and their guards!

Communiqué 2

Approximately 50 comrades came from far and wide, appearing by surprise yet again in front of the University of Santiago (USACH), looking for a confrontation with the State’s dogs. The campus has recently been crawling with a rather excessive number of “special forces” (what a contradiction, since the only thing special about them is their strange willingness to defend what doesn’t belong to them, for a pitiful salary).

Since Monday, a water cannon, an armored car, a bus containing a disproportionate number of asshole pigs, and a  patrol squad with the same characteristics were stationed in front of the University. Elsewhere, a patrol squad and a bus could be seen near the president’s office at certain times during the past few days. Watchers had also been posted near the USACH metro station. We don’t know what their purpose was, nor do we care. We only question their incredible capacity for delirium and the deployment of disproportionate numbers of oppressors.

Strangely, today’s reality was a bit diminished since there were only three buses surrounding the University, one of which was parked directly in front. That was our target.

We came out by surprise, without being heard. Upon seeing us, the valiant guardians only managed to hide inside their filthy vehicle, which we turned into shit with pure fire. It was one of those scenes that swells your heart and brings tears to your eyes, watching those cowardly faces run for their very lives when confronted with a lightly armed but brave group of people.

The fight lasted approximately 45 minutes, during which the bourgeoisie’s little lapdogs didn’t even dare to advance, instead spraying a considerable amount of their disgusting gas.

Our motive: Unconditional support for the political prisoner comrades on hunger strike for the past 60 days. Many of those who participated in today’s events didn’t share all the ideas of the people in the State’s dungeons, but that didn’t matter to us, because they nevertheless took action. Our goal will always be solidarity among revolutionaries, and we hope the smell of our gasoline reaches the cells of our compas and conveys our appreciation during these difficult times. Patience.

We are aiming for active solidarity on all fronts in the hope of breaking the ideological barriers that divide us and unifying our actions to achieve confrontation with the bourgeoisie. That is our goal.

Freedom for all comrades who are prisoners of the state. Solidarity everywhere. Each small battle is a contributing blow, and every method is valid.

P.S. Afterward, we were approached by a group of imbeciles from the Medical Sciences department, along with some engineering students. They tried to start something with a few compas, who showed no fear. This isn’t the first time that’s happened. The class traitors shouted “This goes against the university” while trying to throw the compas out. They don’t scare us. Just the opposite. Their cheap discourse doesn’t sway us. The university is  a bourgeois institution and everyone knows it, but those who manage to get in from other strata make a tremendous effort to find ways of generating subversion wherever we are. And we are everywhere.

Long live the young combatants!
Free the world’s prisoners!
End the “Bombings Case” set-up!
For the spread of solidarity everywhere, using all forms of struggle!

“Bombings Case” prisoners intensify hunger strike

20 04 2011

From ArdeMoyano Records (April 19, 2011) and Libertad A Lxs 14A (April 14, 2011):

On Tuesday, April 19, the “Bombings Case” prisoners in Chile—on the 58th day of their liquid hunger strike—decided to intensify and radicalize their strike by refusing to drink isotonic sports drinks or any other liquid besides water. Their demands have been summarized in the most recent solidarity poster:

As a means of mediation, our comrades have demanded that Santiago Archbishop Ricardo Ezzati visit them in prison and that a committee be formed to modify the Antiterrorist Law. If the law is not changed by Wednesday, April 27, the prisoners will initiate a completely dry hunger strike, meaning they won’t eat or drink anything.

Bombing near Santiago television studio claimed

26 03 2011

From Culmine (March 15, 2011) via Liberación Total (March 15, 2011)

Through this e-mail, we claim responsibility for the explosion that took place on Friday, March 11 at a location next to the Television studios on San Cristóbal hill. Said action was painstakingly and prophetically covered on Sunday, March 13 by El Mercurio, as is their custom, as an explosion related to the judicial decision extending Pablo Morales’ preventive detention period. Nothing could be further from the truth. The reason for Friday night’s bomb detonation was to send a message to one of the pillars of the system of domination: the official press, specifically television. We haven’t forgotten how those representatives of power insulted us. Especially cruel was TVN’s Special Report, which showed comrade Mauricio Morales’ lifeless body and has become the mouthpiece for Prosecutor Peña and his mob. In case they haven’t already realized it, that’s the reason why the press was attacked during the last September 11 march, with special attention given to TVN’s mobile reporting unit. To us, the situation is not settled, and we will no doubt have many more encounters with those reporter-cops. Additionally, March 11 marked the first year of the Piñera government, which represents a strengthened alliance of Capitalist and State interests, the likes of which Chilean history hasn’t seen before. Clearly, the haute bourgeoisie no longer needs the military or the hack politicians of the concertación.

