- published: 17 Apr 2015
- views: 752590
Agustín Codazzi, or Codazzi, is a city and municipality of the Department of Cesar in Colombia. It was founded in 1784 by the Spanish Captain Salvador Felix de Arias with the name of El Pueblito del Espiritu Santo but later renamed after the Italian cartographer, Giovanni Battista Agostino Codazzi, who died in this place in 1859. It is located along the Serranía del Perijá, covering some of the area pertaining to the valley of the Cesar River.
In 1958 Codazzi was proclaimed a municipality due to its rapid population increase in the 1950s and 1960s, triggered by an agricultural boom of cotton, that attracted people searching for jobs from many departments of Colombia; mainly from Tolima, Huila, Santander, North Santander, Antioquia, Cundinamarca, Bolivar and Magdalena.
When this boom ended, the agroindustry opted for other products like palm, sugar cane, liquors and milk products. In 2005 the municipality of Codazzi had approximately 52,219 inhabitants.
The coat of arms of the city is divided into four parts: the upper left shows an allegory of the religious festivals of the divine shepherdess; in the top right are the mountains of Perija; the bottom part shows the fruits and products of agriculture such as coffee, corn and cotton flowing from the horns, like the bows and arrows that make memories to the Yukpa tribe, ancient inhabitants of their territory.
Omar (also spelled Omer or Umar) may refer to:
"A te" is a song recorded by Italian singer-songwriter Jovanotti and written by Jovanotti himself with Franco Santarnecchi. After being included in the album Safari, the song was released as the second single from the set. Launched during the Sanremo Music Festival 2008, where Jovanotti was invited as a guest, the single became a commercial success, reaching the top spot of the Italian Singles Chart for eight consecutive weeks, later becoming the best-selling single of 2008 in Italy.
In 2009, the song received a nomination for the Mogol Award, created with the purpose to recognize the Italian song with the best lyrics.
"A te" is a romantic piano ballad, written by Jovanotti and Franco Santarnecchi and produced by Michele Canova. The song is a love declaration to Jovanotti's partner, Francesca Valiani, who became his wife in September 2008. During an interview, when questioned about the inspiration for the song, Jovanotti explained: "I tried to put together the best love declaration I could write, even being far from reality... In fact I wrote it while I was far away from Francesca, and maybe in that status of distance I found the right inspiration".
Canale Italia is a Veneto-based Italians' television network that offer a light entertainment program: movies, news and weather bulletins, political debates and variety shows. After more than 20 years broadcasting in the North-East area of Italy with the name Serenissima Tv, in 2004 it acquired UHF channels from France 2 relays Telecentrotoscana and AiFraTef that allowed the station to be seen in the whole northern Italy. After acquiring other channels to cover Rome, Serenissima TV became Canale Italia. Canale Italia then proceeded to an aggressive campaign of expansion in the following years, being broadcast in syndication in some regions and acquiring new channels in others. On November 4, 2009, Canale Italia acquired all the channels of Perugia based station RTE 24H that covered Umbria and Tuscany alongside portions of Lazio and Marche. Many programs are available On Demand on the Official Site with Adobe Flash or Microsoft Silverlight. It is also broadcast Free To Air on Hot Bird satellite and is available on SKY Italia channel 883.
Omar Codazzi - Una catena (video live ufficiale)
Omar Codazzi - "In silenzio" | Cantando Ballando (HD)
Omar Codazzi - Stupido io (video ufficiale)
Omar Codazzi - Ogni giorno (video live ufficiale)
Omar Codazzi - A te (video ufficiale)
Omar Codazzi - Romantico Sognatore
Omar Codazzi - Occhi di mare (video live ufficiale)
Omar Codazzi - A te
Omar Codazzi "Le canzoni di una volta" | Cantando Ballando (HD)
Aurora Codazzi "Incancellabile" | Cantando Ballando (HD)
Sirena - Omar Codazzi
Omar Codazzi e Martina Putiri "Nonostante tutto" | Cantando Ballando (HD)
Omar Codazzi & Aurora - "E più ti penso" | Cantando Ballando (HD)
06-06-2016 Bertipaglia di Maserà (PD) l'orchestra di Omar Codazzi la numero uno (filmador Renato)
Omar Codazzi - Profumo di mamma (live)
Omar Codazzi - Canta (live)
Kaleth Morales - Me la juego toda y la pelusa - Codazzi
Omar Codazzi - Calice Amaro
Prodotto da: Ottavio Bacciocchi - Massimo Scaravaggi Edizioni Musicali EXP - Sandrinita Video realizzato da: DLMultimedia Davide Legni Production http://www.davidelegni.com/ Segretaria di produzione: Sandra Bocchini Supervisor: Adele Zanchi Per informazioni: Dolce Aurora Edizioni Musicali http://www.dolceaurora.it/
Prodotto da: Dolce Aurora Edizioni Musicali http://www.dolceaurora.it/ Produzione esecutiva e artistica: Adele Zanchi Musica di: A.Cianni-G.Cianni-A.E.Zanchi-O.Codazzi Video realizzato da: DLMultimedia Davide Legni Production http://www.davidelegni.com/ Segretaria di produzione: Sandra Bocchini Per informazioni: Dolce Aurora Edizioni Musicali http://www.dolceaurora.it/
Video ufficiale del brano "A te" (S. Delnevo - F. Cozzani - A. Zanchi - O. Codazzi), canzone contenuta nell'album "Stupido io" (giugno 2011: http://www.omarcodazzi.it/chi-sono/discografia/archivio-discografia/117-stupido-io-album-2011). Interpreti: Adele Zanchi e Omar Codazzi. Video realizzato da DavideLegni Production http://www.davidelegni.com/ Produzione: Adele Zanchi / Dolce Aurora Edizioni Musicali Regia: Davide Legni
Omar Codazzi in Romantico Sognatore from CD Bimbi di tutto il mondo - released in the USA on Jan. 31, 2000. This is one of the most beautiful compositions from Franco Bagutti and many great singers have the song in their repertoire, but Omar's interpretation is my all time favorite.
