Anti-info / Subversive / Network

June 29th, 2011

(a data network for direct action)

(a media framework for social war)

(the refusal of fixed territory)

” … So we went into creative obscurity in order to re-emerge more capable, more dangerous.”
Sect of Revolutionaries

325 24/7 newswire is slowing down considerably, but will remain open for online contributions from those in struggle through our contact page. 325 will continue to report important, unnoticed and marginalised resistance news that has not been published elsewhere. Our distro section will also continue to be slowly updated with a number of interesting classical releases and new publications.

This temporary hiatus is firstly due to the Autumnal release of 325 #9, the free yearly PDF download of the international magazine of social war and anarchy, which is printed hard-copy in numerous places by nameless revolutionaries world-wide. Secondly, this hiatus is generated by a period of organisational and methodological reflection and consolidation, as our decentralised network enters a new phase of subversive publishing and auto-production. 325 #9 will be available as a free online download and in paper format soon..

For continuous 24/7 resistance news, view the web-portals of our affinities projects, (actforfreedomnow, angry news, bite back, blackblog, contra-info, culmine, hommodolars, informa-azione, this is our job, war on society, viva la anarquia, etc).

Information war is our gift and weapon, always aiming to develop the actions, concepts and explorations, until freedom, never ceasing.

We affirm as open, the methods of affinity group action along informal federative principles, for new individuals to take, practice and experiment as theirs : propaganda by deed; revolutionary anarchist illegalism; destructive negation of the false society; embrace of new technologies of communication, publishing, distribution, attack and subversion; mutual aid; voluntary co-operation; free exchange; etc.

Over the last few years, the informal insurrectional tendency has developed lines of translation and transmission of methods of attack and news of repression leading to international revolutionary solidarity campaigns and a global linking of worldwide struggles. 325 was set up to facilitate such global networking. The 17th January call by the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire for an Informal Anarchist Federation (Global) / International Revolutionary Front was one such successful result of this globalisation of resistance.

Still, there is much to be done for our street level spreading of the project. We must be disciplined with ourselves because technology and information are also viruses that can ensnare us and threaten to absorb us into their own stratagem in which we end up replicating a cybernetic version of reality. We have looked at the work of 325 and although we respect what it has achieved, we also see that as the social war escalates, we have to develop our organisational capabilities, if we are going to be true to the responsibilities we feel we undertake by speaking of social war and revolution.

From this pregnant pause we send our respect and solidarity to all the prisoners of the war for total freedom, and all the anarchist/autonomous/anti-civilisation direct action groups who risk their lives and their freedom in the attack against dominion.

For global co-ordination of our anarchic forces towards the aim of mass insurrection against the capitalist system and the environmental collapse it has created.

For the continuation of our destructive revolutionary project.

Nothing ends – Everything begins.

325 / Anti-Copyright Network

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Flyposter from the rioters… (UK)

August 16th, 2011

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Posted in Library |

Some words from the rioters… (UK)

August 13th, 2011

Message from Greek comrades : “At this world, at this society, rebellions happen, they are not utopia. Solidarity to the English rebellion.”


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Posted in Social Control |

Incendiary attack on two vans of the energy multinational GDF Suez in Madrid (Spain)

August 13th, 2011

10 August 2011

from liberacion total, translated by war on society:


Tonight two vans belonging to the energy multinational “GDF SUEZ” were set on fire in the neighborhood of San Juan Bautista.

The techno-industrial system has been imposed on our lives in a brutal way, to colonize our bodies and minds, life has been totally artificialized. New developments, such as nanotechnology, biotechnology, robotics… stand as new forms of domination in which the State spends billions, knowing that this is to secure its perpetuity. They sell us all these projects as the best in the best of all possible worlds, but the only thing that they secure is the continuation of the existing order; the only thing they secure is the murder of the earth, the total dependency on technology, a world where there is no space for autonomy, for freedom; and the murder of millions of people so that here in the first world we can enjoy a “peaceful” life where alienation now rises to aberrant levels.

For all this to function it is necessary to murder the earth by means of extracting so-called “resources” for the production of energy. For this we attacked the company “GDF SUEZ,” and the attacks will continue against all that which enslaves us; also for our sisters in England who, having understood that the misery in your lives is caused by the world of commodities, have fiercely launched yourselves to destroy them — from here, strength in your struggle, and may the insurrection that these days ravages England spread everywhere.



