Wednesday, 24 August 2011

The Final Tally.

If you find the mention of filthy lucre distasteful, please consult another page at once. I would hate to upset!

I suppose the very last thing to do when building, is to calculate the total cost; which is what I've now done. Kevin McCloud does it; so why not Cro (sorry; this is a reference to some UK TV prog').

The whole 'tower' caboodle (which is already much more verdant than in the pic), including the connecting wall to the house, the gate, etc, came to €8,390, or £7,500, or $11,900. Had I employed a builder to complete the WHOLE project, it may well have cost €30,000, if not more; and we'd have relinquished all our fun and danger.

I only mention this because it gives some idea of how much it might cost to build one's own house. If one began with a house comprising of SIX times the size of our 'tower' (not a bad size), it would cost less than £45,000.

I didn't skimp anywhere during the process, in fact I made a point of buying the best locally hand-made materials wherever possible, and chose quality over price. As an artisan myself, I always try to buy products made by small, individual, 'craftsmen'.

So, if you're passing this way, do drop in and have a butcher's at the finished 'tower'. You'd be very welcome to a glass of chilled Champagne to accompany what would amount to a very short tour! I shall now not mention the 'tower' ever again (unless it falls down).

p.s. Since the finish, it's been constantly inhabited. Other than a lingering aroma of linseed oil, it really is a lovely room, and the morning view is simply stunning (for which I claim no responsibility). We recently also experienced our first 'tower' night-time storm, the whole effect was wonderful; a true 'son et lumiere'.


John Gray said...

It has a simple warmth to it cro
classy too
well worth the money

Sue said...

I love that massive cross beam. Did you use a crane to get that in place? Will that be real Champagne? Olives too?

Chris said...

An absolute bargain, Cro and must have added ten times that price to the value of your property (financial and emotional).

Now then, when are you going to come out a give me an estimate for the same...

Tom Stephenson said...

Worth more than every penny. I can also vouch that by making your own cruciform arrow slit window, you have saved a lot without compromising quality. I may pass your way soon!

Cro Magnon said...

Sue. We had to use a tractor with a hay bale lifting device; it's all solid OAK. Real Champage; what's that? No olives.

A Blessed Life said...

Cro, I have thoroughly enjoyed the journey of the tower,I hope that as time goes by you will have pics of different events there,how absoluetly proud you both must feel...just wonderful.

Jacqueline said...

Money well spent...but more importantly, time, love and effort spent even better.
It's a handsome structure, which obviously has great charm.

mybabyjohn/Delores said...

It's a lovely addition to your home.

Gerry Snape said...

What a great asset to your well spent!

Molly said...

I think you've done a brilliant job - well done!

Anonymous said...

I will always loved your tower and it's been a wonderful process to watch, thank-you for sharing it with us!

Tess Kincaid said...

It's wonderful. Excellent job, Cro & Co.

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

That isn't just a building; it's a work of art. Just beautiful, and there's a certain feeling of sanctuary about it, too. It must've been quite thrilling to experience a storm from there.

Share my Garden said...

What an excellent result, both aesthetically and financially. It must be a real source of pleasure.

T. Clear said...

It's certainly a beauty. Love the roof! Well done, Cro.

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