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Latest blogosphere posts tagged “islamophobia”

  • Anti-Islam Comment Prompts Request for FBI Probe into Internet Threats

    Toonari Post - A News Mash Up!Authority Authority: 134
    A prominent national Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization calls on the FBI to investigate a number of threats of violence targeting mosques posted online on an anti-Islam hate site, including the comment “I want [Muslim] blood on my hands” by an individual who claims he regularly drives past a Virginia ...
    2 hours ago
  • Promoting Moderate Islam: An Interview with Holland Taylor

    Pajamas MediaAuthority Authority: 123
    LibForAll founder C. Holland Taylor urges the West to join forces with the non-radical Muslims to defeat the ideology that is threatening all humanity
    1 day ago
  • Nine recommendations to the APPG on Islamophobia

    walls come tumbling downAuthority Authority: 96
    Following on from the news last week that I was invited to present evidence to the AGM of the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Islamophobia, I thought that I would share the nine initial recommendations I made. These are very basic but I think that the enquiry into Islamophobia is still at a very … Continue ...
    6 days ago
  • After Agreeing To An Interview, Leading Anti-Muslim Activist Frank Gaffney Evades ThinkProgress With Five Body Guards

    Think ProgressAuthority Authority: 807
    Extra security guards at the Nashville anti-Muslim conference equipped with handguns. Frank Gaffney , a former official in the Reagan administration, has distinguished himself as a leading voice for the tight-knit anti-Muslim movement among conservatives. Although Gaffney has placed us among David Petraeus and ...
    1 week ago
  • Dennis Miller Says He Fantasized About Attacking A Muslim Man On His Plane

    Think ProgressAuthority Authority: 807
    On Wednesday night, comedian and right-wing pundit Dennis Miller appeared on Fox News’s The O’Reilly Factor to talk about various political issues. At one point, Miller explained that on a flight from Los Angeles to New York, he was sitting next to a Muslim man. He told O’Reilly that he fantasized about ...
    1 week ago
  • Jesus, Carpet Bomb My Heart: An Undercover Muslim in Detroit

    loonwatch.comAuthority Authority: 492
    An evocative inside look into the Evangelical crusade for Muslim hearts. Jesus, Carpet Bomb My Heart: An Undercover Muslim in Detroit by Haroon Moghul (Religion Dispatches) I’m the one they’re after. I’m “the enemy,” the believer in the “false idol,” “the darkness” Jesus needs to cast out of ...
    1 week ago
  • Review of the Oslo Syndrome: “The Oslo Massacre: An Israel/Palestine angle?”

    Middle East Affairs Information CenterAuthority Authority: 117
    Note: There is an email link embedded within this post, please visit this post to email it. | Note: There is a print link embedded within this post, please visit this post to print it. Thu, Nov 17, 2011 | Rubin Reports | By Barry Rubin Anders Behring Breivik   Pleasantly Surprised To Find a Very Good ...
    1 week ago
  • ADL Condemns Rick Womick’s ‘Shameful, Deeply Disturbing’ Anti-Muslim Comments

    Think ProgressAuthority Authority: 807
    The Anti-Defamation League added its voice to the groups condemning remarks made by Tennessee State Rep. Rick Womick (R-Murfreesboro). Womick, in remarks first reported by ThinkProgress, called for Muslims to be purged from the military. The ADL press release reads, “In a letter sent to Tennessee State ...
    1 week ago
  • The Reality of the ‘All-American Muslim’ Reality TV Show

    AlterNet Blogs: SpeakeasyAuthority Authority: 120
    Cross-posted from Tikkun Wajahat AliFor those constantly fretting about the inability of Muslims to integrate or assimilate into western culture, fret no more!American Muslims finally have their own reality TV show – the Learning Channel’s “All-American Muslim” – focusing on the lives of five ...
    1 week ago
  • Can Muslims be Good Americans?

    susie's big adventureAuthority Authority: 395
    In this short video segment from Anderson Coopers show, a woman expresses her opinion about Muslims in America not being able to be good citizens because of their religious beliefs. Four of the stars of the show "All-American Muslim" are panelists and respond to the womans statements. If you missed the first ...
    1 week ago
  • Terrifying love: TheCall comes to Detroit

