- published: 28 May 2010
- views: 262765
Under the Whyte notation for the classification of steam locomotives, 2-4-0 represents the wheel arrangement of two leading wheels on one axle, four powered and coupled driving wheels on two axles, and no trailing wheels. The notation 2-4-0T indicates a tank locomotive of this wheel arrangement on which its water is carried in tanks mounted on the locomotive, rather than in an attached tender.
Other equivalent classifications are:
The 2-4-0 configuration was developed in the United Kingdom (UK) in the late 1830s or early 1840s as an enlargement of the 2-2-0 and 2-2-2 types, with the additional pair of driving wheels giving better adhesion. The type was initially designed for freight haulage. One of the earliest examples was the broad-gauge GWR Leo Class, designed by Daniel Gooch and built during 1841 and 1842 by R and W Hawthorn and Company, Fenton, Murray and Jackson, and Rothwell and Company. Because of its popularity for a period with English railways, noted railway author C. Hamilton Ellis considered the 2-4-0 designation to have the nickname (under the Whyte notation) of 'Old English'.
The Treaty on the Final Settlement With Respect to Germany, German: Vertrag über die abschließende Regelung in Bezug auf Deutschland (or the Two Plus Four Agreement, German: Zwei-plus-Vier-Vertrag; short: German Treaty) was negotiated in 1990 between the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic (the eponymous "Two"), and the Four Powers which occupied Germany at the end of World War II in Europe: France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States. In the treaty the Four Powers renounced all rights they held in Germany, allowing a united Germany to become fully sovereign the following year.
On 2 August 1945, the Potsdam Agreement, promulgated at the end of the Potsdam Conference, among other things agreed on the initial terms under which the Allies of World War II would govern Germany. A provisional German–Polish border known as the Oder–Neisse line awarded, in theory within the context of that "provisional border", most of Germany's eastern provinces to Poland and the Soviet Union. Those agreements reached were provisional and the agreement stipulated that the situation would be finalised by "a peace settlement for Germany to be accepted by the Government of Germany when a government adequate for the purpose is established" (Potsdam Agreement 1.3.1). Parts of those above mentioned agreements were burdened with controversy from several sources e.g., Churchill's comment about stuffing the Polish goose too full (of German lands). The overall "German Question" became one of the salient and crucial issues of the long-running Cold War, and until it ended in the late 1980s, little progress had been made in the establishment of a single government of Germany adequate for the purpose of agreeing to a final settlement. This meant that in some respects (largely, but not only, technical), Germany did not have full national sovereignty.
MKS Pogoń Szczecin (Polish pronunciation: [ˌɛmkaˈɛs ˌpɔɡɔɲ ˈʂt͡ʂɛt͡ɕin]) is a Polish professional football club, based in Szczecin, Poland.
The club was founded by Poles from Lwów (now Lviv, Ukraine), who had been transferred west after the Soviet annexation of Poland's eastern territories in 1945. The founders of Pogoń Szczecin had previously been supporters of Pogoń Lwów and the colors of their new club reflect their old club. Polonia Bytom and Odra Opole were likewise founded or revived by the former inhabitants of Lwów.
The most popular sports organization in Szczecin was founded on April 21, 1948 as Klub Sportowy Sztorm. Its first departments were football and boxing, and the football team began playing in the local C-Class championship. In March 1949, several sports clubs in Szczecin (KS Sztorm, KS Cukrownik, KS Drukarz, Pocztowy KS) were merged into a large organization called Klub Sportowy Zwiazkowiec. The team of Zwiazkowiec joined local A-Class league, replacing Pocztowy KS. In November 1950, Zwiazkowiec was dissolved, and a new organization, Klub Sportowy Kolejarz Szczecin was formed. Its football team, supported by the Port of Szczecin, in 1953 was promoted to the newly created Interregional League (Liga Miedzywojewodzka), which covered the provinces of Szczecin, Zielona Gora and Poznan.
Frittenbude - 2 + 4 = 0 (Katzengold)
Solve by Factoring x^2 - 4 = 0
Cautis Steaua Sudului - FCSB, repriza 2 (4-0)
Обновление Xiaomi Redmi 4 Prime к Global 8 2 4 0 и выше (если не получается обновится по воздуху)
Frittenbude - 2 + 4 = 0 ( Katzengold ) + Lyrics
Frittenbude - 2 + 4 = 0 (+ lyrics)
2-4-0 steam loco restoration
Sparing: Pogoń Szczecin – Chojniczanka Chojnice 2:4 (0:2, 2:2) 7.7.2017 (SKRÓT)
CIOLI COGIANCO - SS LAZIO 7-2 (4-0 p.t.)