To Mark Duggan, never forget, never forgive

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Posted in Direct Action |

‘This is an insurrection of the masses of the people’ (UK)

August 11th, 2011

In the video above, Darcus Howe, writer and broadcaster, names the 2011 UK riots an ‘insurrection of the masses of the people’ on the BBC. In this important turn in the discourse on the 2011 riots, Darcus Howe also links these events with those in Port of Spain Trinidad, Syria and other parts of the world. As shown in the link below he refers to the violence as the ‘nature of the historical moment’. Darcus Howe, as part of the Mangrove Nine, was acquitted decades ago of trumped up, racially motivated charges of “rioting”. The BBC will not repeat this video. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Autonomy, Social Control |

International Call for Solidarity with the Revolutionary Struggle (Greece)

August 6th, 2011

The 5th of October has been set as the day that the trial of the Revolutionary Organization – Revolutionary Struggle will begin. The trial will take place in the court room of Koridallos prisons.

Eight accused will stand trial, who according to a recent order of the Council of Appeals will be tried for participation in the organization.

Accused in the case of the Revolutionary Struggle are: N. Maziotis, P. Roupa, K. Gournas, Ch. Kortesis, V. Stathopoulos, S. Nikitopoulos, K. K., (not arrested he is on the run) and M. Beraha (K.Gournas wife).

The first three accused, Maziotis, Roupa and Gournas have taken responsibility for the organization and remain imprisoned, but in mid October the 18 month detention period expires. The rest of the accused are free.

Kortesis, Stathopoulos and Nikitopoulos were released from prison on terms recently, after two decisions of the council of Judges of appeals, since the Supreme Court applied a recantation on the first and another was made that ratified the decisions of the appeals judges.

The charges of each individual concern the felonies of constitution and participation in a terrorist organisation, supply manufacture and possession of explosive materials, explosions and numerous attempted homicides.

Revolutionary Struggle has made many attacks, among which the rocket launcher attack on the American embassy, on January 12th 2007 and the armed attack on cops on Bouboulinas street on January 5th 2009.

Revolutionary Struggle are thought to be responsible for the following attacks, all in Athens:

* September 5, 2003: Bombing at courthouse.
* March 14, 2004: Bombing at Citibank subsidiary in Psychico neighborhood.
* May 5, 2004: Bombing at police station in Perissos neighborhood.
* October 29, 2004: Bombing of police buses.
* June 2, 2005: Bombing at Labor Ministry.
* December 12, 2005: Bombing at Finance Ministry in Syntagma Square, near Parliament.
* May 30, 2006: Attempted assassination of Georgios Voulgarakis, former Minister of Public Order, now Minister of Culture.
* January 12, 2007: Wasp 58 LAW rocket attack on United States Embassy.
* April 30, 2007: Shots fired at police station in Nea Ionia neighborhood.
* October 24, 2008: Bombing at Shell offices in Palaio Faliro neighborhood.
* December 23, 2008: Shots fired at riot police bus near Athens University in Goudi neighborhood.
* January 5, 2009: Shots fired at police guarding Culture Ministry in Exarcheia neighborhood. One riot cop critically wounded.
* February 18, 2009: Car bombing at Citibank headquarters in Kifissia neighborhood. Bomb fails to detonate.
* March 9, 2009: Bombing at Citibank subsidiary in Nea Ionia neighborhood.
* May 12, 2009: Bombing at Eurobank subsidiary in Argyroupoli neighborhood.
* September 2, 2009: Car bombing causes serious damage to Stock Exchange building.

”’The three comrades who took responsibility for the actions of Revolutionary Struggle show that fighting for what you believe in is not a task that only the “elite” can take on. Its in everyone that has suffered in the system that has been created to control us. The state knows they are the real terrorists and as long as no one is fighting back they have nothing to fear. Its time to show them enough is enough and attack it with all means available.”’






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Posted in Prison Struggle |

Silvia, Costa and Billy sentenced (Switzerland)

July 22nd, 2011

from mainstream press via culmine:

Severe penalties as decided by the Federal Criminal Court in Bellinzona, who sentenced to terms ranging from 3 years and 4 months to 3 years and 8 months, the three members of an anarchist group – two Italians and a Swiss – the attempt to attack a Nanotechnology Research Center of IBM in Rüschlikon (ZH), in April 2010.

Penalties are heavier than those requested by the prosecutor, which was a maximum of 3 years and 6 months.

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Posted in Eco Struggle |

First trial of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire ends with severe sentences (Greece)

July 22nd, 2011

19 07 2011

The verdicts and sentences were announced today in the first Conspiracy of Cells of Fire trial (the so-called “Halandri case”), and the end results are not good. The three-member tribunal imposed even longer sentences than those requested by the prosecutor. The breakdown is as follows:

Haris Hatzimichelakis: Guilty of forming a terrorist organization, manufacturing explosives, possessing explosives, and causing explosions at the Ministry of Macedonia-Thrace, the home of former Interior Vice-Minister Panayiotis Hinofotis, and the home of PASOK ministers Louka Katseli and Gerasimos Arsenis. Sentenced to 25 years in prison out of a total combined sentence of 77 years.

