
Insurrectionary/anti-prison news and communiqués from Europe and Latin America, translated into English.

Contact: tioj [at] thisisourjob [dot] org

Note: We certainly don’t mind if you repost our content elsewhere, as long as you mention TIOJ as the source, preferably with a link back to us.

5 responses

14 01 2010
This Is Our Job

Hey there falsofalso. Your e-mail address is bouncing. We agree about not duplicating efforts. If you like, we can let you know what we’re working on, and you can do the same. That way we’ll avoid duplication. However, we tend to turn around shorter pieces rather quickly.

Are you working on anything in particular right now? Are you posting your translations regularly on any particular sites? Send us an e-mail so we can figure something out.


17 02 2011

we just put a link to your site on worldwideriot.net. check it out. keep up your good work!

17 02 2011
This Is Our Job

Your site is looking good. Thanks for the linkage!


2 08 2011

I really appreciate what you are doing, thankyou. I am planning an excursion to Argentina and Chile at the end of this month, so it is nice to have a site like yours to reference.

2 08 2011
This Is Our Job

Thanks so much for the kind words. Enjoy your trip!


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