These are links to useful permanent resources, arranged below under various categories:- Please email us if you see something you think we should add.

Peace and anti-war

    Projects for a participatory society - "exists to propose, investigate, debate, explore, and advocate radical ideas for a desirable future. It focuses on social, economic, cultural, and political life. It's membership is responsible for this site and for related projects which include struggling, writing, speaking, and acting on behalf of attaining a better world. The PPS core values include solidarity, diversity, equity, self management, justice, and sustainability." - A proposal to the world's peace groups and activists
    Block the Builders - preventing the development of nuclear weapons facilities at Aldermaston
    Peace News - Written and produced by and for activists, campaigners and radical academics all over the world

Local organisations

    Sign up to the Nottingham Social Forum - Taking its inspiration from the World Social Forum and the growing network of localised fora, this group is for the people of Nottingham to debate, cooperate, and help to create the other World which we believe is possible.

Alternative media

    Satya magazine - 'Satya Magazine is a monthly publication focusing on vegetarianism, environmentalism, animal advocacy, and social justice. In Sanskrit, "satya" means "truth," and formed the basis of Mohandas Gandhi’s Satyagraha or "truth action" movement for Indian self-sufficiency. Satya Magazine is committed to continuing Gandhi’s legacy by increasing dialogue among activists from diverse backgrounds and engaging readers in ways to integrate compassion into their daily lives.'
    Peace News - Written and produced by and for activists, campaigners and radical academics all over the world

Thinkers and activists

    Informed Comment - Juan Cole's thoughts on the Middle East, history and religion


    In Memoriam - Names of the Iraq war and occupation's dead
    Cost of War - See what the funds for the occupation could have payed for

Diego Garcia

South Asia


    The Peace Cycle - London to Jerusalem bike ride, to end the cycle of violence


Sudan (Darfur)


Human rights and civil liberties

The arms trade


    Satya magazine - 'Satya Magazine is a monthly publication focusing on vegetarianism, environmentalism, animal advocacy, and social justice. In Sanskrit, "satya" means "truth," and formed the basis of Mohandas Gandhi’s Satyagraha or "truth action" movement for Indian self-sufficiency. Satya Magazine is committed to continuing Gandhi’s legacy by increasing dialogue among activists from diverse backgrounds and engaging readers in ways to integrate compassion into their daily lives.'

Ethical consumerism?

Resisting propaganda

Fighting racism

Women's rights



    Dissent - A network of resistance against the G8