Panayiotis Argyrou: Guilty of forming a terrorist organization, manufacturing explosives, possessing explosives, and causing explosions at the Ministry of Macedonia-Thrace, the home of former Interior Vice-Minister Panayiotis Hinofotis, and the home of PASOK ministers Louka Katseli and Gerasimos Arsenis. Sentenced to 25 years in prison out of a total combined sentence of 77 years.

Giorgos Karagiannidis: Guilty of manufacturing explosives, possessing explosives, and being an accomplice to the explosion at the home of PASOK ministers Louka Katseli and Gerasimos Arsenis. Sentenced to 20 years in prison out of a total combined sentence of 32 years.

Panayiotis Masouras: Guilty of manufacturing explosives, possessing explosives, and being an accomplice to the explosion at the home of PASOK ministers Louka Katseli and Gerasimos Arsenis. Sentenced to 11 years and 6 months in prison out of a total combined sentence of 19 years. Submitted an application for a suspended sentence.

Alexandros Mitrousias: Guilty of manufacturing explosives, possessing explosives, and being an accomplice to the explosion at the home of PASOK ministers Louka Katseli and Gerasimos Arsenis. Sentenced to 11 years in prison out of a total combined sentence of 19 years. Chose not to submit an application for a suspended sentence.

Konstantina Karakatsani: Guilty of manufacturing explosives, possessing explosives, and being an accomplice to the explosion at the home of PASOK ministers Louka Katseli and Gerasimos Arsenis. Sentenced to 11 years in prison out of a total combined sentence of 19 years. Submitted an application for a suspended sentence.

Manolis Yiospas: Guilty of three misdemeanors including robbery and fraud. Sentenced to 2 years and 9 months in prison. The prosecutor initially requested that Yiospas be acquitted, and after the prison sentence was announced the prosecutor then proposed a three-year suspended sentence, which the court accepted.

Nikos Vogiatzakis: Acquitted of all charges due to lack of evidence.

Errikos Rallis:Acquitted of all charges due to lack of evidence.

Friends and relatives of the accused, but also the defence, commented on the severity in the imposition of sentences considering that for the majority of those sentenced, the court judged that their participation in the organization was of only a few months.

The state, its court and its other dogs have shown once more what happens to decent people who live for freedom.

As anarchist revolutionaries in solidarity, we from ACTFORFREEDOMNOW!-BOUBOURAS, send to our proud and dignified comrades, members and not of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, a big flaming hug!


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Posted in Social Control |

Mass illegal demo against the Dictatorship, Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)

July 12th, 2011

325 receives and transmits from a Malaysian comrade :

“… i send this news not because i agree with the objective of this civil liberation organization but more importantly, we are involved in the protest because of its support from ordinary people who are against the repression from authorities and the dictatorship government.”

Latest News :

On 9 July, BERSIH (Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections, it is a coalition of leftists, NGOs and activist groups that advocates changes in the elections laws) made a rally which should have been a peaceful protest about electoral reform changes, the authority instead made Kuala Lumpur city into a police state. All road access has been blocked, shops and office buildings entirely been shut down for almost 16 hours. Public transport like trains being stopped in their services almost for every city station. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Autonomy |

‘Fra Contadini’ by Errico Malatesta w/ Introduction by Alfredo M. Bonanno

July 11th, 2011

325 is pleased to present this newly released Elephant Editions free PDF download of the classic pamphlet Fra Contadini by the Italian anarchist, Errico Malatesta (1853–1932).

This classically successful text is a simple to read explanation of anarchist ideas in a conversational style. It was first printed in 1884, when it appeared in La Questione Sociale, the paper that Malatesta founded in Florence, Italy.

It is accompanied by an introduction by present day Italian anarchist-insurrectionalist comrade, Alfredo M. Bonanno, who reiterates the practical reality of expropriation and insurrection, and affirms the senselessness of attempting to “update” comrade Malatesta’s great work, which attempts “… to convince the peasant, the worker, the emarginated ‘lumpen’ proletariat reader, of the mechanism of exploitation and repression, of the system of ideological and political swindling, with the aim of pushing them to rebel in the struggle against the class enemies, and ultimately, to insurrection.”

The title also includes a short biography of Malatesta by David Poole.

