Stop the War Coalition

John Pilger, John McDonnell MP, Jemima Khan, Brian Eno, Ahdaf Soueif will be there. Will you? Anti-War Mass Assembly Afghanistan 10 Years On Trafalgar Square London Saturday 8 October 2011 Sign the pledge...

Ten reasons why psychopath Dick Cheney should be indicted for crimes against humanity

Ten reasons why psychopath Dick Cheney should be indicted for crimes against humanity

George W Bush's vice-president Dick Cheney is right to be fearful that he cannot travel anywhere without an attempt to arrest him for violating numerous international laws.

Why music needs to get political again

Why music needs to get political again

Billy Bragg, singer and political activist, says today's musicians need to get political like the generation of the 1970s, the spirit of which was driven in particular by The Clash.

In Libya the media is  yet again oiling the wheels of imperial war

In Libya the media is yet again oiling the wheels of imperial war

It's as if Iraq and Afghanistan never happened. This time it's different, say the politicians, knowing the media's ingrained memory loss can be relied on to serve their interests.

A bad time to be a black man in Libya

A bad time to be a black man in Libya

The success of the rebels in Libya contains a tragic defeat. The original emancipatory impulse of February 17 lies, for now, among the corpses of "Africans" in Tripoli.

NATO carving up spoils of war even before the blood dries on the dead

NATO carving up spoils of war even before the blood dries on the dead

It does the Arab uprisings a disservice to glorify NATO's mission in Libya. A "humanitarian intervention" was the hook; but securing assets and resources was, as usual, the real goal. 

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Tony Benn: Why I will be in Trafalgar Square on 8 October...

Tony Benn left Parliament in 2001, after 50 years as an MP, "to spend more time on politics".

Surprise, surprise. French foreign minister says when it comes to Libya's oil and reconstruction it "seems fair and logical" for preference to be given to those who helped the rebels.

All the government's fine words about defending democracy and not selling arms to tyrants were just that - words. It is business as usual, including licences to sell shotguns and ammunition to Bahrain where the monarchy has brutally suppressed peaceful protests.

A newly published Downing Street letter from September 2002, five months before the Iraq invasion, confirms Blair planned to ignore the advice of his legal advisors and go to war knowing it was illegal.

America goes into Iraq and Afghanistan, turns them upside down, then says it would be irresponsible to leave them topsy-turvy, but as long as America stays there, these countries will remain messed up.

The British and French governments, whose trainers and advisers were the least covert of history's covert operations, will go on pretending the rebels were running their own war all along. But it was NATO's war and now the chips will be cashed in.

If Libya were to become a proxy state, and nothing more than an outpost of Western interests, it will descend into the same chaos that we have seen, over the past decade, in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The West's intervention in Libya is driven by a determination to regain control of the region following the overthrow of dictators in Tunisia and Egypt and the spreading of the Arab Spring.

Replacing old fashioned, conventional warfare with high-tech, stealthy drones, and death squads capable of inflicting death and destruction anywhere in the world, is becoming the hallmark of the "peace" president's foreign policy

Nato's intervention in Libya is a threat to the Arab revolution, says Seumas Milne, but the forces that have been unleashed in the region won't be turned back so easily.