The intent of our action was to neither help nor hinder the situation of anticapitalist prisoners. We think that would be impossible. Nevertheless, while we recognize those prisoners as part of a wide anticapitalist spectrum that certainly isn’t limited by the number of houses it squats, our knowledge of or relationship to them has nothing to do with the science fiction movie that BIPE (Police Special Investigations Squad) and DIPOLCAR (Carabineros Police Intelligence Department) sold to Peña and his prosecutors, who are hungry for success, fame, and TV cameras. However, we are well aware that, no matter what, they’ll try to smear the prisoners and link them to any actions that take place. If there are no actions or bombings, they’ll say the prisoners are guilty and that’s why the bombings stopped. If there are actions and explosions, they’ll say it’s only to show that the prisoners are innocent. In the end, the new subversion and the new diffuse autonomous guerrilla war can’t be guided by what power thinks.

An entirely different matter is the recent attack carried out on a private house, which was followed by a communiqué containing a threat to attack a school. We completely reject that action. We won’t interpret it, we don’t understand it, and we don’t know what goal it hoped to achieve other than tainting anticapitalist struggle and rebellious ideas. We think it was either the work of police, parapolice squads engaging in false flag operations, or people with terrorist tendencies who made a serious mistake. Our actions, about which we won’t go into detail now so as to not make the work of the police or the prosecutor’s mob easier, have always had clear objectives and been carefully designed—based on the time, the location, and the physical characteristics of the chosen targets—to avoid injury to innocent people. We also attempt to limit the damage we cause to the targets we attack, and not to nearby homes. To us, actions are a means of propaganda, agitation, and sabotage. Sometimes they are a means of direct attack, but only when they respond to the murderous police who have killed our brothers and sisters here in the cities or on Mapuche territory, spinelessly shooting them in the back. We have no reason to beg forgiveness for wounded police or the damages to their buildings, because we are proud of ourselves and know that those wounds and damages are nothing compared to the valued lives of our brothers and sisters, which those bloodthirsty vermin brought to an end for a paltry salary from the owners of the country. The moral standards of subversives and revolutionaries can’t be compared with those of the police, and we therefore repeat that we have nothing to do with indiscriminate attacks on the civilian population. On the off chance that the people who attacked that private house chose it at random and come from the anticapitalist milieu, we think they should profoundly rethink their political orientation and their actions, which only benefit the enemy.

On a television program yesterday, Interior Minister Rodrigo Hinzpeter theatrically asked how it was possible that we could coexist for so long with the injustice of people being in prison for not paying a fine. His words would have made us smile had they not been tinged with the shadow of death, coming from a person who supports the genocide of Arabs by Israel, which is where he learned many of his black arts. Prison is part of this system of death, exploitation, and oppression in which a privileged minority enjoy power and wealth while the rest of the population barely survives in a country with one of the world’s worst distributions of income, in a country where the police kill Mapuche, students, and subversive militants with with total impunity and the blessing of concertación politicians or the right, in this bloodstained police democracy. That’s the real tragedy. That’s the real injustice. Not so much that a person who doesn’t pay a fine goes to prison, which is certainly tragic and unjust, but that suit-and-tie terrorists make deals to raise the prices of medicine for pregnant women, children, and the elderly, who will never set foot in prison. Or that we will never see the murderers of Mapuche handcuffed, with media vultures asking them why they did it. No, that type of treatment is reserved for the poor. After all, it’s for the poor that prisons are built. Never will we see landowners pay for the immense damage their forests cause to communities: drying out the soil, preventing the spread of culture, hindering agriculture due to a lack of irrigation, paying the police to shoot children. That’s the real terrorism in this country, which moves its chess pieces to win approval for power stations that pollute nature and poison people, while earnest politicians are delighted to welcome the U.S. ambassador from the comfort of their very progressive presidential easy-chairs. Who are the terrorists? Are they not the same ones who applauded or looked the other way while people were being thrown into the sea, the same ones who are now party members in Mr. Hinzpeter’s coalition government?