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Mobilization for the Trial of Silvia, Costa & Billy (Switzerland)

July 7th, 2011

Freedom for Silvia, Costa & Billy – Solidarity with all the Revolutionary Prisoners

All meetings will be held in “Casa del Popolo” in Bellinzona, Switzerland, (in front of the train station). As well as the presence during the hearings there will be demos in the city throughout the week.

18 July – 6pm : Struggle against Nuclear Plants
Contributions of past and ongoing experiences. Debate about the possibilities of intervention. Updates on Marco Camenisch

20 July – 6pm : Nano & Biotechnologies
Presentation of information materials and discussion. Video projection of “RFID-la police totale”.

21 July – 6pm : Debate about the importance of solidarity for the revolutionary movement
Information about other trials, like the one that will be held on September 28-29-30 against a comrade of Aufbau and SRI

In April 2010 Silvia, Costantino and Billy were arrested close to Zurich and since then, accused of wanting to attack an IBM laboratory of nanotechnology research with explosive material, they are imprisoned in the Swiss jails. A little more than a year after our comrades are going to be processed (July 18-22) while IBM laboratory “Binning and Rhorer nanotechnology centre”, which opened last May, will be starting its horrible projects. IBM, American corporation pioneer in nanotechnology, through miniaturization of electronic components on nanometric scale would like to transform human beings, animals, natural environment and infrastructures into gears of a mega-machine for life’s absolute control. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Eco Struggle |

Statement from Revolutionary Organisation – Informal Anarchist Federation, Indonesia Section (Indonesia)

July 6th, 2011

325 receives and transmits:

Bandung, Indonesia – Cells of International Conspiracy for Revenge, a few days ago, have claimed responsibility by spreading leaflets surrounding the ATM BNI firebombings. The leaflet is almost the same tone as in Makassar and Manado:

PT Indomining (Bima) has been brutally repressing the local population, Jogja Magasa International wants to evict 30,000 farmers in Kulon Progo. Farmers in Takalar are facing the threat of land-grabbing. These actions are carried out in a brutal way, including shootings, terror, sexual harassment as well as the various forms of repression that we never hear about in the mainstream media.

That’s not surprising because these capitalist-bureaucratic companies do not care about anything except making their wallet thicker!”

“Our attacking of an ATM (bank) is an important target, because banks are always involved in financing natural resources and the repression of the people in the name of capital! We have no intention of injuring anyone, the destruction of property is not violence! No mercy for the forces of repression! No mercy for the State and Capitalism.”

May the Social War escalate and we forgot to mentioned comrades in Greece, Italy, or anywhere else but you all know our hearts are with you.

Got Ist Tot – Free Association of Individualist-Communists.

Salute to: Revolutionary Organisation – Conspiracy of Cells of Fire. The Revolutionary Struggle. The Chilean insurrectionists. Giannis Dimitrakis and Polykarpos Georgiades, our hearts are with you!

Long Live the Rebellion and stay free. And with this statement we claim to join the RO-FAI, Indonesian Section.

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Posted in Direct Action |

Solidarity Molotov Attack against BNI Bank ATM in Bandung (Indonesia)

June 30th, 2011

325 receives and transmits:

30 June 2011

A significant molotov attack explodes the ATM BNI in Dipatiukur Street – Bandung. Perpetrators leaves message:

“The State and Capital is the real terrorist. Solidarity with Kulon Progo Peasant Struggle!”

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Antifascist Prisoners In Need Of Support (UK)

June 29th, 2011

Updated From Leeds ABC:

More than two years ago a strutting neo-Nazi was put on his arse. Without even the evidence to pursue a conviction for ‘common assault’ the British State launched an all-out offensive against militant antifascists, smashing doors in all over the country and making more than 20 arrests. In view of their lack of evidence against those arrested the CPS have chosen to pursue ‘conspiracy’ charges, a calculated gambit which has so far led to the imprisonment of 6 antifascists. The imprisoned comrades are guilty of nothing more than being antifascists, they have been fitted-up by the State and deserve our fullest possible support. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Anti-Fascist |

‘The Sun Still Rises’ by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire : Imprisoned Members Cell (Greece)

June 29th, 2011

From culmine via this is our job:

May 30 saw the publication of ‘The Sun Still Rises’, a pamphlet containing a chronology of Conspiracy of Cells of Fire attacks and the following new text by the group:

The Sun Still Rises

Knowledge chooses its project, each project is new and chooses its moments, each moment is new, but simultaneously emerges from the memory of all the moments that existed before

—The Interior of the Absolute

1. The Beginning

The Conspiracy of Cells of Fire Revolutionary Organization didn’t begin its activity from out of nowhere. It wasn’t as if a straight line had cut through space and time. It was a future crying out from the past. The Conspiracy comprised a collective synthesis, connecting the backgrounds and viewpoints of all who participated in it and drawing valuable conclusions from past experiences of subversive projects and attacks we took part in.