    Friends of JusticeAuthority Authority: 112
    By Alan Bean   Leave it to TheCall to make love sound alarming, even terrifying.  there is only one Messiah in Islam, and it’s Jesus. All the passionate music, jubilation, and spiritual energy cannot hide the meanness of spirit that would perpetrate this kind of fraud. TheCall hit Detroit last week.  ...
    1 week ago
  • Robert Spencer Loses His Mind Over Muslim Reality Show, Asks Why “All-American Muslim” Doesn’t Include Terrorist Family

    loonwatch.comAuthority Authority: 492
    Before I begin, I must disclose my general disdain for reality television.  I think this phenomenon is part of a generalized “dumbing down” of America.  I’ll even go so far as to say that I lose a bit of respect for those who watch Jersey Shore ,  Keeping Up With the Kardashians , etc. But, when I heard ...
    1 week ago
  • IASS academic presents expert evidence on Islamophobia

    walls come tumbling downAuthority Authority: 96
    Following the formal announcement that the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Islampophobia has been relaunched, the Institute of Applied Social Studies (IASS) has published an article about my involvement on its website. To view the article on the University of Birmingham’s website, click here. I have also ...
    1 week ago
  • All Party Parliamentary Group on Islamophobia Relaunched at Westmister

    walls come tumbling downAuthority Authority: 96
    As you may be aware, the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Islamophobia was relaunched on Monday 14th November. After what can only be described as a turbulent year, this is welcome news. To support the relaunch, I was invited to present expert evidence to Parliamentarians from across both houses and from across ...
    1 week ago
  • Advocate for Tolerance: of Muslims and Jews

    Tikkun OlamAuthority Authority: 110
    Pamela in her blog Atlas Shrugs wrote about a new reality show on The Learning Channel about an All-American Muslim family.  She noted that Alyssa Rosenberg, culture reporter for advocates watching the show to counter "Islamophobia," because the show depicts ordinary Muslim-American just trying ...
    1 week ago
  • "Islamophobia"? ISLAMOPHILIA

    Bosch FawstinAuthority Authority: 413
    "Islamophobia" was concocted by the enemy to shut down any and All criticism about Islam. I call it islamophoNia.    Islamophilia - uncritical admiration of Islam, (no knowledge of Islam required) is our problem. "The Shadow Knows"
    1 week ago
  • Nutty Professor Maurice Moshe Eisenstein: Racism and Anti-Muslim Hate

    loonwatch.comAuthority Authority: 492
    We did a piece on the despicable anti-Muslim bigotry spewed by Professor Maurice Moshe Eisenstein a few days ago. Sadly, it seems we did not capture the full breadth of his hate-mongering. While we were able to expose his linking and liking Pamela Geller’s genocidal anti-Muslim website Atlas Shrugs, we failed to ...
    1 week ago
  • German Neo-Nazi Terror Cell Discovered, Targeted Muslims and Immigrants

    loonwatch.comAuthority Authority: 492
    In this computer screen shot a Pink Panther figure stands next to a portrait showing murdered Turkish businessman Enver S. in a DVD reportedly produced by neo-Nazis Uwe Mundlos and Uwe Boenhardt to document a series of murders they committed over several years on November 15, 2011 in Germany. An interesting title. ...
    1 week ago
  • Teenager David Osama Haddad Bullied and Beaten because he’s Muslim

    loonwatch.comAuthority Authority: 492
    David Osama Haddad No teen should go through this. This violent act goes well beyond bullying. David Osama Haddad, Indiana Teen, Bullied, Beaten Over Middle Eastern Ethnicity: Lawsuit (VIDEO) The parents of a 17-year-old Indiana high school student say the constant bullying their son suffered due to his Middle ...
    1 week ago
  • New Review: “Islamophobia” by Chris Allen

    walls come tumbling downAuthority Authority: 96
    Just received a review of my book “Islamophobia” which appeared in In-Spire, the Journal of Law, Poitics and Societies, Vol 6, No 1, Summer Special Edition 2011 and was written by Jeremy Kleidosty, University of St Andrews. I’m very happy with the review and have uploaded a pdf copy that you can read in full … ...
    1 week ago

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