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Cluster bombs two

End explosive investments by British banks

Over 11,000 of you have written to the Royal Bank of Scotland calling on them to end the scandalous practice of funding companies that make cluster bombs. Despite this, RBS still refuse to stop. Now we want to launch a hard hitting ad campaign shaming them into action. But we need as many of you as possible to help make this happen by urgently donating towards the cost.


Colonel Mu'ammar al-Gaddafi giving a speech in early 2011Libya: We have uncovered evidence that Gaddafi loyalists have killed prisoners being held in military camps in Tripoli. Escapees have told us how troops used grenades and gunfire. Find out more

A Syrian flag at a demonstration outside the UN building in New York © DemotixSyria: Security forces are carrying out widespread and systematic attacks on civilians including killings and torture. The UN Security Council must take action to protect peaceful protestors. Act now

Five activists have been detained in United Arab Emirates after calling for democracyActivists detained: Five activists in the United Arab Emirates have been charged with insulting the president and locked up after calling for democratic reforms online. Call for their release

Our purpose

We are ordinary people from around the world standing up for humanity and human rights. Our purpose is to protect individuals wherever justice, fairness, freedom and truth are denied.