To conclude, we offer some information to demonstrate the authenticity of our action and to show anticapitalists that we can all form action groups, that it’s in our hands, that we have never needed leaders or any ridiculous foreign financing. We carried out Friday’s action at night, and we were armed in case things got dicey. We left a bomb consisting of almost two kilos of black powder mixed with powdered aluminum inside an empty fire extinguisher. The charge had a detonation system comprising two cell phones (in case one failed), which provided the necessary energy through a connection to their respective vibrators. The bomb was set to detonate at 9:45 p.m. in an area where no one could have been hurt. It was a symbolic and propagandistic action to mark the first year of the Piñera government. We also claim responsibility for the bomb left in Vitacura near the Las Tranqueras Police Station in January, which sadly failed to explode due to a problem with its detonation system.

Finally, we call on everyone to fight more fiercely and take the streets on March 29, Young Combatant’s Day, to remember our dead and show with fire in the streets that we do not fear Piñera or Hinzpeter’s fascism. We end with a few words that get louder and louder each time rebels shout them in the streets and the prisons:

Wake up, it’s time to fight!

While there is misery, there will be rebellion!

For the spread and multiplication of autonomous anticapitalist cells in $hile and the rest of the world!

To the streets on March 29!


PS regarding recent events in Japan: In just a few days, a representative of the largest terrorist State in the world—the same one that dropped the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, causing over 200,000 deaths—will be welcomed with the red carpet and much deference by the degenerate leaders of Chile. What a treasure!

Panayiotis Masouras: Statement in Solidarity with the “Bombings Case” Prisoners in Chile

13 03 2011

From Culmine (March 7, 2011) via Indymedia Barcelona (March 7, 2011):

On March 2, Panayiotis Masouras released the following letter in solidarity with the hunger strike being carried out by the imprisoned “Bombings Case” comrades in Chile.

In a world where most people exhaust themselves over the petty-bourgeois dilemmas produced by modern capitalism, and their common ethical code of self-interest celebrates the importance of saving their own skin, direct solidarity is a way to connect with people we’ve never met face-to-face and yet have fought and are fighting with on the same side: the side whose objective is true rejection of this society and its prevailing structures and perceptions.

It is an attempt to recover time and space, to stand firm beside one’s comrades. It is a permanent commitment to create alternative escape routes while consciously maintaining direct collaboration to spread revolutionary discourse and subversive practice as a necessary intensification of the struggle.

In the war being waged, we have known victory, we have confronted defeat, we have experienced joy, and we have tasted the bitterness of difficulty. In the trenches, between revolutionary forces and the regime’s machinery, losses come as the result of injuries on both sides. Of course, an inseparable part of the revolutionary movement comprises political prisoners, and it is inseparable because it makes us reflect on whether a war without losses can be called a war at all.

The captives express their opinion on how things are going, they take action, they propose solutions, they encounter dead ends, they communicate, and they are affected by severe doubts and anxieties. The discourse they articulate from behind the walls is a way for them to cut through the immovable wire fence and join the polymorphic subversive struggle.

Behind different walls, surrounded by different fences, locked up in cells far away from one another, what we share is the desire for liberation and the intensification of the radical subversive struggle for total disruption.

We continue to be among those decisive minorities that reject the dominant morality. We discover our commonalities in the context of struggle, spreading our ideas and completely rejecting the era we were destined for.

We raise a global barricade against the structures of Domination, and we fight on the side of revolution. We fight until victory.

I send my Solidarity to comrades Andrea Macarena Urzúa Cid, Camilo Nelson Pérez Tamayo, Carlos Luis Riveros Luttgue, Felipe Guerra Guajardo, Francisco Solar Domínguez, Mónica Andrea Caballero Sepúlveda, Pablo Hernán Morales Führmann, and Rodolfo Luis Retamales Leiva, who are captives of the Chilean regime and began a hunger strike on February 21, 2011, demanding the immediate release of all comrades being charged in their case.

—Panayiotis Masouras, political prisoner, Korydallos Prison

Note: The above statement doesn’t mention comrades Vinicio Aguilera and Omar Hermosilla, likely because news hadn’t yet reached Greece that Aguilera and Hermosilla were back in prison and had immediately joined the hunger strike. Another error is the mention of Pablo Morales as one of the hunger strikers, when in actuality he is the only one who has not joined.

Fire Cells Conspiracy Prisoner Cell: Statement in Solidarity with the “Bombings Case” Prisoners in Chile

11 03 2011

From Culmine (March 7, 2011) via Indymedia Barcelona (March 7, 2011):

On March 2, the Fire Cells Conspiracy Prisoner Cell released the following letter in solidarity with the hunger strike being carried out by the imprisoned “Bombings Case” comrades in Chile.

