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Last Updated: Monday, 27 February 2006, 16:43 GMT
French murder hearing in Abidjan
Murder and kidnap suspect Youssef Fofana (covered) in custody in Ivory Coast
Mr Fofana, pictured with his head covered, was arrested last week
An extradition hearing has begun in Ivory Coast for the suspected leader of a gang accused of seizing, torturing and killing a young Jew in France.

Youssef Fofana, a 25-year-old French national, appeared before a state prosecutor in the city of Abidjan.

France has requested his extradition in connection with the killing of Ilam Halimi, 23, in Paris on 13 February.

Mr Fofana has allegedly said Mr Halimi was abducted because he was a Jew, and therefore presumed to be rich.

Mr Halimi was found bound and naked with horrific injuries, three weeks after he was seized.

His death on the way to hospital has triggered a public outcry in France. Last Sunday, tens of thousands of people marched through Paris to protest against racism and anti-Semitism.

'Long process'

A convicted petty criminal, Mr Fofana, has allegedly admitted the kidnap, but denied murder. He is believed to have left France soon after Mr Halimi was found.

He was arrested last Wednesday, and appeared in court before Ivorian state prosecutor Raymond Tchimou on Monday.

French marchers in Paris with a picture of Ilan Halimi on 26 February 2006
Halimi's murder has triggered a public outcry in France

Mr Fofana was expected to be officially informed about the international arrest warrant issued by France. Prosecutors were also due to verify his identity.

Another hearing would be needed within eight days before extradition could take place, Ivorian Justice Minister Mamadou Kone told the Reuters news agency.

The president must also sign a decree ordering his extradition.

"The process is a long one and I don't think he will be extradited for at least a week," Mr Kone said.

So far, police have arrested 17 people in connection with the case.

French protest for murdered Jew
26 Feb 06 |  Europe
Country profile: France
20 Dec 05 |  Country profiles

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