დინამო-2 4:0 ბორჯომი
New little 2-4-0 locomotive Moc (Old Sydney Colleries 2-4-0)
x^4 - 5x^2 + 4 = 0
Balassagyarmati VSE-STC Salgótarján 2-4 (0-0)
Solve for x in this complex equation x^4 + 3x^2 - 4 = 0
5 inch gauge LC&DR; 2-4-0
LBG 2-4-0 G scale locomotive
Sparing: Pogoń Szczecin (JM) - Lech Poznań (JM) 2:4 (0:1)
5 Inch Gauge LC&DR; 2-4-0 "Asia"
Frittenbude - 2 + 4 = 0 (Audio)
F1 March 2-4-0 (6-wheeler) at the Goodwood Shootout 2015
Frittenbude: Katzengold
Solve a quadratic equation by factoring. In this case, we factor a difference of squares and then set each factor equal to zero. http://www.openalgebra.com/
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Rechte liegen bei Audiolith® mit zerissenen Jeans und blutigen Knien liegen wir hier und können diese Luft nicht mehr atmen denn sie verschnürt uns die Kehle und du verzierst meine Seele um ein paar weitere Narben, in dem Blümchenkleid mit den Farben alles was wir sind, hatten und haben passt in eine Hand denn es war immer deine und meine Hand mein Verstand hängt überall wo wir waren da wir sowieso in Gefahr sind, können wir fast alles vertragen aber ertragen fühlt sich dann ganz anders an und versagen sahen wir immer die anderen wir beide waren nie wie sie immer anders, hauptsache nie wie sie, immer irgendwie anders mit zerissenen Jeans und blutigen Knien, stehn wir uns gegenüber, sehn wir uns in die Augen. mit zerissenen Jeans und blutigen Knien, sehn wir un...
mit zerissenen Jeans und blutigen Knien liegen wir hier und können diese Luft nicht mehr atmen denn sie verschnürt uns die Kehle und du verzierst meine Seele um ein paar weitere Narben, in dem Blümchenkleid mit den Farben alles was wir sind, hatten und haben passt in eine Hand denn es war immer deine und meine Hand mein Verstand hängt überall wo wir waren da wir sowieso in Gefahr sind, können wir fast alles vertragen aber ertragen fühlt sich dann ganz anders an und versagen sahen wir immer die anderen wir beide waren nie wie sie immer anders, hauptsache nie wie sie, immer irgendwie anders mit zerissenen Jeans und blutigen Knien, stehn wir uns gegenüber, sehn wir uns in die Augen. mit zerissenen Jeans und blutigen Knien, sehn wir uns, stehen hier können es einfach nicht glauben mit zeriss...
first successful run with both cylinders timed and plumbed on air
Skrót meczu i wypowiedzi trenera Macieja Skorży oraz Łukasza Zwolińskiego. Pogoń Szczecin przegrała 2:4 z Chojniczanką Chojnice w ostatnim sparingu przed sezonem 2017/2018. Oba gole dla Portowców zdobył Łukasz Zwoliński.
CIOLI COGIANCO: Molitierno, Ippoliti, Luizinho, Ruben, Fits, Tetti, Tarenzi, Mazzocchetti, Fusari, Mazoni, Lucas, Raubo. All. Juanlu LAZIO: Gattarelli, Fortini, Gedson, Escosteguy, D. Chilelli, Blasimme, Giasson, Spinola, Guercio, Chiomenti, Ramirez, Stoccada. All. Mannino MARCATORI: 3’59’’ p.t. Luizinho (C), 9’41’’ Raubo (C), 13’24’’ rig. Ippoliti (C), 19’15’’ Fits (C), 10’27’’ s.t. D. Chilelli (L), 11’07’’ Fits (C), 16’05’’ Fusari (C), 19’30’’ Ippoliti (C), 19’44’’ Gattarelli (L) AMMONITI: D. Chilelli (L), Lucas (C), Ruben (C), Fits (C), Fortini (L), Blasimme (L), Ippoliti (C) ARBITRI: Vincenzo Sgueglia (Civitavecchia), Luca Vincenzo Caracozzi (Foggia) CRONO: Gianluca Gentile (Roma 1)
This video is about my new little 2-4-0 locomotive Moc, which I hope inspires you to make a cute little engine like this out of leftover pieces. http://bigbenbricks.com
NB III Keleti-csoport, 11. forduló: Balassagyarmati VSE-STC Salgótarján 2-4 (0-0) Balassagyarmat, Kövi Pál Sportközpont, 1000 néző. Vezette: Berényi T. (Csóra Sz., Nyerges Zs.) Balassagyarmati VSE: Földi - Illés T., Ficzere, Bonivárt, Szandai - Popovics - Molnár E. (Kovács K., 62.), Tóth P. (Szita, 83.), Nagy O. - Magos, Bódis (Tihanyi, 74.). Szakmai igazgató: Kis Károly. STC Salgótarján: Czerula - Gubacsi, Banjac, Híves, Sulcz - Oláh L., Kovács L., Spitzmüller, Bogáti (Gere, 71.), Takács P. - Lupták (Gábor Lukács J., 23.). Vezetőedző: Zoran Kuntic. Sárga lap: Tóth P., Illés T., Nagy O., ill. Takács P., Gubacsi Gól: Bódis (49.), Tóth P. (57.), ill. Oláh L. (66., 76.), Sulcz (74.), Gábor Lukács J. (90.)