We are have entered a period in which attacks on Domination and its conquered subjects are spreading with undiminished intensity to the four corners of the Earth. Our individualities, despite living and evolving in many different circumstances, share the same positive emotions: disgust and hatred toward this world. We collectivize our negations and arm them with the insatiable desire for action and the burning passion for total liberation. Different borders and languages are obstacles we will demolish to find ourselves side by side, rising up against this system’s orders and decrees, derisively spitting on each law-abiding way of life it offers.

We reject this world—this vast authoritarian construct—and we do not hesitate to point the barrel of our critique at the willingly enslaved majority of the social body, whose defeatist attitude contributes to the preservation of the existing regime. We refuse to degrade, in any way whatsoever, our revolutionary perspective and ethic in the name of wider “social acceptance.” We are proud to be part of the anarchist/antiauthoritarian movement, and we are in favor of all processes and projects that spread the idea and practice of revolution. To us, revolution doesn’t boil down to a specific period of time in the distant future. Rather, it is a response, here and now, to the totalitarianism we see in every expression of Domination. It is our own response to the existential void imposed by contemporary consumer civilization. It is an expression of the rage awakened in us by the agonizing urban environment that restricts our movements and desires, the same expression of rage that can’t be suffocated by the elaborate dead-ends presented to us as “reasonable choices.” It is also all the moments of attack we’ve shared with comrades, as well as the moments to come. It is the enchantment and the magic of connecting praxis to theory, causing little cracks to form in the shop window of determinism. It is all our points of view, and the means of achieving it is the new urban guerrilla war. Self-Organization, Solidarity, Attack, Respect, Trust, and Friendship are its cornerstones, forming the foundation of diffuse urban guerrilla war.

Dozens of our brothers, the well-known but also the unknown, are in prisons here as well as far away. Some of them remain captive on the basis of a few pitiful charges, others because they were unfortunately stopped while carrying out an attack. However, the legal duality of “innocence and guilt” is irrelevant to solidarity, which is a relationship between comrades that considers the dignity and political conscience of each revolutionary. In August 2010, a number of Chilean comrades were arrested during a repressive operation. Eight of them, plus two more arrested in September, were placed in preventive detention, while the rest were granted a provisional release. These comrades are being charged with dozens of revolutionary bombings despite a complete lack of evidence against them. The organizations that carried out said bombings have even stated via communiqué that they have no relationship with the arrestees, whose criminal prosecution by the Chilean state nevertheless continues. The comrades in preventive detention are locked up in high-security wings for 22 hours a day, in cells that measure six square meters. The extension of their captivity fills us with rage. They recently began a hunger strike, demanding their immediate release and the scheduling of their trial date, as well as the abolition of the antiterrorist law inherited by the current Chilean democracy from the Pinochet regime.

We send our warmest greetings to Andrea Urzúa, Camilo Pérez, Carlos Riveros, Felipe Guerra, Francisco Solar, Mónica Caballero, Pablo Morales, and Rodolfo Retamales, and from the bottom of our hearts wish them victory in the difficult struggle they are engaged in. From thousands of miles away, we send them our revolutionary signals, encouragement, courage, and strength. We call on all comrades, including ourselves, to carry out attacks and aggressive expressions of support for their hunger strike in the context of International Solidarity, thereby giving the powerful a taste of the flames that burn in our hearts. From Chile to Greece, the Netherlands to Mexico, Italy to Argentina, England to Switzerland, Germany to Russia, and the U.S. to Turkey, we will use every method to intensify the revolutionary anarchist war. Finally, many special thanks to comrades  Andrea Urzúa and Mónica Caballeros for publicly expressing their solidarity with our case.

You aspire to the free heights, your soul thirsts for the stars. But your wicked instincts, too, thirst for freedom. Your wild dogs want freedom; they bark with joy in their cellar when your spirit plans to open all prisons.

—Friedrich Nietzsche



—Fire Cells Conspiracy Prisoner Cell: Gerasimos Tsakalos, Panayiotis Argyrou, Haris Hatzimichelakis, Michalis Nikolopoulos

Note: The above statement doesn’t mention comrades Vinicio Aguilera and Omar Hermosilla, likely because news hadn’t yet reached Greece that Aguilera and Hermosilla were back in prison and had immediately joined the hunger strike. Another error is the mention of Pablo Morales as one of the hunger strikers, when in actuality he is the only one who has not joined.

