sand grains microscope art photography 3D video stereo film microscopy photos filming services artwork moon dust lunar sands lectures book dr. Gary Greenberg microscopy microscopist sandgrains sandgrainsdotcom

Mary's Magic Microscope a childrens book by Gary Greenberg and Stacy Keach

Dr. Gary Greenberg PhD

Dr. Gary Lee Greenberg PhD microscopist Photograper microscope art photos
Artist, inventor, and scientist, Dr Gary Greenberg has devoted his life to revealing the secret beauty of nature. Beginning his career as photographer and filmmaker, he worked on the first Superman film where he transformed human pancreatic cancer cells into the planet Kyrpton. After earning a Ph.D. in biomedical research, he went on to invent the high-definition, three-dimensional light microscope, for which he was issued eighteen US patents.

A Grain of Sand Nature's Secret Wonder by Dr. Gary Greenberg PhD Microscope Art Book

A Grain of Sand florotica
When Dr. Gary Greenberg turned his microscope on beach sand, gemlike minerals, colorful coral fragments, and delicate microscopic shells emerged, revealing that sand comprises much more than little brown rocks. You will never look at a beach the same way again. Dr. Gary Greenberg's book A Grain of Sand - Nature's Secret Wonder can be purchased directly HERE. Dr. Greenberg's second book, Florotica; Revealing the sensuality of the micro world is available now HERE.

sand grains  microscope art photography photos microscopy artwork online Gallery Link

View Moon Sand collected from the historic Apollo mission, exotic flowers, sand grains from around the world, everyday objects such as food and money, and more. This gallery exhibits objects photographed through a high-powered light microscope, transforming them into works of art. These prints make unique and elegant pieces to display in your home or business and are available in several styles and sizes.

Moon Dust Sand grains microscope art photography photo microscopy artwork

Moon Dust Sand grains microscope art photography photo microscopy artwork
The historic Apollo 11 Lunar Landing Mission returned to earth with samples of lunar rocks, sand, and dust so scientists could search for clues to the origin of the moon and its geologic development. Dr. Greenberg is currently studying lunar sand from all six Apollo landings that was brought back to Earth 40 years ago. He creates dramatic 3D photographs of moon sand and moon dust using modern 21st Century microscopes.

Dr. Gary Greenberg Lectures on Science and Art microscopy lecture series

Dr. Gary Greenberg Lecture Series Micrsope art lectures

Dr. Greenberg is an enthusiastic and fascinating speaker. He is available to give lectures with PowerPoint presentations on several themes in Art and Science.

Exhibit Dr. Gary Greenberg's Art Exhibits Gallery Exhibitions

On the Exhibits page you will find out where these exquisite art works can be viewed in person as well as where they have been exhibited previously. The sand grains exhibit at the Science Museum of Minnesota is available for viewing until September 2010.

sand grains  microscope art photography photos microscopy artwork

microscopic sand grains photography art contact

Feel free to call, write, or email us. Just click on the image to the left. You may also inquire about fine art microscope photography and video-microscopy commissions by contacting us.



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