Showing newest posts with label Judge Judy. Show older posts
Showing newest posts with label Judge Judy. Show older posts

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Judge Judy and the Marijuana Debate

I should disclose up front that I hate Judge Judy. She’s a first rate twat. Everything I despise about judges is summed up in one annoying package - a bully, self righteous, condescending, narrow minded, cruel and a buckethead. I feel sorry for those who stand before her in court. If she has kids, I pity them too. And her husband must be doing time in hell for sins racked up in a previous life.

In a TV special described as a debate on marijuana legalisation, we got anything but a debate. Jaunty Judge Judy doesn’t even try to be bipartisan and makes her conclusions known before the debate is even half way through. But the real joke is who the Judge picked to represent the affirmative side. A tattooed, convicted drug dealer and a “reverend” of a religious cult who talk to god through smoking marijuana. His name is Reverend Bud Green. Apart from not knowing much about the facts, they hardly get a chance to speak without being rudely interrupted by the jaunty Judge. Her disdain for them is obvious and she even yells at them at one stage, protesting her opposition to legalising drugs. The against legalisation team is what you would expect from a mainstream TV show in the US. Short on facts but big on scary scenarios involving chaos and damaged children. One argument even went as far as claiming there are growing cases of “marijuana babies” being born addicted to pot. Yep, you read that right ... babies born addicted to cannabis. There are some real crackers here and the against team come up with some refreshingly new reasons to fear cannabis.

My advice is to get over the anger quickly then sit back and enjoy some of the funniest TV you will see. Just bear in mind that these people are real and there are tens of millions who will find this video informative. Bizarre as it might be, it still makes for some great comedy entertainment.

The Marijuana Debate On Judge Judy Part 1 Of 2

The Marijuana Debate On Judge Judy Part 2 Of 2