Prodotto da: Dolce Aurora Edizioni Musicali http://www.dolceaurora.it Produzione esecutiva ed artistica: Adele Zanchi Musica di: F.Fulgoni-O.Codazzi Video realizzato da: DLMultimedia Davide Legni Production http://www.davidelegni.com Segretaria di produzione: Sandra Bocchini
Dallo Studio 12 di Canale Italia. http://www.canaleitalia.it/ https://www.facebook.com/CantandoBallandoUfficiale/
Dallo Studio 12 di Canale Italia. http://www.canaleitalia.it/ https://www.facebook.com/CantandoBallandoUfficiale/
Dallo Studio 12 di Canale Italia. http://www.canaleitalia.it/ https://www.facebook.com/CantandoBallandoUfficiale/
Bellissimo duetto di Omar Codazzi con la figlia Aurora, in diretta dallo Studio 12 di Canale Italia. https://www.facebook.com/CantandoBallandoUfficiale/
Bertipaglia 2016 in festa ospite di questa serata meravigliosa gioiosa l'orchestra numero uno D'Italia del fenomeno Omar Codazzi un mito una leggenda la sua voce mostruosa non ha eguali di Omar Codazzi ne esiste uno solo le sue canzoni sono amore poesia che storia da favola devo dire che i suoi ragazzi sono fenomenali bravissimi che musicisti favolosi eravamo numerosi a sostenere questa nuova orchestra colgo l'occasione di salutare con un forte abbraccio caloroso tutta l'orchestra numero uno tutti i suoi fans alla prossima mia ripresa con passione dal vostro amico tifoso tutto per voi ragazzi fenomenali il filmador Renato Zilio
Registrazione live effettuata il 9 agosto 2011 durante il concerto a Fumo di Corvino San Quirico (PV) - Omar Codazzi interpreta "Canta", brano contenuto nell'album "Stupido io" (giugno 2011: http://www.omarcodazzi.it/chi-sono/discografia/archivio-discografia/117-stupido-io-album-2011). Video realizzato da DavideLegni Production http://www.davidelegni.com/ Produzione: Adele Zanchi / Dolce Aurora Edizioni Musicali Regia: Davide Legni
Discover landscapes, food, wine and people Visit Piedmont, Italy and "VILLA BELLA PIEMONTE"
I hope this video inspires you to look into more about Project-Based Learning for CLIL or content courses taught in a second language. For more information about my PBL courses check out my website. http://www.thecogentconstruct.com
Some footage from Lake Como, a beautiful area in Northern Italy.
Pstew's Ice Bucket Challenge LA REALTÀ VIRTUALE È INCREDIBILE!! - Oculus Rift v2 Nicki Minaj - Anaconda Magician Tries To Sell Weed To Cops!! Cristiano Ronaldo #Icebucketchallenge How the sun sees you Non se ne parla: migliaia di denunce di cittadini contro governo per istigazione al suicidio Squalo a Ostia Il Ballo dell'Estate REMIX 2014 MEGAPOWER (una canzone che fa ancora caldo) 1 MILIONE DI ISCRITTI! - SPECIALE OMEGLE L'attimo fuggente - Finale - Capitano mio capitano Gold Digger Surprise Prank! UN TRAGUARDO INCREDIBILE! L'INFERNO È FINITO!! - Eryi's Action - #4 [Finale] People power frees man trapped by Perth train DEVASTANDO LA CASA! MUAHAHHAHA!! - Catlateral Damage how to stop a baby from crying by Katy Perry Dark Horse I REGALI PIÙ STRANI IN ASSOLUTO!! :D TUFFARSI IN UNA PISCINA PE...