A well made London, Chatham & Dover Railway "Europa" class 2-4-0, the work of a prolific model engineer who has adapted this elegant design to produce an imagined member of the class, "Persia".
Transformation d'une loco jouet 2-4-0 LGB en une loco un peu plus réaliste. Réparation des parties manquantes.
Sparing juniorzy młodsi Pogoni Szczecin - juniorzy młodsi Lecha Poznań 2:4 (0:1) Bramki: 0:1 - Bartosz Bartkowiak - 14' 0:2 - Hubert Sadowski (sam.) - 56' 0:3 - Bartosz Bartkowiak - 57' 1:3 - Adrian Benedyczak - 65' 2:3 - testowany napastnik - 66' 2:4 - Adam Borkowski - 69' juniorzy młodsi Pogoni Szczecin: Kacper Pietrzak (41' Daniel Kusztan) - Kacper Plebańczyk (41' zawodnik testowany), Hubert Sadowski, Wojciech Błyszko, Daniel Rotengruber (67' Daniel Stadie) - Jakub Paprzycki, zawodnik testowany (62' Michał Graczyk), Jan Imiołek (56' zawodnik testowany), Bartosz Boniecki, Dominik Nowakowski (41' zawodnik testowany) - Adrian Benedyczak.
An exceptionally well built 5 inch gauge "Europa" class 2-4-0 "Asia". The original engines were designed by William Martley for the London, Chatham and Dover Railway in 1873 - six were built in total by Sharp Stewart, including the four named engines "Asia", "Africa", "America" and "Europe". All were scrapped by 1910, by that time the LC&DR; had been amalgamated into the South Eastern & Chatham Railway.
Buy/Stream: http://audiolith.net/al080 Audiolith Webshop: https://shop.audiolith.net/Frittenbude Katzengold ist intelligente Popmusik für die Gegenwart, ein schwerkalibriges Kraftpaket. Der Sound fürs Gehirn und den Dancefloor gleichermaßen und ein schlauer, stylischer Mix aus Electro, Techno, Punk und Hip Hop. Ein Album über die dunkle Seite der bunten Parties und über Träume, die an der Realität scheitern und nach dessen Genuss man so große Augenringe hat wie der seinerzeit besungene Pandabär. Homepage: http://schandenschmuck.de Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/frittenbubu Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/frttnbd
Ride with the March at the famous Goodwood Festival of Speed Hill Climb 2015. This is the only 1976, 6-wheeler prototype in existence in the world. Watch the March reaching its full potential 40 years after inception.
Добро 2009 (Логос) - Восход 2 / 4:0 (24.02.2018)
COPA LIBERTADORES 2018 EN VIVO Wilstermann vs Vasco Da Gama Wilstermann vs Vasco Da Gama
EVN-cup 2017
Vi beklager den manglende lyd.
Этот ролик обработан в Видеоредакторе YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/editor)
16 февраля 2016 года. Матч III-го этапа на Кубок Москвы по хоккею среди юношей 2005 г.р. I-й круг, группа А.
Товарищеский матч Сборных команд по футболу 8х8 Место проведения: г.Тверь, Вокзальная, 7 (Стадион "Юность"). 02.05.2016 - Сборная Твери vs Сборная Москвы - 2:4 (0:1) Голы: Булыгин (1:1), С. Дымстов (2:3) — Ёжиков (0:1), Севостьянов (1:2), Кустов (1:3), Леонтьев (1:4). Состав Сборной Твери: Д.Крайнов, О.Гуща, А.Кирьянов, А.Булыгин, А.Цветков, А.Орехов, А.Дымстов, С.Дымстов, А.Одинцов, Д.Миронов, А.Никитин, А.Кирдянкин, А.Роженков, Д.Михайлов Главный тренер: Ульянов Роман Юрьевич Состав Сборной Москвы: П.Мальцев, М.Мареев, А.Бармоткин, Д.Каршенков, Е.Севостьянов, С.Кустов, В.Румянцев, Е.Бармоткин, Д.Леонтьев, В.Апинайтис, А.Ежиков Главный тренер: Донских Максим Александрович
U11 Mauerbach: T Peter Piuk 04 Forian Kreuz 05 Cathrin Kreuz 08 Fiona Rechberger 09 Antonio Cekolj 10 Nicolaus Kunrath 12 Viktor Zlabinger 14 Jakob Ruetz 15 Felix Ertl 06 Gero Holzwarth 07 Elias Machacek 11 Elias Schemel SL Helmut Wieselmayer TR Markus Grassinger U11 Sieghartskirchen: T Marcel Schörg 03 Elias Sebastian Hoffmann 05 Anto Ikic 06 Fabian Hainzl 10 Kacper Skrabucha 12 Roman Angelo Koglbauer 15 Eyüpcan Filiz SL Manfred Weiss TR Sylvia Schörg
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ОП Москвы 2015-16г. Команды 2002г.р. (31.10.2015) ЦСКА-КС 8-4 (2-2),(4-0),(2-2)