Letter from Marcelo Villarroel: To the Brothers and Sisters in Argentina

11 03 2011

From Hommodolars Contrainformación (February 26, 2011):

Fondly remembered brothers and sisters in the various corners of the Argentine region:

It seems like it was just yesterday when, after crossing the mountains, so many faces and hearts, names and stories, convictions and desires began to appear in my life as a result of my repressive circumstances. I felt all this brotherly and sisterly solidarity so powerfully that my 22 months of imprisonment in Neuquén province  became a kind of intense complicity, whose incomparable alliances still jolt like the continuation of a war experienced by the many lives now scattered throughout the streets, mountains, forests, pampas, cities, and prison cells of these Cono Sur territories we silently roam once again. Accept, brothers and sisters, my most sincere, intimate, and affectionate greetings, full of the deepest anticapitalist love and hate, which stirs heart, desire, and reason to attack this rotten class society, this dictatorship of commodities, this democracy of nonlife.

In the daily unfolding of imprisonment, in the suffocating monotony of sensory deprivation imposed by prison here, there, and everywhere, continuous acts of resistance to the everyday totality of this human meat-grinder find echo and resonance in the most humble, rejected, and uncontrollable human beings, who have little or nothing to do with politically conscious space, with militancy, but who are mired in the reality of the most severe and unimaginable misery, in the reality of the historically stigmatized: “the lumpen proletariat.”

I say this because it is from there, from that human reality I now cope with, that I have managed to better and more completely understand the various dimensions of the diverse conditions, of the human condition, that bandits and social rebels discover in the intensity of conspiracy, in class hatred, in the solitude of the scorned, in the subversive complicity of the fugitive who fights with dignity and without fear against the police, against the vast abyss of authority. And that, that I found in Junín, in Cutral Có, in Neuquén, and now here in Santiago. I also recognize it in the experiences of many anonymous brothers and sisters who have lived and live with intensity underground, creating day-to-day affinities in which the spectacular phenomenon of politics doesn’t exist, in which formalities don’t exist, simply because when we regain control of our lives we recover our individual sovereignty, which instinctively guides us toward wider spaces of freedom. And that’s how a neighbor, a stranger, or a confidant has wound up doing much more for the potential spread of revolt than the countless politically organized groups that every day turn meetings, chitchat, and self-importance into thoroughly putrefied forms of social interaction. Politics is repugnant and rots everything it touches. Revolt has no leaders, managers, or obedient soldiers. Revolt is passion, need, and desire. It is the splendid chaos of destruction leading to boundless creation. It is the multiplication of the most sincere affections in pursuit of life in all its forms and expressions. Now, dear brothers and sisters, you must know that the shit country I was born in is controlled by power’s most devoted and vile faction, a faction entirely possessed by capitalism, neoliberalism, and ultraconservativism, repressively imposing its morals and social control. A poorly cloned mutant pieced together from the remnants of José María Aznar, Sarkozy, Berlusconi, Bush, and Uribe. A crude copy of the worst is always best for capitalist interests and their project of planetary infestation.

It is in this reality that the most radical expressions, located on the subversive fringes of anarchist autonomy, have had to continue their decisive attacking operations against the social peace of the rich. In the midst of skillfully technologized state repression, an exasperating social fog, and paralyzing fear, we have witnessed the most fantastic series of television-style set-ups to justify the repressive, fabricated, shameless machinations of a state = prison = capital that bases its way of life on oppressive wage-slavery and blind obedience to the police-boss. This is “my Chile,” brothers and sisters. The day-to-day and the geographic distances may be different, but the goal is the same: Proletarians at war, subversion is our motto! And here there are encounters and proximity, differences that limit us, homes, hearts, affections, ideas, and practices that unite us, emphasizing the same path. Rebelling, attacking, radicalizing, respecting the intensity of each one who imparts her own experience. Here there are neither boundaries nor excuses. Here there is nothing to stop us from fighting.

Also know that here is the actual reciprocity of your brotherly and sisterly complicity and affection, that there are brothers and sisters who lend a hand to foster closeness and integration, that there is the will to come together and think, carrying out an attacking resistance whose origin is the historical memory of the oppressed, knowing that each and every one of us clashes with domination because we are the rebel children of the proletariat, because we hate each nation’s judges, each homeland’s bourgeoisie, each country’s gendarmes.

In any home on this strip of earth, whether in Santiago or Buenos Aires, Temuco or Neuquén, Iquique or Salta, wherever we may meet again, it will be to continue experiencing the intensity of the war to be free, dignified, and happy to never again put up with all this shit.

An embrace, a kiss, thousands of dreams of rebellion and social revolution.

For the spread of autonomous anticapitalist cells.

Toward assistance and collaboration on prisoner escapes.

While there is misery, there will be rebellion!

—Marcelo Villarroel; Anarchist Prisoner; High-Security Prison; Santiago, Chile; Tuesday, February 15, 2011