It represented our desire to take a step further, not to climb some ladder of informal hierarchy that fetishizes violence and its methods, but to simply advance, move forward, and explore new perspectives, making the shift from a “bunch of friends” to an organization, from the sporadic to the consistent, from the spontaneous to the strategic. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Autonomy, Cognitive Liberty, Prison Struggle |

Text by the members of the R.O. CCF Christos Tsakalos and Giorgos Nikolopoulos about the Letter-bomb that was sent to Berlusconi (Greece, Italy)

June 29th, 2011

“Through the sadness of endless mediocrity that suffocates us from everywhere, I console myself that somewhere in a closet several stubborn people struggle to counteract the spoilage.” [Odysseas Elytis]

We are summoned to appear before the Prosecutor’s Office of Bologna, Italy, on June 28th in order to participate in a preliminary investigation in regard to the ‘punishable offense under Articles 110, 280 of the Criminal Code (attempt with terrorist and subversive purposes)’ of the inflammatory parcel’s postage addressed to Silvio Berlusconi. Moreover, according to the official notification of the Prosecutor’s Office that was delivered to us via fax in the prisons in which we are detained, Berlusconi himself is called to attend the process as ‘victim of the punishable offense.’ Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Prison Struggle |

‘Resist to Exist’ by Walter Bond, imprisoned anarchist comrade (USA)

June 27th, 2011

Walter Bond was arrested on July 23, 2010 and has plead guilty to the arson of the Sheepskin Factory in Colorado and openly admits that he is the ALF (Animal Liberation Front) “Lone Wolf”. Bond has plead not guilty to federal charges. He has also been indicted in Utah for the arsons of the Tandy Leather Factory and Tiburon (foie gras restaurant).

Resist to Exist

I am an anarchist.

I’m not the politically-correct hipster anarchist.

I am not the rhetorical anarchist either.

Reading dry accounts of the various factions of anarchism has never held much interest for me. I am an insurgent, an opposser. Why? Because I was born that way. When I was in kindergarten my teacher, Ms. Whirly, had a parent/teacher conference with my mom. I remember her saying something about me being a very bright young man but that I had serious problems with authority and one day it would get me in a lot of trouble. I do, and it did.

I came to find out that school doesn’t want you to be a ‘bright young man’. Serious questioning is the enemy of primary and secondary schools’ indoctrination of youth. While my grade school teachers prattled on and all the kids answered in unison, I sat at the back of the class reading about dinosaurs, mythology, and astronomy. It made me feel hopeful that places or times existed that were far from here. far from Iowa’s Aryan education. times and places where humans weren’t the center of the entire universe. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Prison Struggle |

Letter from Rami Syrianos about political isolation at Ioannina Prison (Greece)

June 27th, 2011

From culmine via this is our job:

Rami Syrianos, arrested on January 31 and charged with robbing an auction in Thessaloniki, recently released the following letter-

Shortly after being transferred to Ioannina Prison, prison authorities began a process of selective censorship of the printed matter (books, pamphlets, printouts from the Internet, newspapers, fanzines) being sent to me. Their excuses were that it was “being done for the good of the prisoners” (who evidently shouldn’t be be exposed to such reading material), that “writings that defend terrorism can’t be allowed inside,” and other such imaginative notions, accompanied by demonstrations of Power (without which they would never be able to do what they’re doing) via statements like: “I administrate this prison, and if I feel like it, I won’t give you anything.” Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Prison Struggle |

Misinformation regarding Anti-fascist comrade Petr Silaev (Belgium, Russia)

June 27th, 2011

325 receives and transmits the following message from ABC Moscow:

As a member of ABC-Moscow I want to note that the information that’s been circulated through Russian and Belarus-speaking anarchist sites (and, recently), through international sites of our movement, is not accurate.

Our friends in Europe have reported that Petr Silaev, who was supposedly arrested in Belgium, is free (at the moment, at least). Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Social Control |

21/6 : Update on the CCF TRIAL (Greece)

June 25th, 2011

From Actforfreedomnow/BoubourAs

On 21/6, five of the nine accused of particiation in the organization “Conspiracy of Cells of Fire” testified.

First was Panagiotis Masouras, who immediately from the start declared that he is not apologizing but making a political statement. He spoke of the “court martial” and of a “political” trial, while he stressed that he is in the court as a “political enemy of the hostage regime” and not as a common criminal. Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted in Prison Struggle |