Estancia Spa San Joaquin, en Pilar, Buenos Aires 2-2-2016
Um problema para o embaixador Raffaele Trombetta conferir: Consulado Geral da Itália em Curitiba está "à beira do caos", com 30% do seu pessoal fora de campo © Desiderio Peron -- Insieme CURITIBA -- PR -- "À beira do caos". Assim o conselheiro do CGIE -- Consiglio Generale degli Italiani all'Estero, Walter Petruzziello, define a situação do Consulado Geral da Itália em Curitiba que, na próxima semana, recebe a primeira visita oficial do atual embaixador da Itália no Brasil, Raffaele Trombetta. Durante sua visita, o diplomata vai inaugurar o "Contact Center Consular per il Brasile" - um serviço com a interveniência da iniciativa privada que integra telefonia e internet para atendimento dos usuários junto aos consulados italianos que operam no Brasil. Se, de um lado, o novo serviço poderá...
Il mio compleanno festeggiato a Bratislava con il mio carissimo amico Daniele
Fiordaliso is located between olive grove and vineyard has a terrace overlooking the beautiful landscape of the lucchesian hills. You can enjoy the nature in a peaceful area , far away from the city noise, a perfect place for a relaxing holiday. Details for FIORDALISO : 2 Bedrooms, Sleeps 6, 1 Bathroom Fiordaliso barn is on 2 floors. At the ground floor there is a large open space with living room (sofas and TV), big dining area and the kitchen , on the second floor there is the bathroom and 2 comfortable bedrooms. The terrace, just in front of the entrance is equipped with table, chairs , barbecue, sun umbrellas, all the garden furniture to enjoy the outdoor life. There is also an old caracteristic porc used today as a laundry room with the washing-machine. Fiordaliso was an ancient b...
Video di Paola Dami, Orchestra Italiana Bagutti, Matteo Tarantino, Luciano Nelli, Mario Riccardi. Ricordi di RitorNelli (Anno 1971 – I Nomadi) con Omar Codazzi. Intervista a Barbara Piovesana. Inviati Speciali a Firenze con Cristiano Chesi e Mirko Malatesti. Ecco la 193° trasmissione intera della 2°Serie di "Ritornelli”, il programma televiso ideato e condotto da Luciano Nelli con Paola Belloni. Durata 25mn. Buona visione. Questo programma è diffuso su Sky890, su i canali nazionali Fire TV, Ok Italia, TeleItalia, su i canali regionali (Lombardia, Piemonte e Liguria) Telecupole, Telecupole Story e Telecupole Music, su i canali regionali (Toscana) NoiTv, NoiTv2, NoiTv+1, Rete Versilia e Mondo Channel. Videos of Paola Dami, Orchestra Italiana Bagutti, Matteo Tarantino, Luciano Nelli, Mario...
Te espero desde este Sábado 5 de marzo desde las 7pm, a la Inauguración de La Terraza de JhonnyLindo, la mejor opción en comidas rápidas, Estaremos ubicados en la Cra 38 # 61-45. Cócteles GRATIS toda la noche, música en vivo y mas ... !!!
Federica Scanderebech (PD) intervista dei cittadini tra i mercati e le strade di Torino. Il New York Times, noto quotidiano statunitense, mette Torino tra le città da visitare nel Mondo, ecco la voce della gente nelle interviste di #IoTiAscolto (titolo del programma scritto con il font times new roman, nessuna gaffe)
Voluntarios del equipo de PROGRAMAS Y PROYECTOS explican qué es lo que hacen, y te invitan a sumarte como voluntario/a del área. Desde este equipo también buscamos la SUPERACIÓN DE LA POBREZA. ¿Te interesa? Escribí a: voluntariado.guatemala@techo.org La música de este video fue tomada de: bensound.com
My Friends They Told Me Straight Into My Face
They Saw Her Coming Out From Some Old Dirty Place
Staring Right Ahead Never Said Hello
This Rotten World Is Cruel You Know
Knowing That He’s Taking My Baby Right To Hell
The Dealer’s Simply Smiling, He’s Doing Very Well
I Never Thought She’d Sell Her Soul This Way
I Warned Her Many Times But She Wants Him To Stay
If I Had Known This All Before
I’d Not Have Left Her Side That’s For Sure
Knowing That He’s Taking My Baby Right To Hell
The Dealer’s Simply Smiling, He’s Doing Very Well
Annabell Oh Annabell You’re Throwing Yourself Right
Into Hell
I Try To Help You, You’ve Lost Control Completely
Annebell Oh Annabell, I Help You Climb Out From This
Just Drop The Dope I Care For You Believe Me
I Never Thought She’d Sell Her Soul This Way
I Warned Her Many Times But She Wants Him To Stay
If I Had Known This All Before
I’d Not Have Left Her Side That’s For Sure
Knowing That He’s Taking My Baby Right To Hell
The Dealer’s Simply Smiling, He’s Doing Very Well
Annabell Oh Annabell You’re Throwing Yourself Right
Into Hell
I Try To Help You, You’ve Lost Control Completely
Annebell Oh Annabell, I Help You Climb Out From This
Just Drop The Dope I Care For You Believe Me
Annabell Oh Annabell You’re Throwing Yourself Right
Into Hell
I Try To Help You, You’ve Lost Control Completely
Annebell Oh Annabell, I Help You Climb Out From This